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blue-junior from
Offline …
- Awesome WM
- xcompmgr
- Dzen2 / conky-cli
- mpd / ncmpc
- htop
Oh my freaking god, that looks good!
(Yeah, yacr) May i see your .awesomerc, your .Xdefaults and your .htoprc? Thanks
last one for december
wallpaper: … apers.html
icons: final order
gtk: eternal green
wm: daloa
r00 wrote: …
- Awesome WM
- xcompmgr
- Dzen2 / conky-cli
- mpd / ncmpc
- htopOh my freaking god, that looks good!
(Yeah, yacr) May i see your .awesomerc, your .Xdefaults and your .htoprc? Thanks - Thanks to phrA0k
htop is default settings.
→ XFCE 4.4
→ Theme: Aurora Blue Flux (changed panel, menu)
→ Xfwm4: Aurora Blue Flux (port from Emerald)
→ Icons: Micro, Kobhens Linux White
→ Wallpaper: Graphite (You can find it here)
Arialis, any chance to get your XFWM and the GTK themes?
Offline … png.xs.jpg
→ XFCE 4.4
→ Theme: Aurora Blue Flux (changed panel, menu)
→ Xfwm4: Aurora Blue Flux (port from Emerald)
→ Icons: Micro, Kobhens Linux White
→ Wallpaper: Graphite (You can find it here)
I really like the panel at the bottom, it's very elegant.
Last edited by quarks (2007-12-24 14:18:25)
My first screenshot! There are not so many IceWM screenshots here, so here goes mine
The theme I'm using is LightBox modified to match the background (Do you see what I see, by s3vendays on deviantart .
Offline … png.xs.jpg
→ XFCE 4.4
→ Theme: Aurora Blue Flux (changed panel, menu)
→ Xfwm4: Aurora Blue Flux (port from Emerald)
→ Icons: Micro, Kobhens Linux White
→ Wallpaper: Graphite (You can find it here)
Adium ?!
Quis custodiet ipsos custodiet?
Offline … png.xs.jpg
→ XFCE 4.4
→ Theme: Aurora Blue Flux (changed panel, menu)
→ Xfwm4: Aurora Blue Flux (port from Emerald)
→ Icons: Micro, Kobhens Linux White
→ Wallpaper: Graphite (You can find it here)
Now, that's one of the slickest desktop I've ever seen. Awesome!
Have you Syued today?
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For first - thanks to all for nice opinions I have to tell my screen is only a copy of this one: so all "rapture" goes to fratrip.
@Stalafin - Gtk is Aurora Blue Flux as I've written and you can find it at … e-72784250 and I'll upload xfwm4 theme on in few minuts
@quarks - thank you too. it's SimDock and to get it work you don't need any composite managers , beryls, compizes etc. Nice app.
@T-u-N-i-X - no way. it's impossible to run Adium direct under Linux ;( I would like to use Adium too but it works only with Mac. So this is Pidgin with changed icons (tray and status).
@finferflu - I really appreciate your opinion. Thanks
**@Stalafin - Xfwm4 - … n=contents
Last edited by arialis111 (2007-12-25 14:53:15)
First of all, thanks arialis!
Well... something is kinda not working.
So I have to install the gtk-aurora-engine, right? I used the one provided in Pacman, which is version 1.3-1. I also installed clearlooks.
But for some reason my desktop looks very 1995 right now...
As I see it my root has the new theme working, but for some reason my user does not (every other Aurora theme works for both)...
This is somewhat odd.
Any fixes to that?
EDIT: Got it, the rights weren't set tidely for the gtkrc file, although I actually set the rights for the parents correctly and the children recursively... Well, whatever.
EDIT 2: Arialis, which part in the gtkrc sets the color of the panel?
Last edited by Stalafin (2007-12-25 17:01:36)
In aurora engine panel have the same colour as rest of the theme, ( I'm not sure) thats why my panel uses panel.rc -which is included into gtkrc file- and in it I use pixmap engine, thats allow me to put some skin on.
Last edited by arialis111 (2007-12-25 19:27:55)
Giving kdemod another go:
Holy frijoles that looks cool. Is there a repo for KDEMod?
justin wrote:
.: openbox
.: pypanel
.: visibility
.: tint
.: sonata
.: urxvti followed this thread monthly and your setup was always awesome!
i've switched to openbox just a few weeks ago and i don't know whether it would be too much to ask if you could share your complete dotfiles
(pypanel tint openbox stuff xdefaults + your "sysinfo script" etc.) uh it's bothersome to ask
i would be very grateful!greetings
No problem.
