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I'm trying to setup mpd with Sonata.
I'm following the Arch-wiki and the mpd-wiki on this topic,
It seems I'm having some problems with my configuration-files.
According to the Arch-wiki I should execute the following command to create the database
/etc/rc.d/mpd create-db
If I execute it without sudo I get the following message
/etc/rc.d/mpd: line 30: /var/log/mpd/mpd.db-creation: Permission denied
If I execute the command as root I end up with this message
cannot open playlist_directory "/root/.mpd/playlists/" (config line 3): No such file or directory
I have created both a /etc/mpd.conf and a ~/.mpdconf .
Both are identical and look like this
port "6600"
music_directory "/media/sda1/Downloads"
playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists"
db_file "~/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file "~/.mpd/mpd.log"
error_file "~/.mpd/mpd.error"
Hope some of you is able to figure it out.
In your conf files there is a 'user' line that you need to change to your username.
In my file it was line 46 and looked like:
user "mpd"
Just change "mpd" to "your-username", and reload the mpd daemon and you should be good to go.
The first error is a permission issue - your user has no writing privileges in /var/log/mpd. The second error (when you run the command as root) is because mpd translates all "~/" from the config file as the home dir of the user that's executing the command (which, is /root if you're executing the command as root). The easiest solution is to chown /var/log/mpd as your user. Alternatively (and this is what I do) you can have something like this in your /etc/mpd.conf instead:
music_directory "[your music dir here]"
playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
db_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db"
log_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
error_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.error"
In which case you can to chown /var/log/mpd as mpd:mpd and comment out the user line in /etc/mpd.conf.
I hope that makes sense.
Last edited by fwojciec (2007-12-17 04:36:02)
In which case you can to chown /var/log/mpd as mpd:mpd and comment out the user line in /etc/mpd.conf.
I don't think this an good idea..
Commenting out the user line in mpd.conf forces mpd to not fall back to user mode -> it runs as root all the time (And You don't want to have daemon with an port open to run in root-mode).
If /var/log/mpd and /var/lib/mpd (in your example) is owned by user mpd, the user line in mpd.conf could stay as it is (user "mpd") and it should work.
fwojciec wrote:In which case you can to chown /var/log/mpd as mpd:mpd and comment out the user line in /etc/mpd.conf.
I don't think this an good idea..
Commenting out the user line in mpd.conf forces mpd to not fall back to user mode -> it runs as root all the time (And You don't want to have daemon with an port open to run in root-mode).If /var/log/mpd and /var/lib/mpd (in your example) is owned by user mpd, the user line in mpd.conf could stay as it is (user "mpd") and it should work.
Yes, you're right. I guess I've misread the comment in the conf file - I thought it would drop root privileges regardless... Thanks for pointing this out.
Thanks for all the answers. I tried K2712's approach since it seemed to be the easiest solution. By the way, is there any downside to not using fwojciec's method?
The first solution worked fine. I created the database, allthough I didn't see a [DONE], but rather an empty pair of brackets.
Then I tried to start up mpd, using sudo /etc/rc.d/mpd start
as stated in the wiki. Unfortunately it fails and I don't have the slightest idea why. Allthough there's probably something wrong with my config-file.
Actually I have two files. Don't know if it matters, but I created the ~/.mpdconf also.
# An example configuration file for MPD
# See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.
######################## REQUIRED PATHS ########################
music_directory "/media/sda1/Downloads"
playlist_directory "~/playlists"
db_file "~/mpd.db"
log_file "~/mpd.log"
error_file "~/mpd.error"
#music_directory "path_to_your_music_collection"
#playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
#db_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db"
#log_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
#error_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.error"
# Note: ~ is the home directory of user set in the "user" option
######################## OPTIONAL PATHS ########################
# If you wish to use mpd --kill to stop MPD, then you must
# specify a file here in which to store MPD's process ID.
#pid_file "~/.mpd/"
pid_file "/var/run/mpd/"
# If specified, MPD will save its current state (playlist,
# current song, playing/paused, etc.) at exit. This will be
# used to restore the session the next time it is run.
#state_file "~/.mpd/mpdstate"
state_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate"
######################## DAEMON OPTIONS ########################
# If started as root, MPD will drop root privileges and run as
# this user instead. Otherwise, MPD will run as the user it was
# started by. If left unspecified, MPD will not drop root
# privileges at all (not recommended).
user "daniel"
# The address and port to listen on.
bind_to_address ""
#bind_to_address "any"
#port "6600"
# Controls the amount of information that is logged. Can be
# "default", "secure", or "verbose".
#log_level "default"
########################## PERMISSIONS #########################
# MPD can require that users specify a password before using it.
# You may specify one ore more here, along with what users who
# log in with that password are allowed to do.
#password "password@read,add,control,admin"
# Specifies what permissions a user who has not logged in with a
# password has. By default, all users have full access to MPD
# if no password is specified above, or no access if one or
# more passwords are specified.
#default_permissions "read,add,control,admin"
