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Hi! I had linux-uvc-svn installed in my x64 system and my webcam worked ok, but i have updated the kernel to 2.6.24 version and now, i have the next message:
FATAL: Error inserting uvcvideo (/lib/modules/2.6.24-ARCH/kernel/drivers/media/video/usbvideo/uvcvideo.ko): Invalid module format
This new kenel support my Ricoh card reader, so i want to use it.
Does anyone know how to use uvc and the new kernel?
Change 2.6.23 to be 2.6.24 in linux-uvc.install and linux-uvc-svn PKGBUILD and rebuild the package.
Thanks! bu there is no reference to 2.6.23 kernel in that files.
Thanks again!
Are you familiar with abs & makepkg ? If not, check the wiki, you'll find nice info about that. That's what you need right now to solve your problem (if you don't want to wait for the package update). A short how-to:
Install necessary tools
#pacman -S base-devel
Sync your abs tree
Go to /var/abs/community/multimedia/modules or something similar (can't check now but anyway, find the linux-uvc-svn folder that will be a somewhere in /var/abs/community/)
Copy the linux-uvc-svn folder to a place where you have rw permissions.
Inside that folder you'll find a PKGBUILD file and a .install file, edit them and change every "2.6.23" to "2.6.24".
Start building your package
$makepkg -c
Install it once it's done
#pacman -U name_of_the_package.pkg.tar.gz
Load your module
#modprobe uvcvideo (IIRC that's the name of the module)
That's it.
EDIT: you have to enable [community] in abs:
edit /etc/abs/abs.conf
remove the ! in front of community
Last edited by bangkok_manouel (2008-02-12 13:19:08)
Ok it's done, the problem was that the PKGBUILD and .install files that i donwloaded from aur were wrong. I downloaded correctly and i found the references to 2.6.23 and changed them to 2.6.24. I did makepkg and depmod and modprobe and everything is ok again.
Thanks for your help bangkok_manouel !!!
Cool !!
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