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OK I don't think I am meant to install Arch at all:(
My problem is this: - I have downloaded the complete ISO of Arch Don't Panic and I have followed the official installation guide and everything goes swimmingly until I reboot into my newly installed Arch Linux Base install with X11 and I get the following error: -
Waiting 0s befor mounting root device
kinit: cannot open root device sda3(8,3)
kinit: init not found!
Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempt to kill init!
No matter if I use the auto partitioning feature of the install or I create and mount the partitions my self.
Also, this is happening not only when I use VMware workstation 6, but also on a test laptop.
I have checked the md5 of the iso and there is no problems with that, so I am stumped guys...
Over to you my friends in the community:D
Proud Arch Linux User
pacman roulette : pacman -S $(pacman -Slq | LANG=C sort -R | head -n $((RANDOM % 10)))
For me, it helped when I appended legacyide to the boot-parameters when I started from the CD. Might work for you, too.
Todays mistakes are tomorrows catastrophes.
Hey shining, what do ya know, that worked.
Proud Arch Linux User
this happened with me on the new arch dont panic iso, so much for getting rid of bugs
So, I have my shiny new Arch system up and running. How do I search the pacman for applications, like I can do with apt? I now need to install xorg and a desktop enviroment.
Proud Arch Linux User
Search for application: pacman -Ss application.
Search the wiki for howtos on xorg and such.
man pacman would be a good place to start.
Ah right . Next question, is there a wiki for pacman?
Proud Arch Linux User
Ah Cerebral answered my next question before I could ask it,
Proud Arch Linux User
Next newbie dug question:D
When ever I issue any pacman command, I get the following error: -
warning: current locale is invalid; using default "C" locale
Any ideas? How do I check my locale, would it be /etc/rc.conf?
Proud Arch Linux User
OK, what is the correct locale for the UK, I thought it was en_GB.utf8?
Proud Arch Linux User
OK, what is the correct locale for the UK, I thought it was en_GB.utf8?
As root do
vi /etc/locale.gen
uncomment what you need
generate the locale
locale -a
this lists the locale you can now use
Pah, no sooner do I think I am winning when I hit another brick wall
I followed erm67's post and I have fixed my locale issue, but now I want to instal Gnome. So i installed GDM and then Gnome. All goes well, all the packages download and then it says its is checking dependencies, this too is ok. Then it comes up with a huge list which contains some of the following (the list is too huge for me to recreate it all here)
gcc-libs: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gcc-libs: /usr/lib/ exists in filesystem
gcc-libs: /usr/lib/libstdc++.s0.6.0.9 exists in filesystem
gcc-libs: /usr/lib/libsupc++.a exists in filesystem
gcc-libs: /usr/share/locale/de/ LC_MESSAGES/ exists in filesystem
gcc-libs: /usr/share/locale/fr/ LC_MESSAGES/ exists in filesystem
errors occured, no packages were upgraded
Any ideas?
Proud Arch Linux User
update your system first: pacman -Syu
Almost there I hope
Updating my packages worked so a big thanks to Cerebral, now I have gnome and gdm installed
2 questions
1, how do I get gdm to load on boot
2, I followed the wiki for installing xorg and I used hwd to generate the xorg.conf. When I type startx xorg bombs out with this error: -
(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (module does not exist, 0)
So, do I use pacman to install glx?
Proud Arch Linux User
2 questions
1, how do I get gdm to load on boot
edit /etc/rc.conf with the editor of your choice (e.g. nano) .. at the end of the file you'll find "DAEMONS=(...)". just add gdm at the end of the list.
2, I followed the wiki for installing xorg and I used hwd to generate the xorg.conf. When I type startx xorg bombs out with this error: -
(EE) Failed to load module "glx" (module does not exist, 0)
So, do I use pacman to install glx?
Did you install the correct drivers for you graphics card?
at 1: add gdm to your DEAMONS array in /etc/rc.conf
Hi jerk, hi tlaloc,
Ah, that might be the flaw, I just downloaded the vesa driver as the wiki said that would be the most compatible with most cards. I guess I should download the vmware driver and see if that makes a difference
Proud Arch Linux User
OK, I downloaded the vmware driver for xorg, but now when I type startx I get the following errors: -
(EE) Failed to load module "glx", (module does not exist, 0)
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc: line 28: twm: command not found
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc: line 29: xclock: command not found
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc: line 30: xterm: command not found
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc: line 31: xterm: command not found
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc: line 32: exec: xterm: not found
Ah to be so near but yet so far...
Proud Arch Linux User
Ok, a quick update...
I now have gdm running at boot and it logs in to gnome beautifully, so a big thanks to all who helped, especially Cerebral, a man of few words but they are straight to the point, thanks cerebral
A few quickies...
How do I upgrade gnome to the current 2.19 branch? (I know I should learn to walk before I can run, but there is no harm in asking )
Stuff like Open Office, Alsa, Amarok and codecs to play mp3's and dvd's should only be a pacman away? right?
(A happy Arch user)
Proud Arch Linux User
Last edited by somairotevoli (2007-09-19 20:16:46)
How do I upgrade gnome to the current 2.19 branch? (I know I should learn to walk before I can run, but there is no harm in asking )
I remember there was a thread about a testing repo for Gnome 2.19 - search the forums, you should find it.
Stuff like Open Office, Alsa, Amarok and codecs to play mp3's and dvd's should only be a pacman away? right?
Yup. pacman -Ss searches, so run pacman -Ss amarok to see what we have. You can also use the front-page to search for these things.
Hi it's me again
Ok, I almost have my system up to a useable state (that is, I now have firefox, abiword, amarok, etc installed) but I am having trouble with alsa, mp3 codecs and dvds codecs.
With Debian I usually apt-get install alsa and it does the trick. But no such luck here. So is alsa-lib and alsa-utils all I need to install to get sound working? Or do I also need to install the gnome-alsa-mixer and the gstreamer plugins as well? Oh and is gstreamer installed with the core gnome and extras?
How do I add a testing repo to pacman? Is it like editing sources.lst in Debian, only with pacman.conf?
These maybe stupid newb questions, but there are always stumbling blocks when learning a new distro. If i bork up my install, I can always reinstall, that is part of the fun, eh
Proud Arch Linux User