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Hello. I want to be able to view the output from startxfce4. I checked the logs in /var/log but none of them had the information I wanted. Is there a way I can save this output to a file? For example, when fooling around with iptables I'll do something like iptables-save > /home/xxxx/iptables.bak. Thanks!
Startxfce4 itself is a script, just redirect the output .
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If you start that from vc/1 for example, you can just go back to that terminal with alt + ctrl + F1 and view the output. Alternatively you do startxfce4 &>> xfce4output.txt.
Depending on how you start X (_dm or otherwise), all the relevant stuff should all be in ~/xsession-errors. GDM does this automagically.
If you call the start from your inittab as I do, I use the following command to make sure I still get stderr logs:
x:5:respawn:/bin/su buttons -l -c "/bin/bash --login -c startx >/dev/null 2>/home/buttons/.xsession-errors"
Obviously if you'd rather see that stdout output, change ">/dev/null" into something more useful.
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