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anyone know where I can get one?
Don't know what a "video joiner" is...
Album reviews (in german):
he wants a app to join two or more avi, mpeg, say video files...
the app i found to do that is avidemux
$ pacman -S avidemux
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Also mencoder....
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
mencoder can join? what command you use lilsirecho? i mean, how do you tell mencoder to join the files?
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
I just tried this:
cat file1.avi file1.avi > combo.avi
(same file)
It works! but mplayer doesn't recognise the length. And it probably won't work for different files.
The .avi format can be joined if both videos have the same specs. In fact, multiple joins are possible at one command line entry. Jpegs can be added for titles.
I will locate my .avi joiner format and post it later today.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
I use mencoder to join videos like this:
$ mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy vid1.avi vid2.avi -o joined.avi
You can add this to '~/.mplayer/mencoder.conf':
profile-desc="Merge multiple video files"
Then it's as simple as this:
mencoder -profile join vid1.avi vid2.avi
Last edited by skymt (2007-12-31 16:49:56)
Join many .avi files: EDITED:mencoder -oac pcm -ovc copy -o output998.avi /root/Desktop/out.avi '/root/output650.avi' '/root/output651.avi'
mencoder -oac pcm -ovc copy -o output921.avi /root/output918.avi /root/output919.avi
mencoder -oac pcm -ovc copy -o output980.avi /root/Desktop/output971.avi /root/Desktop/output973.avi /root/Desktop/output975.avi /root/Desktop/output977.avi /root/Desktop/output979.avi
These are my files concerning the joining of .avi files and converting .mov or use jpeg (with multiple frames of jpeg).....EDITED:
mencoder '/root/Desktop/' -o movie.avi -oac pcm -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4
Generate .avi from .mov from camera;
[root@n6re ~]# mencoder '/root/movie.avi' -oac pcm -ofps 3:13 -vf scale=640:-11 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2 -o output16.avi (This command for single frame with audio....)
[root@n6re ~]# mencoder '/root/movie3.avi' -oac pcm -vf scale=640:-11 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2 -o output16.avi (This command for camera generated quicktime movies).
mencoder in.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg -oac mp3lame -o out.avi
Convert to .avi:
mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4v2 -oac mp3lame -o output.avi input.rm
Generate jpeg frames using list .text with no sound:
[/cmencoder mf://*.jpg -mf w=800:h=600:fps=25:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell -oac copy -o output900.avi
mencoder mf://@list.txt -mf w=640:h=480:fps=30:type=jpg -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:mbd=2:trell -oac copy -o output910.avi
I have generated many joined .avi movies from .mov files from a digital camera and added jpeg frames using list.text to generate several hundred frames and have added music for background and joined all together in one .avi. One of them is 600mb in size!
Hopefully, you can follow the details...........
Last edited by lilsirecho (2007-12-31 17:44:52)
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
How about avimerge?
Album reviews (in german):