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I installed X from "testing"
After that I do Pacman -Sy gnome. Before downloading anything pacman tells me that xfree86 conflicts with X.
So I put IgnorePKG = xfree86 in pacman.conf
second time: pacman -Sy gnome and again a conflict with xfree86
skipping won't work, pacman just quites
Is xfree86 installed on your system ?
pacman -Q xfree86
Mr Green
Mr Green
Is xfree86 installed on your system ?
pacman -Q xfree86
Mr Green
Nope not installed.
A little work around:
install xfree4.4
install gnome
remove xfree4.4
install X
It works, not very clean but it works
Mr Green
Heh. Whatever works.
I heard that GNOME still has some hard links to some xfree86 stuff, so I'm not surprised that it errored out.
(Don't ask me from where, though. I can't remember :!:)
Is xfree86 installed on your system ?
Mr Green
Can someone have both xfree86 {for GNOME to work} and X {for your brain to work..}?
or we should choose the xfree86 --> gnome -->remove xfree86 --> install X way
and if only the latter is true, then what happens with the next update of gnome or another app?
so, is it possible to have both X and xfree86 installed?
No go with one or the other not brave enough for that)
I had problems upgrading to 4.4 but forum has all the answers you need
Mr Green
Happier now UT2004 is working again
Mr Green
Mr Green wrote:Is xfree86 installed on your system ?
Mr GreenCan someone have both xfree86 {for GNOME to work} and X {for your brain to work..}?
or we should choose the xfree86 --> gnome -->remove xfree86 --> install X way
and if only the latter is true, then what happens with the next update of gnome or another app?
so, is it possible to have both X and xfree86 installed?
I'm running, what I do when a package complains of needing xfee is just do a pacman -Si <package>, get the list of dependencies, ensure those are all installed, then do a pacman -Sd <package>, it will install and skip over the xfree dependency.
I suspect this all could be avoided if the next packaging of X simply named it xfree86, at least until they get the generic x dependency thing set up.
thanks Kihaji. I removed xfree4.4 and add FreeDesktop's X and I'm getting better now [i was getting sick]
I was even thinking of switching back to Debian.
Luckily Judd made my day by making a package
Yea, the next x release will provide xfree86.
For now, you can manually make x provide xfree86 by editing /var/lib/pacman/local/x-11R6.7.0-1t1/depends and putting xfree86 in the %PROVIDES% field.