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Im trying out some distros having never used linux before. Currently using vista 64bit - but posting from ubuntu 7.10 from virtualbox
Before I decide and actually boot from my hard drive I want to try some distros in virtualbox but have some Qs
Any I should give a go before deciding? Obviously ubuntu (dont see much difference to windows though, seems pretty standard so far), and arch
Also, I tried arch last night and got so confused setting it up, managed to install the main OS and connect to the internet but couldnt get fluxbox to work. Also - what DE/WM do you guys recommend?
Will there be a different setup procedure for the internet if I install this onto a partition rather the virtualbox since I have bridged my connection from vista to virtualbox.
Basically, can it be done and made fully working and will anyone be willing to guide me through any confusing steps as I go?
Ubuntu will let you learn linux at a steady rate, it was my first linux distro and I was very pleased with it.
Arch on the contrary will have a very steep learning curve and might be quite discouraging if you don't know your way around linux yet. There are, however, people who started with arch as their first distro, so it's certainly possible, but you'll need to be ready for a lot of reading
Try them both and decide for your own, I'd say.
You can also have a look at the Beginner's Guide in the wiki, it's quite straight forward
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Both the beginner's guide: and the official installation guide: … tall_Guide will get you over the first set of humps. It sounds like you may have already read one or both because you have a working install.
Personally I see no reason why you shouldn't just stay with Arch. It's true that Ubuntu is easier to start, but you'll have a harder time learning Linux itself. Arch will teach you the fundamentals.
One huge plus of Arch is its community. If a question doesn't get answered here, or a link to a solution doesn't arise, it usually means that something is incredibly new and no one has experience or there is no working solution.
If you consider yourself a complete newbie in terms of Linux itself, you might want to cut your teeth with a distro more new user friendly at first. But as Ramses de Norre stated, some jump right in with Arch. I would only suggest the latter if you have more than one computer.
"Also - what DE/WM do you guys recommend?"
DE's are more new user friendly and you can install more than one so I suggest starting there. As far as which one that is completely up to you, since that is a personal question IMO. Try them all.
And last but not least - good luck!
Yea, I got a working install and internet - although think that was a bit of a fluke
Anyone managed a working install and gui on virtualbox?
I don't know what your problem with fluxbox is, but I've seen some posts about problems starting fluxbox as user which were caused by wrong permissions on the /tmp folder (the correct permissions should be 1777, or "drwxrwxrwt"). Other than that not being able to start a DE/WM is usually caused by xorg.conf misconfiguration.
Im trying out some distros having never used linux before. Currently using vista 64bit - but posting from ubuntu 7.10 from virtualbox
Before I decide and actually boot from my hard drive I want to try some distros in virtualbox but have some Qs
Any I should give a go before deciding? Obviously ubuntu (dont see much difference to windows though, seems pretty standard so far), and arch
I like debian and its derivatives (which of course includes ubuntu) -- arch is the only exception I've found. Really it's a matter of taste. Debian has big repos, a nice package system, and several flavors. Try them all
Also, I tried arch last night and got so confused setting it up, managed to install the main OS and connect to the internet but couldnt get fluxbox to work. Also - what DE/WM do you guys recommend?
Again a matter of taste. You have to get in there and get dirty with this stuff before you find what appeals to you. Fluxbox is a bare-metal WM, and not to everyone's taste -- I'm fond of its cousin, openbox. Xfce4 is very nice, though -- light and still pretty friendly for a beginner.
Will there be a different setup procedure for the internet if I install this onto a partition rather the virtualbox since I have bridged my connection from vista to virtualbox.
Yes, it will be very different up to the point where you get all your hardware going.
Basically, can it be done and made fully working and will anyone be willing to guide me through any confusing steps as I go?
Well, there's always help for linux stuff -- it's a friendly world here
noobus in perpetuus
Also, I tried arch last night and got so confused setting it up, managed to install the main OS and connect to the internet but couldnt get fluxbox to work. Also - what DE/WM do you guys recommend?
Unlike a lot of distro's, arch's packages are not built around certain DE/WM's, you dont have to use a specific one. For example slackaware pushes kde, Debain pushes Gnome and Zenwalk pushes XFCE.
Arch is similar to Gentoo, where a base system gets installed, then the user simply installs what packages work for them.
You could install Gnome, XFCE and KDE if you wanted to, then switch between.
As far as a personal recomendation, I find myself using either Openbox or Gnome. I find Gnome to be very productive, fast and helps me get the best out of my desktop.
