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Just wondering if anyone else is having this problem, with or without Openbox. I have enabled xcompmgr using composite with the ATI fglrx driver. Rxvt-Unicode shows proper transparency, but it does not render a drop shadow on the window. All other client windows/menus render shadows.
I experimented a bit and found the following:
* Disabling 32-bit color depth for urxvt (urxvt*depth: 24) will fix the shadows, but then removes transparency
* Enabling server-side compositing within xcompmgr (xcompmgr -s) will enable both transparency and shadows, but of course the shadows are not soft.
Has anybody experienced this? Is there a workaround? Can't seem to find anything on Google.
For the record, xcompmgr and urxvt are being tested with these settings, although I have tried others too:
xcompmgr -cC -t-3 -l-5 -r5 -o.65
urxvt -depth 32 -fg white -bg rgba:0000/0000/0000/bbbb
$ cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
# /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Dell Xorg"
Screen 0 "aticonfig-Screen[0]" 0 0
InputDevice "Dell Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Logitech MX518" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Synaptics Touchpad" "SendCoreEvents" # send core events to the CorePointer
Section "Files"
# Additional fonts: Locale, Gimp, TTF...
# FontPath "/usr/share/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi"
# FontPath "/usr/share/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi"
# True type and type1 fonts are also handled via xftlib, see /etc/X11/XftConfig!
RgbPath "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
ModulePath "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/misc"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/75dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/PEX"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/Type1"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/CID"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/TrueType"
FontPath "/usr/share/fonts/local" # added for terminus
Section "Module"
Load "ddc" # ddc probing of monitor
Load "dbe"
Load "dri"
Load "extmod"
Load "glx"
Load "bitmap" # bitmap-fonts
Load "type1"
Load "freetype"
Load "record"
Load "synaptics" # Synaptics Touchpad driver
Section "ServerFlags"
# Option "AIGLX" "false" # toggle AIGLX mode
Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Dell Keyboard"
Driver "keyboard"
# Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
# Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
Option "XkbModel" "dell101"
Option "XkbLayout" "us"
Option "Autorepeat" "400 40" # Repeat pause and speed
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Logitech MX518"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" # options: ExplorerPS/2, IMPS/2, auto, USB (Exp. req'd for side-buttons)
Option "Buttons" "5"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
Driver "synaptics"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "auto-dev"
Option "LeftEdge" "1700"
Option "RightEdge" "5300"
Option "TopEdge" "1700"
Option "BottomEdge" "4200"
Option "FingerLow" "25"
Option "FingerHigh" "30"
Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
Option "MaxTapMove" "220"
Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
Option "MinSpeed" "0.10"
Option "MaxSpeed" "0.20"
Option "AccelFactor" "0.0020"
Option " VertTwoFingerScroll" "True" #Virtual scroll when two fingers dragged up/down
Option " HorizTwoFingerScroll" "True" #Virtual scroll when two fingers dragged left/right
Option "SHMConfig" "true"
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
Option "VendorName" "Dell Inspiron 6400 LCD"
Option "DPMS" "true"
HorizSync 28.0 - 96.0
VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.0
DisplaySize 356 222 # 120 DPI @ 1680x1050 (calculated by: pixel width * 25.4 / dpi and pixel height *25.4 / dpi)
# DisplaySize 444 278 # 96 DPI @ 1680x1050 (dimensions can also be found by shell: 'xrandr --query' or 'xdpyinfo | grep dimension'
# DisplaySize 331 212 # Actual display size in millimeters (approximately 13.0" x 8.3" )
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
Option "VendorName" "ATI Proprietary Driver"
Option "ModelName" "Generic Autodetecting Monitor"
Option "DPMS" "true"
# DisplaySize 356 222 # 120 DPI @ 1680x1050 (calculated by: pixel width * 25.4 / dpi and pixel height *25.4 / dpi)
DisplaySize 444 278 # 96 DPI @ 1680x1050 (dimensions can also be found by shell: 'xrandr --query' or 'xdpyinfo | grep dimension'
# DisplaySize 331 212 # Actual display size in millimeters (approximately 13.0" x 8.3" )
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "vesa"
VendorName "All"
BoardName "All"
Section "Device"
Identifier "aticonfig-Device[0]"
Driver "fglrx"
Option "VideoOverlay" "on" # aticonfig --overlay-type Xv automatically added this
Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off" # aticonfig --overlay-type Xv automatically added this
# EXPERIMENTAL SETTINGS ######################
Option "backingstore" "true" # Enables support for backing store, improving performance
# Option "RenderAccel" "true" # (NVIDIA ONLY?) Speed increase when using this along with the Composite Extension
# Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true" # Xorg.log says this is not used anyway
Option "UseInternalAGPGart" "no" # This option is known to fix issues with suspend/hibernate (Arch ATI wiki)
Section "Screen"
