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I have found this in the wiki to be pleasing to the eye: … p_your_PS1
But it only works in X terminal emulators, not in the runlevel 3 console. I do have colorized output from pacman and man pages in runlevel 3, using the same guide, but my PS1 is still dull white. How do I fix this?
Last edited by Misfit138 (2007-11-02 23:48:24)
I didn't know of this method, I do know of something like PS1="\[\033[31mfoobar\[\033[m ".
Use ANSI-color codes instead of that weird thing that they do in that wiki-entry. (as Gilneas kind of mentioned too)
Use ANSI-color codes instead of that weird thing that they do in that wiki-entry. (as Gilneas kind of mentioned too)
Also remember to use \[ at the beginning and \] at the end of each color string. Otherwise, bash will miscount the number of characters displayed in a prompt, and wrapping will be weird:
Another thing to remember is, xterm kills your PS1 prompt so you have to reload it every time you open an xterm session.
To that end, I put my PS1 definition in ~/.bashrc and make sure that the logon script /etc/profile calls ~/.bashrc. That way PS1 is defined both when I first log on to the TTY console, and every time I open an xterm window.
Peter B. Steiger
Cheyenne, WY
Thanks to all. Got it working perfectly now.
Added to the wikipage: … 7s_Prompts
Try them out. Enjoy!
My PS1 is "--> ", and I love it
Hehe. Minimalism is good.
Pages: 1