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I try to install midori by yaourt.
I have installe webkitgtk-svn:
[tiziano@arch64 ~]$ sudo pacman -Qs webkit
local/webkitgtk-svn 31079-1
An open source web browser engine
[tiziano@arch64 ~]$
but when I try to compile midori, obtain:
checking for GTK... yes
checking for WEBKIT... no
configure: error: No WebKitGtk package information found
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
==> ERRORE: Compilazione interrotta.
L'operazione sta per essere interrotta...
Error: Makepkg was unable to build midori package.
[tiziano@arch64 ~]$
What's the problem?
The problem is that your webkitgtk is not found by the configure script of midori.
Try to find out wheather you have a file webkitgtk.pc somewhere on your system. If you have, try to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH to point to that file.
midori-git works about 3 hours a go when I compiled it
I try to install midori by yaourt.
I have installe webkitgtk-svn:[tiziano@arch64 ~]$ sudo pacman -Qs webkit local/webkitgtk-svn 31079-1 An open source web browser engine [tiziano@arch64 ~]$
but when I try to compile midori, obtain:
... checking for GTK... yes checking for WEBKIT... no configure: error: No WebKitGtk package information found make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. ==> ERRORE: Compilazione interrotta. L'operazione sta per essere interrotta... Error: Makepkg was unable to build midori package. [tiziano@arch64 ~]$
What's the problem?
I tried to compile epiphany with webkit engine. The webkit configure script produces a similar error.
Something like "no package webkitgtk found".
I noticed webkigtk-svn installed only a license file
pacman -Ql webkitgtk-svn
local/webkitgtk-svn 31084-1
An open source web browser engine
I build webkitgtk-svn with the PKGBUILD from AUR. Seems it compiled not correctly.
Last edited by SiD (2008-03-21 19:05:27)
Anyone find a solution to this? I just spent hours building webkitgtk-svn on my old P3 Celeron box but the build of midori fails with the above message. I have a .pc file at /usr/lib/pkgconfig/webkit-1.0.pc and webkitgtk appears to have installed correctly but even if I run "export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/pkgconfig" I get the following message on build:
checking for WEBKIT... no
configure: error: No WebKitGtk package information found
Firefox is really slow on this box and I would really like to be able to try out webkit.
Thanks in advance
you can try the webkit-nightly package on AUR. with this package midori builts fine
also i provide frequently updated webkit-nightly and midori-git packages in my repository:
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
I am trying to use your repo to avoid building webkitgtk-nightly from source but I get the following error and can't seem to find a solution:
midori: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
edit: Installed the gstreamer0.10-python package from extra and that fixed it.
Last edited by rocktorrentz (2008-04-22 13:34:50)
you are right, i added gstreamer0.10-base-plugins as dependency, it is required for webkit. thanks for your report
We can't stop here! This is bat country!!
Glad to be of some use. I'm posting this from midori and although both the browser and the engine still need a lot of work, it is much faster (both loading and rendering) than firefox 3 and thanks to you I don't have to compile it all on this terrible processor .
i made a patch
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