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Solved - works when compiled with debugging symbols...
I'm trying to use lapsus, but the applet is empty...
[dante4d@arch ~]$ lsmod | grep asus
asus_laptop 15864 0
led_class 3460 1 asus_laptop
[dante4d@arch ~]$ grep DAEMONS /etc/rc.conf
DAEMONS=(@syslog-ng @network @crond @hal @dbus @alsa @ptal-init @cups @lapsusd @portmap @nfslock @nfsd)
[dante4d@arch ~]$ id
uid=1000(dante4d) gid=100(users) groups=91(video),92(audio),93(optical),95(storage),100(users),101(lapsus),108(vboxusers)
That's right after boot. When I add the applet to kde bar, it shows laptop icon. When I enter settings, there are no entries in all tabs. says
Even if no Asus or IBM features are found, Lapsus will still be able to control synaptics touchpad device and default channel of alsa mixer.
All devices:
* Alsa mixer (volume control, mute/unmute)
* Synaptics touchpad (on/off)
I've seen those entries once. Then also disappeared...
I also read No idea what the dbus stuff is
Last edited by dante4d (2007-12-19 04:43:22)
Could you run this command and post the reply?
dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=de.berlios.Lapsus /LapsusDaemon de.berlios.Lapsus.listFeatures
If there is an error check if the lapsusd is really running:
ps ax | grep lapsusd | grep -v grep
You can try killing it (as a root):
killall lapsusd
And start it again in non-daemon mode (again, as a root):
lapsusd --no-daemon
After that you can run the dbus-send command again to see what it prints.
Also, check whether asus laptop module is loaded:
lsmod | grep asus | grep laptop
[dante4d ~]$ lsmod | grep asus | grep laptop
asus_laptop 15864 0
led_class 3460 1 asus_laptop
[dante4d ~]$ dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=de.berlios.Lapsus /LapsusDaemon de.berlios.Lapsus.listFeatures
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name de.berlios.Lapsus was not provided by any .service files
[dante4d ~]$ ps ax | grep lapsusd | grep -v grep
[dante4d ~]$ su
[root dante4d]$ killall lapsusd
lapsusd: no process killed
[root dante4d]$ lapsusd --no-daemon
Removed stale lock /var/lock/lapsusd (pid 7599)
Floating point exception
[root dante4d]$ exit
[dante4d ~]$ dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=de.berlios.Lapsus /LapsusDaemon de.berlios.Lapsus.listFeatures
Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name de.berlios.Lapsus was not provided by any .service files
Well, that ps thing... I have
[dante4d ~]$ grep -i daemons= /etc/rc.conf
DAEMONS=(@syslog-ng @network @hal @dbus @lapsusd !dhcdbd !networkmanager @netfs @portmap @nfslock @crond @alsa @ptal-init @cups)
[dante4d ~]$ id
uid=1000(dante4d) gid=100(users) groups=11(ftp),90(network),92(audio),93(optical),95(storage),96(scanner),100(users),108(vboxusers),109(lapsus)
so why it's not running?
And my lapsus applet is pretty empty.
Btw you were pretty quick with your reply, thanx .
Last edited by dante4d (2007-12-19 03:27:51)
I gave it a second try I was wondering about that floating point exception thing...
[dante4d ~]$ ps ax | grep lapsusd | grep -v grep
[dante4d ~]$ su
[root dante4d]$ lapsusd --no-daemon
Removed stale lock /var/lock/lapsusd (pid 19659)
[1]+ Stopped lapsusd --no-daemon
[root dante4d]$ bg lapsusd
[1]+ lapsusd --no-daemon &
[root dante4d]$ ps ax | grep lapsusd | grep -v grep 11053 pts/1 S 0:00 lapsusd --no-daemon
[root dante4d]$ dbus-send --print-reply --system --dest=de.berlios.Lapsus /LapsusDaemon de.berlios.Lapsus.listFeatures
method return sender=:1.11 -> dest=:1.12
array [
string "config.asus.backlight_hotkey_circular"
string "synaptics.touchpad"
string "alsa.volume"
string "asus.bluetooth"
string "asus.led_touchpad"
string "asus.wireless"
string "asus.backlight"
string "asus.display_lcd"
string "asus.display_crt"
string "asus.display_tv"
string "asus.display_dvi"
I dunno what's gong on . The applet still doesn't work...
After some discussion on jabber with tanis I just recompiled lapsus from svn with debugging symbols and it started working . So I take it as solved for now. Thanx
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