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I just bought a bluetooth interface. I have read trough some wikis and googled and it seems that there isn't program for mnaging Bluetooth devices. Altough kdebluetooth seems to be trying that I did not managed how to achieve everything I can think off . So I want to ask if there is some bluetooth program I missed or there is an "empty place".
If there is not such program, I would like to start work on a new one. I am not a bluetooth expert, but I will do my best.
My goal is:
To make bluetooth manager that allows to set up and achieve everything that can be achieved with bluetooth with help allowing people to learn about bluetooth possibilities.
I think program should consist of:
* bluetooth daemons configuration editor (interface name, capabilities)
* device manager allowing pairing, displaying paired devices and removing them, exploring their capabilities
* a "debug console" displaying what happens (with debug level setting), in basic setting it should display what program actually does and if the operation was successful or not, and if not, then why
I would greatly appreciate if someone wanted to help me with this project. I am a Java programmer, but I think I am able to learn quickly.
As implementation language I want to use C++.
I would like to split this program into backend library that allows high level opreation with devices (e.g. get list of available bluetooth devices, pair with specified device, unpair, pair-again) and with frontend (I have a little programming experience with GTK, but other flavours would be possible to write).
This program should use DBus for communication with bluetooth adapter(s). (Would it then be possible to run it in Windows? Not necessary, but it would be nice)
When it comes to configuration editor, I would like the editor to read configuration files, changing settings but leaving everything other on the file untouched (e.g. formatting, comments). Is there some library to do this, or should I write one myself?
I appreciate any opinions and criticism.
bluez-gnome is what I'm using right now. It does alot of the stuff you propose, but it does fail on some types of problems e.g. headsets fail because bluez-gnome tries to open it with obex. You might want to look at that program.
"Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the Last Day"
Take a look at "blueman" (gnome).
It's pretty good.
Blueman looks good. I'll give it a try. Altough i use KDE, I am not desktop purist.
KDE has a set of bluetooth applications as well. Just install kdebluetooth package from extra.
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