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Hi there!
i have an usb 2.0 external harddisc. it works fine for me a long time. 2 weeks ago i decided to delete windows from my desktop pc an plug in the harddisc to store my data before formatting.
after plug in it again to my laptop i saw only the fat32 partition on my external drive. (the external harddisc is formatted with a 40 gbyte fat and a 120 gbyte ext3 partition). the ext3 partition had gone away! i think, windows deletet it!
with mount -t vfat /dev/sdb5 /mnt/temp i can mount the fat32 partiton
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/linux it says:
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1,
or too many mounted file systems
i tried many things. i put it back to my win2k machine an try ontrack software, partition magic and so on, nothing works. i also try testdisk and other programs for linux, nothing again.
i tried dd and made a complete image of my partition with dd if=/dev/sdb1 of=/mnt/temp/image.dd, but mount -o loop,ro image.dd /mnt/test only says something with bad superblock.
cfdisk /dev/sdb says
sdb1 Boot Primary Linux 115153.92
sdb5 Logical W95 FAT32 44885.36
ls -la /dev/sdb tells me:
lr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 33 Apr 27 01:01 /dev/sdb -> scsi/host3/bus0/target0/lun0/disc
i dont know what to do now? is there anyway to write back the partition table or the superblock? are there any tools do get my data back out of the dd- image?
it would be very nice if somebody help me.
im finished, HELP!
This sounds tricky to me.
Glad to hear that you got rid of Windblows anyway and coming over to the bright side.
Hope that someone else can help you!
I have been in this situation myself and it's not been happy endings.
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
It could be a corrupted superblock. Did you try an fsck? If it doesn't work you can try to do another fsck using a backup superblock, see the -b option on the e2fsck man page for help.
Also check this out: … 00035.html
It may be useful.