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Pages: 1
just pacman -S texlive-most
kile now fails, on
***** LaTeX output:
***** cd '/home/ryan/Documents'
***** /opt/texlive/bin/latex -interaction=nonstopmode 'resume.tex'
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt latex.fmt
mktexfmt: No such file or directory
I can't find the format file `latex.fmt'!
the file had 0 errors and ran perfect under tetex, so i think it is just configuring the paths and such....anyone have advice
When I first installed texlive, when it was installing the packages, appeared some error messages, because /opt/texlive wasn't in the $PATH; so after I installed, re-logged and reinstalled it. I don't if I really had to, but is working.
After install, I also rm my ~/.texmf-var dir because of some errors when running mktexfmt.
(lambda ())
Pages: 1