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Hi there...
im not all new to arch but i have a, maybe stupid, question. I have an old p3 as a server running. Its up 24/7 and beside cups and some other office services it runs an rtorrent client. The client itself is startet inside a "screen" by somethin like
screen -S torrscreen
and the i leave the screen with ctrl+a+d. The upload limit is set to 15kb/s same is download (and no, there is nothing illegal in my list just a few freeware things, an arch iso ...). As soon as i start it my network almost crashes. It becomes unavailable for a few seconds then comes back on.
Whenever i try to load a webpage on any other computer in the same network it takes ages to load. But when i download something i get the full speed my connection has.
What can it be? Can rtorrent mess up name resolution? Damm i have no idea... If anyone can help me i would be happy!
Last edited by twist07 (2007-12-11 20:13:29)
Can i safely assume you're behind a hardware router? If so, rtorrent (connections) may overwhelm the poor router, and domain dame resolution is often the first thing to go. That happens to me all the time if i don't limit my bittorrent client when downloading active files.
"Your beliefs can be like fences that surround you.
You must first see them or you will not even realize that you are not free, simply because you will not see beyond the fences.
They will represent the boundaries of your experience."
SETH / Jane Roberts
Yeah youre right that thing is some sort of cheapa** giveaway router... So it might be a solution to limit the connections? I assume its set in the ~/.rtorrent.rc? Maybe the min/max_peer settings?
limit your amount of connections that rtorrent can except. I don't know how to do that in rtorrent, but I had the same problem as well with my router and I do not consider mine to be cheap either. But, routers for your home network are no where near beefy enough to handle the amount of strain a torrent client can put on a system. I have seen that myself with my own eyes if its improperly configured.
The only problem when u limit the number of connections u also limit your speed severely. Its always better to have 500 open connections running 1kb/s then 1 connection running at 500kb/s and lose that connection periodically. Since your limiting your d/l speed to 15kb, no more then 100 connections, maybe even 50 would be more then applicable.
You must run a few test and see what your system is capable of and adjust accordingly.
Last edited by jacko (2007-12-11 23:37:51)
If I were in your situation, I'd buy a better router.
Due to a sever lack of money thats not an option for me... I will try limiting the connections! Thx for the replies so far!
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