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I've coded a small C-extension for ruby I consider useful for others so I decided to put it on public. I want anyone to do anything with that provided a reference to the original is being kept. And I don't want to be responsible for any damage or harm caused by the software...
So what should I do best for it? Just put my statement like above to the header of my files or include a text file with GPL or BSD license or put "Copyright 2007 -"...? Or should I register the library in some organization or web like or just do nothing in the hope nothing bad can happen or do sth else ...?
Thanks for any advice or comment. I am a complete newbie in legal stuff (and I will ever be I'm afraid).
If you decide the release it under a particular license, I think you should include the license file with the package. For the rest I think you should probably read some licenses you may want to use fully, and choose among them.
Sorry, maybe someone else with more legal experience has better input.
I would start from this point:
Zygfryd Homonto
Thank you so much for your really fast and helpful comments.
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