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I can't shutdown my Arch in icewm. I have triedh different settings of preferences and sudoers, but I still can't shut-down the system nor logout.
What is wrong with my settings?
# Command to shutdown the system
#ShutdownCommand="sudo halt"
ShutdownCommand="killall -QUIT icewm | sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now"
# Command to reboot the system
#RebootCommand="sudo reboot"
RebootCommand="killall -QUIT icewm | sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now"
username ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/lib/xfce4/xfsm-shutdown-helper
username ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/exit, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/halt
According to I have set sudoers to :
%users ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -h now
%users ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown -r now
%users ALL = NOPASSWD: /sbin/reboot
Still no success.
I did the following:
a) chmod +s /sbin/halt
b) create the file /home/user_name_goes_here/.icewm/shutdown
c) chmod +x /home/user_name_goes_here/.icewm/shutdown
edit: PS: es grüessli in d'schwiiz us chile
Last edited by chilebiker (2007-12-04 01:00:24)
Don't panic!
Hi chilebiker
Merci vüimal!
chmod +s /sbin/halt (without b) and c) did the trick, probably to my .icewm/preferences and my sudoers
chmod +s /sbin/reboot reboots my system now (with the icewm/system/reboot button.
Which command do you use in order to logout? /sbin/killall5 works, but it simply kills all init 5 processes and goes back to init 5.
I use my old laptop as public information and internet station (kiosk-mode). When logging out from the IceWM menu it shuts down and switches off the laptop. That's all I need and the above trick just does that.
Don't panic!
I did this:
I added this to my .icewm/preferences:
ShutdownCommand="sudo halt"
RebootCommand="sudo reboot"
In /etc/sudoers, i uncommented this line:
You have to add yourself to the group 'wheel' after the installation.
And then when i want to get out, i press the 'windows key" + space bar which gives me a Run box on the task bar and type sudo halt, sudo reboot, or if i want to launch an app as user or root (with sudo).
Soul Singin', thanks