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#1 2007-09-04 21:28:21

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

So, I've been bored lately, and feel like compiling my own kernel that uses the modules that I only need, ect, and applying fbsplash patch, I have no clue how to do any of this though, I checked the wiki and found a pkgbuild for doing so. The question is, how do I find out what modules my system needs, and how do I compile the kernel to use them. Also how would I go about applying patches. I feel like an idiot asking this, I've already tried on my own, failure completely, lol.

Last edited by twiistedkaos (2007-09-04 21:28:39)


#2 2007-09-04 21:41:27

Registered: 2007-04-10
Posts: 136

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

lsmod will list your loaded modules.

The stock kernel may have lots of modules, but it only loads them into memory if it needs them...if you have a brand X network card, it won't load the brand Y module, only the X module.  You wouldn't be gaining much by that alone.

If you use that PKGBUILD, after it does some stuff, a little program will pop up where you can chose what to compile into your kernel.


#3 2007-09-04 22:16:23

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

hmm alright, I'll try that in a bit, correct me if I am wrong, but lsmod shows any module that the kernel has compiled into it, not neccessarily the ones that I require.

Last edited by twiistedkaos (2007-09-04 22:17:13)


#4 2007-09-04 22:26:21

Registered: 2007-04-10
Posts: 136

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

twiistedkaos wrote:

hmm alright, I'll try that in a bit, correct me if I am wrong, but lsmod shows any module that the kernel has compiled into it, not neccessarily the ones that I require.

lsmod shows which modules are LOADED, there are a ton more that aren't being used.

you can use man to find a lot of info on most commands.


#5 2007-09-04 22:36:06

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

alright, I tried bulding the pkgbuild and I am getting this:

==> Making package: kernel26 2.6.8-1 (Tue Sep  4 18:20:49 PDT 2007)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies...
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies...
==> Retrieving Sources...
==> ERROR: config was not found in the build directory and is not a proper URL.
==> Aborting...

edit: may have gotten it, I'll reply if my modification doens't work. Have to wait for kernel download.

Last edited by twiistedkaos (2007-09-04 22:38:50)


#6 2007-09-04 22:50:27

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

edit, nvm, using default config file now smile

Last edited by twiistedkaos (2007-09-04 23:00:37)


#7 2007-09-04 23:28:39

From: 1992
Registered: 2006-08-08
Posts: 1,581

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

if u use the exact same config file that comes with the arch kernel its totally pointless to compile the same kernel again just for the sake of compiling

Last edited by dolby (2007-09-04 23:28:56)

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#8 2007-09-04 23:40:28

From: Nederland
Registered: 2007-01-17
Posts: 525

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

in the pkgbuild, find the lines the say something like

cat ../config > .config
make oldconfig

and add just below:

make menuconfig

this presents you with a menu with all the option you can (de)select for the kernel you're about to compile...
For a major boost in compile-time and a slight boost in boot-time you can opt to compile only the stuff you need and compile it built in (with an '*' in front of it) as opposed to building them as modules (an 'm' in front of it). Be warned that this might give you additional headaches in using a default arch-initramfs, but hey, most of the time you can drop an initramfs completely if you compile everything in. Uvesafb and the bootsplash stuff do need an initramfs, but there are tools for building those with the userland-tools for these options

Stand back, intruder, or i'll blast you out of space! I am Klixon and I don't want any dealings with you human lifeforms. I'm a cyborg!


#9 2007-09-05 02:42:20

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

Alright, I patched my kernel for fbsplash, all went well, installed kernel, and rebooted. I did notice a small difference, the kernel now shows two arch logos at the top, then outputs the daemons like normal loading. Is that what fbsplash is supposed to look like?

tried disabling these:

# CONFIG_FB_VT8623 is not set
# CONFIG_FB_S3 is not set

to have fbsplash show up, but it didn't. What could cause this? I know for a fact I have fbsplash patchet installed.

Last edited by twiistedkaos (2007-09-05 03:07:48)


#10 2007-09-05 06:54:30

Registered: 2006-05-20
Posts: 666

Re: I feel dumb :( - kernel compiling?

Eh I suppose I am getting further now, I get this error with mkinitcpio:

ERROR: fbsplash has not been properly configured, see 'mkinitramfs -H fbsplash' for more info

Information would be great smile

Alright I got that, now it says it added darch theme when I run mkinitcpio -g kernel26 but it still isn't displaying anything sad. Here's my grub config:

title  Arch Linux
root   (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda3 video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr,1024x768-32@60 splash=verbose,theme:darch console=tty1
initrd /kernel26.img

Last edited by twiistedkaos (2007-09-05 07:09:46)


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