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#1 2007-10-01 18:29:13

From: Victoria, BC, Canada
Registered: 2002-08-12
Posts: 771

Arch Leadership

Hello everyone,

It's been awhile since I poked my head out to say hi, and now that I have, it is with an air of finality.

I plan to step down as leader of Arch Linux and pass the torch. The reason for this is that I do not have the time to devote towards a leadership role in a project the size of Arch Linux, and Arch deserves someone who does. It needs some work, it needs some unification, and it needs someone at the helm who can devote a lot of time to it.

This has been a very successful project, and I'd like to stay in it in some facet, but not as the leader. Arch has met all my hopes and goals from way back in 2001, and I think it's in a ripe position for someone else to extend those goals and to map out a future for the distribution.

I've given it a lot of thought, and based on the state of things, all-round competencies, initiatives, and willingness, I would like to pass this leadership role on to Aaron Griffin, also known as Phrakture on IRC and the forums.

He's a good jack-of-all-trades and has the time necessary for a project such as this. Please join me in welcoming him as our new Arch Overlord. smile

Though I will still be around for discussions and anything else I can do for Arch (within my feeble time constraints), I feel this is the time to say Goodbye, at least as leader. I will still be around as Arch's Number One Cheerleader, but not as its visionary.

To Developers and Community: Thank you so very very much. You've helped build something that has changed my life in many ways and I look back on the years with a fondness and admiration, still a bit incredulous at all the talent that has formed around Arch Linux. We have much to be proud of.

Thank you all for the last 6 years, and cheers to a bright future together.

- Judd


#2 2007-10-01 18:36:52

From: USA
Registered: 2005-02-18
Posts: 1,686

Re: Arch Leadership

Sorry to hear you need to give up the helm, Judd.  sad

Welcome to the new position, Phrakture.  I'm sure you'll manage the position well.  smile



#3 2007-10-01 18:37:00

Forum Fellow
From: Waterloo, ON, CA
Registered: 2005-04-08
Posts: 3,108

Re: Arch Leadership

Sunrise, sunset.  Thanks for all the fish, Judd.  I gotta say I agree with the new choice of Overlord - this is an interesting time for the distro, in any case.  smile


#4 2007-10-01 18:51:19

From: Puerto Rico
Registered: 2005-06-03
Posts: 2,484

Re: Arch Leadership

Yeah, sad to know, but also happy to know it was just because you don't have enough time. I will like to welcome and congratulate Phrakture, I know he is good, I have seen some of his work. Well no doubt this will be history, on October 1 2007 apeiro (Judd Vinet) resigns as leader and Phrakture (Aaron Griffin) takes on the position, in hope for a better more visionary future for Arch Linux!!!.;) The best for you apeiro and Phrakture.

Follow me in:, Twitter, Google+


#5 2007-10-01 18:59:54

Schwag Merchant
From: Medicine Hat, Alberta, Canada
Registered: 2004-01-18
Posts: 5,986

Re: Arch Leadership

He'll be back. They always come back to Arch. *grins*

Sincerely, though: thank you, congratulations, and good luck into the future to the both of you.



#6 2007-10-01 19:06:55

Registered: 2007-07-26
Posts: 5

Re: Arch Leadership

Good luck to you Judd, whatever you do, and thanks for everything you've done for this project.
And welcome Phrakture! *me waves tongue


#7 2007-10-01 19:07:35

From: Suomi, Finland
Registered: 2006-10-30
Posts: 837

Re: Arch Leadership

Thanks Judd, its nice to see people that can pass on the torch when they know that someone else can do the job Better/More efficiently (assumption / hope about phrakture big_smile).

Now we just need to keep phrakture from evolving into a arrogant tyrant of a leader ^^

(in which case I can take on the job wink )
(in title only ofcourse, its not like i'd manage on it skillwise wink )

Thanks again Judd for this great project you made for us!


