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#1 2007-11-26 10:01:21

From: Krakow, Poland
Registered: 2007-11-16
Posts: 39

[solved]kde automount stopped working

Ok, so basically kde aoutomount feature stopped working for me. I think it may be caused  by 2 things:
1. Recent KDEmod update (kdelibs also got updated, however I've already cleand pacman cache, so can't test older version) - I don't really think that's the issue
2. This one needs more explanation ;-) Like a week ago I've finally decided that I'm gonna try ArchLinux. I got a little tired of my Gentoo installation. So I've installed Ach on my old harddrive keeping Gentoo on the "new" one. After a week of testing I made my mind yesterday: bye bye Gentoo, welcome Arch! :-) But I wanted to move arch to the same partition where gentoo used to be (I did something like that couple times before). This is what I exactly did (when being booted to arch):

rm -rf /mnt/gentoo/*
cp -ax / /mnt/gentoo

Then I've modified accordingly to new partitions setup fstab and grubs conf file. I've also reinstalled grub - just to make sure everything would work. Now it was time to reboot and check if everything is ok. Unfortunately it wasn't - I got "kernel panic" - it couldn't find console. Booting from livecd I've found that Arch uses 3 static devices undec /dev: -console and some 2 others. So I've copied these 3 files (preserving attributes of course) from old /dev to new /dev tree - now everything booted just fine!
Next thing I've done, already from Arch on new hdd, was to delete old arch partition (sdc1) and then expand sdc2 to use extra space. I used gparted to do that. Everything went fine and I was happy with my new system (although one thing is strange - the expanded partition remained sdc2 - didn't get renamed to sdc1 how I was suspecting).

After all that KDE autoumounting stopped working. I've already tried reinstalling (overwriting conf files): kernel, udev, dbus, hal and pmount. Didn't help. Still, when I plug my pendrive although it gets detected by kernel, no window in kde appears nor it's listed in system:/media. Groups my user belongs to:

id rumil
uid=1000(rumil) gid=1000(rumil) grupy=1000(rumil),5(tty),10(wheel),50(games),91(video),92(audio),93(optical),95(storage),97(camera),1001(dyski),1002(vboxusers)

I ran out of ideas, and help appreciated :-)

EDIT: I really don't know what happened but after a reboot I've just made everything is back to normal smile

Last edited by rumil (2007-11-26 10:19:51)


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