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I've made a GDM theme for arch linux. It's in the "milk" kind of area, but since its all grey and white should fit in with other themes no problem. You can get it here. install it with the GDM configurator or untar to /[gnomepath]/share/gdm/themes.
Mess with it as you see fit, enjoy!
great! (maybe missing some blue tones, but really great, simple, clean, nice-looking!!)
i would really like to see it as standard in the gdm pkg, as it's archlinux this gdm is running on --- comments? (pro? contra? why?)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
i would really like to see it as standard in the gdm pkg, as it's archlinux this gdm is running on --- comments? (pro? contra? why?)
That would be a good thing. Some Arch specific customizations of some official packages doesn't hurt anyone
"...archoholism is a hard disease to cure..."
Archlinux Brasil
Very cool, almost might make me use GDM
(for those of you who hate milk, get it here)
Thanks for the kind words everyone, I'd certainly like to see the arch GDM package come with some arch gdm themes. Anything you'd like to see change on these two? I'm meant to be revising for exams, so any excuse not to would be appreciated.
thanx for the blue :-) ... actually both are great --- what about a middle way, if it do not take too much time? (white with blue tones? (the black one is too dark for me, especially if i use a thinkpad placed sometimes right next to a powerbook (not mine) ;-) ))
sorry, if i say again some critics (i hope it's constructive critics) --- your themes are really great
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
I prefer the blue, since I reckon that the grey/white one had to little contrast between the colors. Just reminds me of sloppy webpages with gifs with white background.
what about a middle way, if it do not take too much time? (white with blue tones?
Good idea, I was actually wondering if there'd be demand for that. I've also made the following changes:
: Theme's layout is no longer utter wank (no, it was)
: Buttons go "arch blue" when they're clicked
: Milk has a blue logo in the middle, but is otherwise all milk-esque.
sorry, if i say again some critics (i hope it's constructive critics) --- your themes are really great
It's all constructive, and I appreciate it.
Anyone know who maintains gdm? Or should I just make an arch package for pacman and submit that?
Looking very nice! I still have to setup gdm (might prefer just to boot in text), but I'll certainly try this thing out!
I've got one question though. Would it be possible to get rid of the white-ish rectangle around the name input area completely? It's rather useless and clutters the nice and simple layout.
A Free Real-time Massively Multiplayer Online RPG in development.
Anyone know who maintains gdm? Or should I just make an arch package for pacman and submit that?
it's Blaasvis, but after some thinking, i much more like the idea that it becomes a new group called gdm-themes and for each theme a pkg ... or a pkg called gdm-themes
you for sure know better what themes exist already on the internet or so ... how much are there? if there are hundreds, then the best way to go is to make one pkg instead of hundreds
you can start a pkg and we can then include it to TUR to staging, if you like
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
You could categorize them. I've seen that before, where you'd have a package called 'gdm-themes-arch' that would have all the Arch-related themes, then a 'gdm-themes' with all the most popular ones, and a 'gdm-themes-extra' that's loaded with everything else you can find, but you usually would leave out those related to other distros.
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
- John Cage
I've got one question though. Would it be possible to get rid of the white-ish rectangle around the name input area completely? It's rather useless and clutters the nice and simple layout.
Its a very simple change, I almost don't think its worth doing three more themes to reflect this change, you just have to edit archwhatever.xml
and where it says
<item type="rect">
<normal color="#FFFFFF" alpha="0.5"/>
<pos anchor="s" x="50%" y="-0" width="box"
If you search for logo.png, it will be just after that, and change alpha="0.5" to alpha="0.0". If loads of people prefer this i guess i'd release a package of these themes too though.
you for sure know better what themes exist already on the internet or so ... how much are there? if there are hundreds, then the best way to go is to make one pkg instead of hundreds
Actually, I have no other gdm themes on my box, but looking at freshmeat, there are 57 available there, though many are distro-specific. I like the idea of a group gdm-themes, and packages within each group containing more than one theme, like as aCoder suggested, gdm-themes-arch, gdm-themes and gdm-themes extra. I'll get on to this if you all reckon this sounds good, exams allowing
Bjørn wrote:I've got one question though. Would it be possible to get rid of the white-ish rectangle around the name input area completely? It's rather useless and clutters the nice and simple layout.
Its a very simple change, I almost don't think its worth doing three more themes to reflect this change, you just have to edit archwhatever.xml
and where it says ...