#8 2007-10-01 19:19:28

From: Szeged (Hungary)
Registered: 2007-05-16
Posts: 45

Re: Arch Leadership

Restecpa, Judd

And of course welcome Phrakture! cool

Last edited by muczyjoe (2007-10-01 19:26:16)


#9 2007-10-01 19:21:52

From: Sofia, BULGARIA
Registered: 2006-08-23
Posts: 9

Re: Arch Leadership

Thanks for all! smile
Arch is my prefer linux distro and I think this will be from now on!
One more - Thanks for all!

P.S. I apologize for my engish, but this is not my native language. roll


#10 2007-10-01 19:32:29

From: Lower Saxony
Registered: 2006-05-12
Posts: 359

Re: Arch Leadership

Many thanks for the gift, Judd! To all the things that you love, there is always this point at which you have to take back yourself, and to watch how they take up a life of their own (I mean: children, dogs, linux-distros ...). I hope sincerely that you still will be proud of Arch four or five years from now.


#11 2007-10-01 19:38:56

Registered: 2006-10-13
Posts: 357

Re: Arch Leadership

Good luck and thanks for your great work that will live on in many years to follow.

FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:


#12 2007-10-01 19:39:40

From: Thurgau, Switzerland
Registered: 2005-09-22
Posts: 1,131

Re: Arch Leadership

Aaron will certainly be a good leader. Good choice! Best wishes to both of you!

Hail to the skeleton wink

Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch. smile


#13 2007-10-01 19:40:16

From: France
Registered: 2004-12-13
Posts: 60

Re: Arch Leadership

Thanks for everything Judd! Arch is my distribution for 3 years, and I'm not ready to change it! The philosophy is perfect: simplicity, elegance and freedom!

Good luck Phrakture, you deserve the leader's role!

[root@arch audaly]# pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...

:: core  [################] 100%     301K    67.9K/s  00:00:04
:: extra is up to date
:: community is up to date

:: Replace Judd with Phrakture from "core"? [Y/n]

Last edited by audaly (2007-10-01 19:41:10)


#14 2007-10-01 19:48:00

From: Germany
Registered: 2006-07-13
Posts: 408

Re: Arch Leadership

I am a little sorry that you cannot find the time to lead the arch project. But I think it's quite understandable, no matter what the reasons are, that you don't want to lead such a big project if you cannot bring up the time. (:

Though I didn't even notice much presence of you - I just read a few times about the mysterious Judd Vinet in the arch news or something, because I don't read the mailing lists, nor doing anything different than idling in #archlinux, I want to say thank you what you've started in the first place, what you've developed (with the help of others) and what your project has become.

Thanks for the perfect distro! And congrats to phrakture. \o/

Last edited by harlekin (2007-10-01 19:49:00)

Hail to the thief!


#15 2007-10-01 20:00:04

Arch Overlord
From: behind you
Registered: 2003-10-29
Posts: 7,879

Re: Arch Leadership

Ok ok, let me copy-pasta from the ML here:

I wrote:

Wow, I feel bombarded with Judd today. Two entries in my feed reader,
one in my mail.

I know we already talked about this in private, but I want to really
thank you for all the work you've done.

I remember when I first found Linux. I hopped around from all kinds of
distros. I think my longest stints were with SuSe and gentoo, oddly
enough. I just couldn't find anything that I "liked".

And then, by sheer chance, I happened upon Arch and.... well, I guess
we all know how it went from there. I earned my linux tenure, as it
were, here with a lot of you people. (I think I'm still rocking the
"Number 1 Poster" on the forums, though I rarely visit them anymore -
7058 posts, oh my!)

I think most of us have found a sort of home here with Arch. With what
you created. And for that, I really do thank you.

One of these days, I owe ya a beer.

And thanks everyone for the support. It's nice to know I didn't piss
off too many people, but, hey, the night is still young!

- Aaron

Thanks for the warm welcome guys, it's appreciated.

Sadly, I haven't been a forum lurker that much recently, but I guess that's going to have to change, isn't it?



