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When I use spalshy I get blinking black lines in my xorg enviroment. They become really annoying. I have an ati card, any advice would be great!
An example is here:
This is a known problem. I still try to find out, what causes this issue. It seems, that this issue only happens, if splashy is started from initramfs.
I will have a deeper look at it this or the next week, since im ill...
I added a small hack to solve this issue. I hope it works also for you...
I have the same problem with balck lines in the upper corner of my screen. Your last hack to solve the problem didn`t work for me. Any further ideas?
Foresight does not have this problem. My guess is that splashy is still activated when you are in X. Cimi, see if there is a process you can kill.