########################## AUDIO OUTPUT ########################
# MPD supports many audio output types, as well as playing
# through multiple audio outputs at the same time. You can
# specify one or more here. If you don't specify any, MPD will
# automatically scan for a usable audio output.
# See <>
# for examples of other audio outputs.
# An example of an ALSA output:
#audio_output {
# type "alsa"
# name "My ALSA Device"
# device "hw:0,0" # optional
# format "44100:16:2" # optional
# An example of an OSS output:
#audio_output {
# type "oss"
# name "My OSS Device"
# device "/dev/dsp" # optional
# format "44100:16:2" # optional
# An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
#audio_output {
# type "shout"
# name "My Shout Stream"
# host "localhost"
# port "8000"
# mount "/mpd.ogg"
# password "hackme"
# quality "5.0"
# bitrate "128"
# format "44100:16:1"
# user "source" # optional
# description "My Stream Description" # optional
# genre "jazz" # optional
# public "no" # optional
# Force all decoded audio to be converted to this format before
# being passed to the audio outputs.
#audio_output_format "44100:16:2"
############################# MIXER ############################
# MPD needs to know what mixer settings to change when you
# adjust the volume. If you don't specify one here, MPD will
# pick one based on which ones it was compiled with support for.
# An example for controlling an ALSA mixer:
#mixer_type "alsa"
#mixer_device "default"
#mixer_control "PCM"
# An example for controlling an OSS mixer:
#mixer_type "oss"
#mixer_device "/dev/mixer"
#mixer_control "PCM"
# If you want MPD to adjust the volume of audio sent to the
# audio outputs, you can tell it to use the software mixer:
#mixer_type "software"
######################### NORMALIZATION ########################
# Specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. Can be "album" or
# "track". ReplayGain will not be used if not specified. See
# <> for more details.
#replaygain "album"
# Sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags.
#replaygain_preamp "0"
# Enable on the fly volume normalization. This will cause the
# volume of all songs played to be adjusted so that they sound
# as though they are of equal loudness.
#volume_normalization "no"
########################### BUFFERING ##########################
# The size of the buffer containing decoded audio. You probably
# shouldn't change this.
#audio_buffer_size "2048"
# How much of the buffer to fill before beginning to play.
#buffer_before_play "0%"
# Similar options for the HTTP stream buffer. If you hear
# skipping while playing HTTP streams, you may wish to increase
# these.
#http_buffer_size "128"
#http_prebuffer_size "25%"
########################### HTTP PROXY #########################
# Specifies the HTTP proxy to use for playing HTTP streams.
#http_proxy_host ""
#http_proxy_port "8080"
#http_proxy_user "user"
#http_proxy_password "password"
############################# LIMITS ###########################
# These are various limits to prevent MPD from using too many
# resources. You should only change them if they start
# restricting your usage of MPD.
#connection_timeout "60"
#max_connections "5"
#max_playlist_length "16384"
#max_command_list_size "2048"
#max_output_buffer_size "8192"
###################### CHARACTER ENCODINGS #####################
# If file or directory names do not display correctly, then you
# may need to change this. In most cases it should be either
# "ISO-8859-1" or "UTF-8". You must recreate your database
# after changing this (use mpd --create-db).
#filesystem_charset "ISO-8859-1"
# The encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
#id3v1_encoding "ISO-8859-1"
######################### OTHER OPTIONS ########################
# The metadata types MPD will recognize.
#metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
# Enable this if you wish to use your MPD created playlists in
# other music players.
#save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
port "6600"
music_directory "/media/sda1/Downloads"
playlist_directory "~/playlists"
db_file "~/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file "~/.mpd/mpd.log"
error_file "~/.mpd/mpd.error"
user "daniel"
Thanks for helping me out
What is the output of:
mpd --verbose
Hi fluxme,
First of - I'm a newbie to Arch but I'm not so new to mpd
I'm using this great daemon for quite a long time on different machines and using different distributions - also on Arch.
So, let me share my experience with you.
1. For the first: I have only one configuration file of mpd here on Arch - this at home. I would advise you to move /etc/mpd.conf to /etc/mpd.conf.example.
# mv /etc/mpd.conf /etc/mpd.conf.example
2. Then I would copy the original configuration file (now - /etc/mpd.conf.example) into my home directory and I would edit it. In your case it should be probably something like this:
$ cp /etc/mpd.conf.example /home/daniel/.mpdconf
3. You took good first steps in creating your .mpdconf file:
port "6600"
music_directory "/media/sda1/Downloads"
playlist_directory "~/playlists"
db_file "~/.mpd/mpd.db"
log_file "~/.mpd/mpd.log"
error_file "~/.mpd/mpd.error"user "daniel"
Just change the appropriate lines in copied file. In my configuration file I added the line:
pid_file "/home/tami/.mpd/"
to the required part of .mpdconf. (just change tami -> daniel)
I hope also that you created the .mpd directory at your home.
$ mkdir /home/daniel/.mpd
4. But it seems it's not enough. You should also uncomment and edit the lines concerning Mixer.
For instance - if you use alsa you should uncomment and edit it like this:
# ALSA Mixer
mixer_type "alsa"
mixer_device "default"
mixer_control "PCM"
Then I simply run:
$ mpd --create-db
as a normal user and then also simply:
$ mpd
You can add mpd to crontab afterwards or add it to your deamons (I prefer the first solution).
I hope it will help you and sorry if it was too detailed but from my experience - the most irritating mistakes occur when you omit the small step. least the above steps work in my case. (I just hope I did not omit something )
Best wishes to you and all fantastic Arch Community,
(very new but very glad Arch user)
"Possession means worries and luggage bags one has to drag along." Little My
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