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· DO NOT post full resolution screenshots! You can use the "mogrify" command (pacman -S imagemagick) to make a thumbnail of your screenshot:
$ cp screenie.png thumb-screenie.png
$ mogrify -resize 20% thumb-screenie.png
Twenty percent of the original size is great for 1024x768 screenies. You can then upload these images to your server and use the following code to show them on the forum:
This displays the thumbnail as a link to the screenie like this:
· Several websites also offer free image hosting, of these ImageShack is very popular and does a neat auto thumbnail:
Use the "Thumbnail for forums" link code that is supplied by ImageShack to post your thumbnail link.
· Once the new month begins please do not post new screenies in the old threads.
· If the screenshot has questionable material that might not be safe to view while at work or in a school setting, please post only a link and not a thumbnail, along with a mention of "Not Safe for Work". Posts that do not adhere to this are subject to deletion without notice at any time.
· Please try to include any links to your wallpaper or configs that you may have and/or the names of your icon theme, running apps, DE, etc. in the same post to reduce unnecessary clutter later.
thayer williams ~
HEY! you're cheating. it ain't December yet!
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
We are in different time zones;)
Use the Source, Luke!
Maybe if he was in Australia or Japan...
Last i checked Canada was GMT -7 or something.
And he didnt even bother posting a screenshot
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
BUT, usually the thread has been almost a week late, I don't think it's too bad to have it a little early once.
stop arguing and post screenshots, im very bored at work...
if not, im going to post M$ Windoze screens
Last edited by Bestiapeluda (2007-11-30 21:13:20)
First post on here, just switched over to Arch fom ubuntu and loving it already
links removed
Last edited by barry (2008-01-23 22:56:59)
A month gone, yet nothing has changed.
Last edited by Ankka (2007-11-30 22:58:50)
I started the post early simply because the previous starting posts (before November 2007) have contained broken links and examples. So to avoid that scenario, I posted a few hours early (depending on your time zone )...
As for a screenshot, there's not much to see, but here you go:
WM: xmonad
Last edited by thayer (2010-12-05 22:58:43)
thayer williams ~
I started the post early simply because the previous starting posts (before November 2007) have contained broken links and examples. So to avoid that scenario, I posted a few hours early (depending on your time zone
As for a screenshot, there's not much to see, but here you go: … -thumb.png
WM: xmonad
GTK: Rezlooks-Gilouche (mod)
sharp! i've been getting the urge to try out xmonad, but it seems like such a bother to install the dependencies i'll stick with dwm until i get less lazy.
Last edited by upsidaisium (2007-11-30 23:54:11)
I've seen young people waste their time reading books about sensitive vampires. It's kinda sad. But you say it's not the end of the world... Well, maybe it is!
I switched back to using gnome and gnome programs solely because of this gtk theme. It came with audacious I think (since it's called aud-default and looks like my audacious).
That's Divinorum.
Cthulhu For President!
jordanmthomas wrote:
I switched back to using gnome and gnome programs solely because of this gtk theme. It came with audacious I think (since it's called aud-default and looks like my audacious).That's Divinorum.
Ah, thanks! Now I'll be able to find it should I uninstall audacious. Now, what sneaky person went and renamed it?
My winter theme:
Large View: … shot-5.png
Large View: … ot-112.png
Large View: … -116-1.png
Large View: … ot-118.png
Large View: … -113-3.png
damnit ... i thought for sure id be the 1st one on the list ... you guys are insane
anyway, here is my latest flavor of the month:
got a lil' side bar action going on here .. yes, this is KDE 3.
oh BTW, I still would like to get that kickass wallpaper from last month's screenshots ?
Why wont you reply, he who posted ? at least i found this one, think i might like it even more though
chupocabra ... psupsuspsu psu psu
what music notification is that in the lower right corner?
looks very smooth and it is transparent...
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
Uh, why that font for the statusbar? One of awesomes top features in my eyes are xft fonts (and since thats the only thing i miss i just matched my terminal to the statusbar and kept dwm
Uh, why that font for the statusbar? One of awesomes top features in my eyes are xft fonts
(and since thats the only thing i miss i just matched my terminal to the statusbar and kept dwm
Yeah, I didn't even think of that, I just never looked at the bar all that much I guess. Changed it now anyways.
First post on here, just switched over to Arch fom ubuntu and loving it already
I need details on this please???