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nVidia's driver works fine for me w/ 2.6.5-3 Will 2.6.6 be a problem?
It is not working for me. I followed the wiki instructions and I get " /bin/sh: scripts/basic/fixdp no such file" with the new 2.6.6.
Found on KernelTrap (
You should not enable 4k stacks if you want nvidia drivers to work. You can disable it under "Kernel hacking" in menuconfig.
So how are you guys loading nvidia (via pacman) or running installer ...
Will I need to compile kernel (roll own) to get nvidia drivers to work
Mr Green...
Mr Green I like Landuke!
An alternative to removing 4k stacks is patching the nvidia drivers with the patches at ''.
I am recompiling now, but I am not holding my breath. The 4k stacks was not selected in the arch 2.6.6 .config. The 1.0-5336 drivers from nvidia did not need the patch (at least not with 2.6.5).
...I could have held my breath, it is working now. Thanks for the replies.
Can you guess what options you had to alter to get it working, or was it the compilation process?
It's possible the 2.6.6 package is not copying all the needed files to /usr/src; did you use ABS or the /usr/src version?
Hi Dusty and folks,
here are the things I tracked down so far:
- the delivered files in /usr/src never worked for a nvidia driver install for me
- I did an ordinary download of the sources and symlink the unpacked stuff to
/usr/src - which didn't work either
- only a recompile of the kernel via abs and symlinking the sources from
there to /usr/src made the driver compile
I have to admit that this is not really common as it seems. Some people
seem to be able to compile the drivers with just the untared sources. But
this never worked for me even with earlier releases of the driver or the
kernel. So it seems that nothing has changed for the nvidia drivers with the new kernel release.
bye neri
Can you guess what options you had to alter to get it working, or was it the compilation process?
It's possible the 2.6.6 package is not copying all the needed files to /usr/src; did you use ABS or the /usr/src version?
Hi Dusty,
I just recompiled to get it to work.
For 2.6.5, I just untared the sources in /usr/src and then copied the .config and include/ from the partial source tree that came with pacman. Then the nvidia installer would work.
This time, I untared/copied and then 'make -s clean bzImage modules modules_install' using the .config that came with 2.6.6 (cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.5/arch/i386/boot/;sh ./ also), and the nvidia installer worked.
No problems here and didn't need to do anything - it just worked.
I just did a fresh AL install, upgraded to the newest kernel (2.6.6) via pacman. Downloaded the latest drivers from (1.0-5336) and installed them. They built fine and installed fine with modprobe. X comes up nice and perty (or pretty depending on where you're from).
So, anyone running the lastest nvidia drivers with the newest kernel shouldn't have to do anything special (no abs, no nvidia patching, etc).
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So, anyone running the lastest nvidia drivers with the newest kernel shouldn't have to do anything special (no abs, no nvidia patching, etc).
Any problems people are having may stem from upgrading the drivers/kernel instead of installing afresh then?
Some notes:
the NVidia package in tpowa's TUR probably doesn't work with kernel 2.6.6 yet.
it might help to uninstall a previous NVidia installation before upgrading the kernel.
I haven't upgraded my kernel yet, and when I do I'll be compiling from source, so I won't be able to check stock configurations.
So, anyone running the lastest nvidia drivers with the newest kernel shouldn't have to do anything special (no abs, no nvidia patching, etc).
Just as you said. No problem here. It all worked.
The new kernel works fine with the nvidia driver.
(I use the installer from nvidia)
1) I uninstalled the nvidia driver
2) Removed module from /etc/rc.conf
3) Reboot (prob. didn't have to...)
4) Upgraded kernel
5) Installed nvidia driver
6) Added module to /etc/rc.conf
Works like a champ.
see this !!!
I have nvidia troubles after update as well !!!
Forever newbie !!!
my package works with the 2.6.6 stock kernel
all you have to do is a pacman -S nvidia after kernel update
or rerun /opt/nvidia/./
but that's now mentioned while installing
my package is now in the staging repo
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