#16 2007-10-01 20:11:28

From: Chicago IL usa
Registered: 2004-07-04
Posts: 695

Re: Arch Leadership

thanks apeiro
for the community you have helped to create through your vision of what a linux distribution can be
i have learned allot about linux since joining this community & am still learning

congratulations phrakture i believe us achererers are still in good hands

best wishes to both of you in your future endeavors


#17 2007-10-01 20:22:56

From: Washington, USA
Registered: 2005-05-02
Posts: 995

Re: Arch Leadership

"Thank you for everything" just about sums it up...your work will not be forgotten.


#18 2007-10-01 20:29:00

Registered: 2005-04-03
Posts: 834

Re: Arch Leadership

Man you were a visionary.

Starting pacman, having the easy PKGBUILD format, an easy way to rebuild programs(ABS, well i don't know who started this actually but maybe it was he aswell) -- ALL bold and needed  ideas.

He didn't just continue in the old, "debian is the only way" mantra but believed that something better was doable.

May the new leader carry the torch in that same vein. Bold and Simple/Beautiful( :-) ).

I'll end this Honoring with a quote from Einstein: "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler" I take this to mean that we shouldn't make it harder for the user to get to the cruft of the System, but hold his hand on the way. We should do that instead of abstracting the system away making it work in 90% of cases, making it hell for the remaining 10% and benefiting all less.

He also said something to the effect of if the greatest theory couldn't be explained for the layman that theory was worthless.. something to that effect..

Congrats Phrakture :-)

KISS = "It can scarcely be denied that the supreme goal of all theory is to make the irreducible basic elements as simple and as few as possible without having to surrender the adequate representation of a single datum of experience." - Albert Einstein


#19 2007-10-01 20:32:31

From: Puerto Rico
Registered: 2005-06-03
Posts: 2,484

Re: Arch Leadership

phrakture wrote:

Sadly, I haven't been a forum lurker that much recently, but I guess that's going to have to change, isn't it?

I think so, community interaction is a very welcome quality a Lead Developer should have. The best hopes for you  again man, I'm willing to see how much this takes an impact on Arch Linux 's future goals now.

Follow me in:, Twitter, Google+


#20 2007-10-01 20:46:01

Registered: 2007-06-21
Posts: 53

Re: Arch Leadership

Thanks for everything Judd!

I am sure phrakture will manage leading Arch in the future.

Your source for video guides!
My Linux reviews.
Currently using: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 @ 3.5GHz, 2GB RAM, Asus P5E, nVidia Geforce 8800GTS, Arch Linux


#21 2007-10-01 20:46:49

Registered: 2002-12-23
Posts: 102

Re: Arch Leadership

Thank you very much Judd.

Scientia et sapientia patrimonium humanitatis sunt.


#22 2007-10-01 20:55:18

From: Denmark
Registered: 2007-06-13
Posts: 1,229

Re: Arch Leadership

Thank you Judd for creating Arch Linux (the best distro I have ever come across) and a warm welcome to Phrakture.

The future looks bright.


#23 2007-10-01 20:57:41

Forum Fellow
Registered: 2006-11-26
Posts: 5,819

Re: Arch Leadership

Mad props cool

Arch is a good distro, one of the better Linux power user ones, I'd say. I hope it stays that way. Thanks for all the work Judd, I hope Aaron does as well a job as you did smile.

Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy


#24 2007-10-01 21:07:28

From: Atl
Registered: 2004-05-17
Posts: 358

Re: Arch Leadership

kensai wrote:

The best hopes for you  again man, I'm willing to see how much this takes an impact on Arch Linux 's future goals now.

Hopefully nothing drastic... unless for the better.

"Oh, they have the internet on computers now."


#25 2007-10-01 21:18:05

Registered: 2006-10-09
Posts: 322

Re: Arch Leadership

Thanks for ArchLinux, Judd.

Best of luck, Aaron -- you'll be needing it. ;p


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