Openbox theme is onyx-citrus. I believe this is in the openbox-themes package.
pacman -Ss openbox-themes
sysinfo script: I'm not sure who wrote this script, I grabbed it from a previous thread.
Origynet: How do you get those lines and things in your .conkyrc?
also Justin: Could you post the line that gives you that 2line prompt? I like it.
justin wrote:
.: openbox
.: pypanel
.: visibility
.: tint
.: sonata
.: urxvtAnyway you could post your bashrc PS1 ?
PS1="┌─[\[\e[36;1m\]\u @ \[\e[32;1m\]\H\[\033[1;37m\]] \n\[\033[1;37m\]└─[\[\033[0;36m\]\w\[\033[1;37m\]]> \[\e[0m\]"
@semperfiguy: This line goes in your .bashrc file.
Not sure how much of this is original, and how much I've taken from other peoples configs, but I hope it helps you out.
EDIT: visibility:
Last edited by justin (2007-12-28 19:19:02)
SoftVision wrote:Origynet wrote:Screen for the end of the year... Deep Sea Feeling...
Hey that's a nice desktop you got there. I'm currently trying out KDE4 RC2 on openSUSE but I intend to come back to Arch to try out Openbox. I have a low-end system so I might have to stick to Openbox. Could you share some details about this desktop's configuration?
Thanks !! I'm not using Openbox here, anyway here is what is running on the screen :
- Arch Linux (obviously)
- Xfce4 + Compiz-Fusion
- GTK Theme : MurrinaMire Blue by thrynk (here)
- Emerald Theme : Lakrits by thrynk (here)
- Fonts : URW Gothic L for Apps, Snap (Artwiz) in Terminal+conky
- Icons : Mist from I don't know whereApps are Quodlibet, Xfce-terminal, Circle Adesklets (bottom right, can be found at, conky and Thunar. The panel is xfce4-panel
I'm currently working on an Openbox desktop...
avoulk wrote:Origynet wrote:Screen for the end of the year... Deep Sea Feeling...
Could you please post your .conkyrc?
(Or is it not conky that thing on the lower left side of the screen??)
It's conky, and here's my conkyrc
use_xft yes #coon_bottom yes #xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-8 #font -*-clean-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #font arial-size=10 xftfont snap:size=7 #xftfont Verdana:size=8 #font -*-bitstream vera sans mono-medium-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #font -*-clean-medium-r-*-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #font -*sans-serif-size=10-r-*-*-9-*-*-*-*-*-*-* #7x13 #xftalpha 0.8 update_interval 1.0 total_run_times 0 own_window no own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager #own_window_type override double_buffer yes # Minimum size of text area #minimum_size 20 20 #maximum_width 400 5 # Draw shades? draw_shades no # Text stuff draw_outline no draw_borders no uppercase no # Stippled borders? stippled_borders 3 # border margins border_margin 9 # border width border_width 10 # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5 # Swap : $font$swapperc% default_color white default_shade_color blue default_outline_color blue alignment bottom_left # Gap between borders of screen and text gap_x 0 gap_y 0 # ${execi 1 perl /home/fred/ Time} # ${execi 10 perl /home/fred/ Status} no_buffers yes cpu_avg_samples 2 net_avg_samples 2 override_utf8_locale yes use_spacer yes TEXT ${font Arial-size=8}┌─[ $font Fred on $sysname $kernel ${font Arial-size=8}└─────[ $font${time %H:%M} ${font Arial-size=8}┌─[ $font System Data ${font Arial-size=8}├─────[ $font CPU : $cpu% ${font Arial-size=8}├─────[ $font Memoire : $memperc% ${font Arial-size=8}├─────[ $font Uptime : $uptime ${font Arial-size=8}├─────[ $font Batterie : $battery ${font Arial-size=8}└─────[ $font Ext3 : ${fs_free /}/${fs_size /} ${font Arial-size=8}┌─[ $font Arch Packages ${font Arial-size=8}└─────[ $font${execi 120 /home/fred/Divers/conky/arch-updates/}
Note that you need some scripts to run the Arch Pkgs part that can be downloaded here : … tent=58555And you need artwiz fonts...
Thank you!!!
Thank you, justin. Great desktop!