Ok, thanks for the info!
A Free Real-time Massively Multiplayer Online RPG in development.
Funny this should come up since I made my own gdm-themes package after the archblue one came out on the 15th. I also used the 9 or 10 most popular ones on Freshmeat (and perhaps a few others). I built the PKGBUILD so that adding another theme is simple: add another source.
# Contributor: K. Piche <>
pkgdesc="Extra themes for GDM from various sources"
md5sums=('b1acaf46c245da22bde4bc7ce99f1311' '4ef4f6864fe40469e7b4b70a819e5372'
'06d112c6044202a0d1bef3ac14caac57' '60c44dd459386f60bffa1698bedca9e2'
'9a76ce78ec0f73dd34d5cc2f83ba5353' 'e28fe7db45730933b67851a34219a29c'
'c488f60d6d3dec6362c09d338b86f748' 'eab0e01fc9b4598d6f675d1b02bd78bc'
'9f0b1976c2ba612ca9c285a3d7c27ea6' '95c2d2f79cb72a47d26b373e603ed250'
build() {
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/opt/gnome/share/gdm/themes/
for i in `/bin/ls -1 $startdir/src`; do
if [ -d $i ]; then
mv $startdir/src/$i $startdir/pkg/opt/gnome/share/gdm/themes
cd $startdir/pkg/opt/gnome/share/gdm/themes
find -type f -not -perm 644 -exec chmod 644 {} ;
find -type d -not -perm 755 -exec chmod 755 {} ;
Categorizing the themes would be easy as well - I'd take suggestions... Also I've been waiting for to return to see if they have any interesting themes.
Thank's for the themes, but i have a question ?
Why on my system the quit button never shows ?
Any reasons ? :?
Night all !!!
Thanks kpiche, that's great work!
Marauder1: The quit button is only there when you run gdm inside an Xnest, which was the only way I could think of to get screenshots, and also why the resolution is so small. To 'quit' gdm you have to stop the daemon. I guess they didn't think people would want to do this much.
Wow, I really like those themes. Clean and simple, like Arch.
I also like the aqua-fied arch logo you have in there too. Mind if I steal it for the Logos page on the website?
Hello BIgBadPenguin
Is Xnest means that you have to start gdm from
initab instead of rc.conf ?
If so i did try it and the quit button never showed.
Xnest is an X server running on top of an X server.
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
- John Cage
Wow, I really like those themes. Clean and simple, like Arch.
I also like the aqua-fied arch logo you have in there too. Mind if I steal it for the Logos page on the website?
Thank you. I'd be honoured. You can get the aqua-fied logo by itself at … o_aqua.png
and there's an svg of the same name there as well.
Thanks for the kind words, if you have any more logo ideas i'd be glad to try them. I think I'll have another go at aqua though, make it really 3d and shiny.
Marauder1, aCoder is right, it's an x server running on top of an X server. If you use gnome, system tools -> log in in a nested window will show you what I mean.
I just checked the theme, and it works for me still. The background is an SVG so you do need to have SVG support, but librsvg is a dependency for gdm. It's strange, I tried to look at the svg with image-magick's display program, and it did look grey, but when I opened it in sodipodi/inkscape, and tried it with gdm it was the proper blue background. By the way, if you are getting a plain grey background with the white theme this is also a fault, it is supposed to be a white-grey gradient. Works fine for me, maybe check your librsvg?
Hello it's me again ...
Hey BigBadPenguin, is it me but the blue theme, the Arch sign
is differently centered. It looks a bit lower than the others.
(the version i took is from this forum).
And for the Xserver on top of an Xserver i dont know what
you mean since i am using Xfce4.
Thanks again !!!
Well, I don't know much about starting it without the GNOME menu, so I just don't use it, since I'm in XFCE as well. However, you can run Xnest in a terminal, and you may need 'Xnest :1' to get it to open a new screen. I can't get it to launch a WM though.
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
- John Cage
Looking at what the command actually is on the gnome menu entry, you could also try gdmflexiserver --xnest. This should handle all the Xnest nastiness for you, and through gdm you should be able to get to whatever WM you want. All the layouts have been fixed to be the same now as well as smartened up a little bit, so (sorry) you should try the newest version, direct from source, or through kpiche's PKGBUILD.
Thanks you all for the help
and the hints. Really like your
work BBP.