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Okay, so this time let's get it right, shall we?
This thread continues the discussion that was going on in the other thread.
Some notes before things start to look ugly:
* you may comment on any of the logos already submitted to Travis[1], or any of the artwork in the artwork collector thread[2].
* you may post your opinion whether technical or non-technical, or simply state 'I (don't) like this or that'.
* you may discuss the matter of Arch Linux branding as well, but it is depreciated; open a new thread if you think that is important
* keep in mind that people might find negative comments offensive, so please formulate them precisely and mark all your personal opinions as such.
* if you have reason to believe comments coming from members of this community are highly biased or inappropriate, please do NOT reply publicly, report the post to moderators and admins
Discussions in this thread may only touch on the actual logos, and "we don't need a logo chage" type of rant is depreciated. However, you may post anything logo-related if you can make a good point.
<joke>As a general rule, please do NOT annoy other participants.</joke>
Fox, I just wanted to say that I like your choice of font for the sun logo much better than the original London Between... definitely an improvement.
Last edited by thayer.w (2007-11-01 14:37:31)
thayer williams ~
It is actually the same font, just all uppercase. Feels more elegant, doesn't it?
Btw, there is an account of the redesign process if any of you cares to read. The screenshots are large uncompressed PNGs (because I didn't have time to fix them), so I apologize to all of you on a slower network.
(taken down due to WordPress bug, stand by for a new version)
Last edited by foxbunny (2007-11-02 11:49:11)
3. The concept is fairly abstract; but the immediate associations that come to mind are
a. a medieval helmet
b. Gothic cathedrals which immediately ties to Christianity.
basically this logo gives a historical feel. I understand that it's meant to be a gothic arch; but that structure has very strong historical ties in people's minds to medieval times or Christianity.
Oh-my-god I think this is a really obsessive search for supposedly hidden meanings behind a logo.
Last edited by ekerazha (2007-11-01 16:35:44)
Alpha Sun SP1 is a solid improvement, I would be very happy if this logo won. It looks much better and consistent on a black background now… - have you considered making the arcs gray on all backgrounds? I would make it even more consistent, but I think I personally would prefer black…
As for the font I must say I personally prefer the lowercase version, I think It looks more fresh and young for some reason – I would elaborate if my English was better…
I think The Archer Classic also is an improvement. This is my personal favorite so far. Simpler and even more universal and "non threatening" – I think people will either like It, or not be bothered by it – rather the not liking it at all. I hope you understand what i mean… I think It would be fun to see what it looks like with a simpler font
herman82, the reason I left it black is that it provides the highest possible contrast and kind of draws attention. They gray was indeed just a workaround. You are right about the font, though. However, I did want it to now present something more solid, timeless, if you know what I mean... Plus the lowercase was a bit too strong in this setup.
herman82, the reason I left it black is that it provides the highest possible contrast and kind of draws attention. They gray was indeed just a workaround. You are right about the font, though. However, I did want it to now present something more solid, timeless, if you know what I mean... Plus the lowercase was a bit too strong in this setup.
Yes I like the black better to – anyway the "gray workaround" is a lot better then it was before. Good point about presenting something more solid with the uppercase – I didn't think of it that way.. I think the logo overall express something solid, yet powerful – nice stuff
foxbunny super logo in your avatar! I hope it will win!!!
Yellow + black >> blue + black
Litthuanian architects. lol
Last edited by ProzacR (2007-11-01 17:50:37)
+1. I wouldn't mind at all if I lost to that.
Which reminds me: I think I'm finally happy enough with mine to make a couple of submissions. Watch this space.
Or rather, the other one. Whatever.
0 Ok, 0:1
Or rather, the other one. Whatever.
Waitin' on your emails.
Yellow + black >> blue + black
You have different color variations in my submission. Take a look:
@pseb: I hope you do a submission for that one, because I really like the simplicity of the shape. I'm not crazy about the font though--maybe try it with the current logotype?
thayer williams ~
Hi guys!
i have just submitted my idea for the new logo to Travis, i would like to read yours opinions about it
( i uploaded the logo on imageshack, waiting for Travis approvation)
Well made! I like it, but I think something is missing. I don't know exactly what, but here are three suggestions: change the inner form a bit so it does not look like a moon, use another font and get rid of the gradients. But if I look at your artwork, I think the idea could work.
a metaphysical space of solitude and sanctity:
a metaphysical space of solitude and sanctity:
Well made! I like it, but I think something is missing. I don't know exactly what, but here are three suggestions: change the inner form a bit so it does not look like a moon, use another font and get rid of the gradients. But if I look at your artwork, I think the idea could work.
thanks, i still continue working on it
i can send more of one logo? because i send the first idea by mail 3 hours ago...i hope it's possible
i can send more of one logo? because i send the first idea by mail 3 hours ago...i hope it's possible
You can submit as many as you like. I received your first.
labelsix : I really like your submitted entry, with the black and green. Those are perfect colors for Arch. I hope you can keep using them. Perhaps rather than black, you can try a "blackest green" approach; the darkest green possible without being black, while still retaining some green.
I am so sick of cold blue!
Also, I love the reflection on the lower right hand side of your official entry. Try adding a hint of reflection to the black on white logo with the reflection going right over 'archlinux' text.
pseb: I really like it! Change the grey to a shade of green. wink
Ok. I prefer the green too. I saw the colors in the thayer.w's minimalist. It's great. I like blue a little bit. Then... i'm going to continue to use green color (and now... to try to use green + dark green) in the concepts. Thanks for suggestion... and forgive my mistakes in the grammar and vocabulary. My English language is very bad.
I like the approach of labelsix to eventually change "our" color to green. I made a new logo and would appreciate it if you posted some comments on it.
Cheers Sigi
Haven't been here in a while. Still rocking Arch.
for me it's too sharp...but the A likes a sailing...try to develop it
Last edited by ozeta (2007-11-02 13:15:13)
I like the approach of labelsix to eventually change "our" color to green. I made a new logo and would appreciate it if you posted some comments on it.
Cheers Sigi
Green is the goods. I think Green and black are the perfect Arch Linux colors.
Pseb, I think it looks good. Try making the right side of the Arch and the left (underside) dark, dark green. Or vice-versa.. See how that looks.
Ok. I prefer the green too. I saw the colors in the thayer.w's minimalist. It's great. I like blue a little bit. Then... i'm going to continue to use green color (and now... to try to use green + dark green) in the concepts. Thanks for suggestion... and forgive my mistakes in the grammar and vocabulary. My English language is very bad.
And don't forget about the beautiful reflection you added to the icon on the lower right side of your official submission. I think the reflection really adds a much-needed dimension to it.