The "Arch Way", would be best explained as giving the user choice, not everyone wants the same from a distro, so Arch buys the house, you decorate it.
Its VERY unusual to find two Arch desktop machines with the same packages, but to get started, check the wiki and other forum posts and IRC, welcome
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
Ok - first major problem
Trying to install python and get this message:
[root@arch~]# pacman -S python
error: failed to init transaction (unable to lock database)
if you're sure a package manager is not already
running, you can remove /var/lib/pacman/db.lck.
Was isntalling it fine and then it stopped and hung for bout 10 mins sio I rebooted, now I cant get the package manager to work
It means that pacman closed ungracefully. As root, remove the file and pacman will start again:
rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck
Lol, thanks - didnt know the delete/remove command
Gotta say thought - loving this forum. Very helpful and quick to reply
Any help with installing menumaker in fluxvox?
I have downloaded and done makepkg on it
when I try and install with:
pacman -U menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
error: failed to add target 'menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz' (cannot open pakage file) loading package data ...
This is under root, when I try it under a user I dont have permission or something
You must use the full path to the package you are installing. Easiest is to click and paste into the command line.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
More questions, cant seem to find answers in the search
Still interested about the above although I ignored it
1. In the configure fluxbox wiki I dont know how to install xdg menu. I managed to download it and all but didnt know what to do next
2.fluxbox is working but and I have a right click menu - however, when I boot I have to log in in a dos style screen and then type startx - is this normal and is there any way to automatically go straight to fluxbox
3. anyway to have a login screen that aint dos style?
4. I downloaded firefox usings pacman -S firefox (take it thats how its done) and can only run it by right clicking - selecting run and typing firefox, is this standard? Also, does pacman get the lastest version
Finally - I am posting this from arch so thanks to all the quick responses. Still in virtualbox so learning the ropes but so far so good
You must use the full path to the package you are installing. Easiest is to click and paste into the command line.
Can you give an example? Im not very computer literate so by full path what would I enter since I dont know where arch has downloaded this file to - its just sorta happened :S
I did type cd menumaker and I believe that takes me into the folder
Sounds like you are on your way..I would recommend you slow down a bit and read up on a few things in the wiki. You need to walk before you can run.
The Beginner's Guide, as was suggested, should be your first stop. Read it from beginning to end.
Then re-read the fluxbox page.
Also have a look at this:
That will help you log into X at boot.
The wiki will set you up with the answers to all your questions.
Pacman page:
Wherever you did makepkg is where the .pkg.tar.gz is located and it is labeled PKG. You can open that and click and drag the .pkg.tar.gz you have created to the command line in a terminal ...
....pacman -U /root/Desktop/menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz... if the package is located on the Desktop
It will be in the directory from which you did makepkg.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Any help with installing menumaker in fluxvox?
I have downloaded and done makepkg on it
when I try and install with:
pacman -U menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
error: failed to add target 'menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz' (cannot open pakage file) loading package data ...This is under root, when I try it under a user I dont have permission or something
If you have run makepkg -c, then stay in the same directory and run...
pacman -A menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
The exit root user, and as standard user run..
mmaker -vf fluxbox
Arch Linux since 2006
Python Web Developer + Sys Admin (Gentoo/BSD)
pacman -A menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz
pacman -A is depreciated, read the man pages. U should use instead pacman -U as the OP did to begin with.
Last edited by jacko (2008-02-11 17:11:26)
You must do the ...pacman -U (click,drag,and paste the .pkg.tar.gz package from the directory you did makepkg from).........
This technique avoids typo errors.....
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Still cant get menumaker to install I receive this error:
Error: failed to add target 'menumaker-0.99.7-2-i686.pkg.tar.gz (cannot open package file) loading package data ...
did u download just the PKGBUILD or all the other files with it? Sounds like you do not have all the needed files.
right click on each link and save as... then save them to a directory, somewhere u know how to get too. Use the same names as listed.
then u do a
cd <path/to/directory>
where the files are stored and then run...
makepkg -c
then install using pacman
pacman -U menumaker*.pkg.tar.gz
then u are done.
Last edited by jacko (2008-02-11 20:19:23)
If the PKG is generated from makepkg, all the depends were available and utilized.
Be sure you open the PKG folder and access the .pkg.tar.gz inside.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
Ive entered cd menumaker so am in the folder when I get the error.
So confused