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so i burned a video to DVD last night. now, whats bothering me. is i had to do it twice. the first copy that i burned with K3B wouldn't read on my xbox. the second copy that i tried burning with nero did. i burned them at the same speed, 4x, and using the same fujifilm discs. just different programs. anyone got a clue what might be different. i know nero works, but i normally use K3B, nero's just a trial installed to see if it would burn to multiple drives, and it doesnt seem too
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I've got a same problem. Maybe it's kernel bug ? - ISPConfig 3 based hosting. Coming Soon!
i'm pretty sure that the discs i was burning with k3b before played in my xbox. i've been burning them with k3b for a while, and only in the last week am i noticing they're not playing on my xbox. just my xbox, not my normal DVD player or my computer, but i only have one input on my tv, so i have to disconnect the xbox to use the normal dvd player.
oh well, i have a workaround for now, but i can only bare so many workarounds
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