# Full list of resolutions sorted by ratio can be found below.
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 32
SubSection "Display"
Depth 1
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 4
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 8
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 15
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
SubSection "Display"
Depth 32
Modes "1680x1050" "1600x1024" "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x1024" "1280x800" "1152x768" "1024x768" "852x480" "800x600" "640x480" "320x240"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "aticonfig-Screen[0]"
Device "aticonfig-Device[0]"
Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Viewport 0 0
Depth 24
Section "DRI"
Mode 0666
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable" # Confirm with $ xdpyinfo | grep Composite
# Option "DAMAGE" "Enable" #DAMAGE/XDAMAGE redraws only parts of the screen which have been changed (damaged).
# Option "RENDER" "Enable" #RENDER is not needed. Enabled by default, it allows things like antialiased fonts
$ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
This is a pre-release version of the X server from The X.Org Foundation.
It is not supported in any way.
Bugs may be filed in the bugzilla at
Select the "xorg" product for bugs you find in this release.
Before reporting bugs in pre-release versions please check the
latest version in the X.Org Foundation git repository.
See for git access instructions.
X.Org X Server
Release Date: 5 September 2007
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-ARCH i686
Current Operating System: Linux dublin 2.6.24-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Mar 5 12:07:52 UTC 2008 i686
Build Date: 16 March 2008 08:36:32PM
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Fri Mar 21 11:32:44 2008
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(==) ServerLayout "Dell Xorg"
(**) |-->Screen "aticonfig-Screen[0]" (0)
(**) | |-->Monitor "aticonfig-Monitor[0]"
(**) | |-->Device "aticonfig-Device[0]"
(**) |-->Input Device "Dell Keyboard"
(**) |-->Input Device "Logitech MX518"
(**) |-->Input Device "Synaptics Touchpad"
(**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
(==) Automatically adding devices
(==) Automatically enabling devices
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/PEX" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic".
Entry deleted from font path.
(Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/cyrillic").
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/truetype" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/CID" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/defoma/TrueType" does not exist.
Entry deleted from font path.
(==) Including the default font path /usr/share/fonts/misc,/usr/share/fonts/100dpi:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/75dpi:unscaled,/usr/share/fonts/TTF,/usr/share/fonts/Type1.
(**) FontPath set to:
(**) RgbPath set to "/usr/share/X11/rgb"
(**) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
(**) Extension "Composite" is enabled
(II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
(II) Loader magic: 0x81d74e0
(II) Module ABI versions:
X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.3
X.Org Video Driver: 2.0
X.Org XInput driver : 2.0
X.Org Server Extension : 0.3
X.Org Font Renderer : 0.5
(II) Loader running on linux
(II) LoadModule: "pcidata"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module pcidata: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 2.0
(++) using VT number 7
(II) PCI: PCI scan (all values are in hex)
(II) PCI: 00:00:0: chip 8086,27a0 card 1028,01bd rev 03 class 06,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:01:0: chip 8086,27a1 card 0000,0000 rev 03 class 06,04,00 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:1b:0: chip 8086,27d8 card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 04,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1c:0: chip 8086,27d0 card 0000,0000 rev 01 class 06,04,00 hdr 81
(II) PCI: 00:1c:3: chip 8086,27d6 card 0000,0000 rev 01 class 06,04,00 hdr 81
(II) PCI: 00:1d:0: chip 8086,27c8 card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 0c,03,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:1d:1: chip 8086,27c9 card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1d:2: chip 8086,27ca card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1d:3: chip 8086,27cb card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 0c,03,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1d:7: chip 8086,27cc card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 0c,03,20 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1e:0: chip 8086,2448 card 0000,0000 rev e1 class 06,04,01 hdr 01
(II) PCI: 00:1f:0: chip 8086,27b9 card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 06,01,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 00:1f:2: chip 8086,27c4 card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 01,01,80 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 00:1f:3: chip 8086,27da card 1028,01bd rev 01 class 0c,05,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 01:00:0: chip 1002,7145 card 1028,2003 rev 00 class 03,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 03:00:0: chip 14e4,170c card 1028,01af rev 02 class 02,00,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: 03:01:0: chip 1180,0832 card 1028,01bd rev 00 class 0c,00,10 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 03:01:1: chip 1180,0822 card 1028,01bd rev 19 class 08,05,01 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 03:01:2: chip 1180,0592 card 1028,01bd rev 0a class 08,80,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 03:01:3: chip 1180,0852 card 1028,01bd rev 05 class 08,80,00 hdr 80
(II) PCI: 0b:00:0: chip 8086,4222 card 8086,1020 rev 02 class 02,80,00 hdr 00
(II) PCI: End of PCI scan
(II) Intel Bridge workaround enabled
(II) Host-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 0: bridge is at (0:0:0), (0,0,12), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 0 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[b]
(II) Bus 0 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
(II) Bus 0 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 1: bridge is at (0:1:0), (0,1,1), BCTRL: 0x001a (VGA_EN is set)
(II) Bus 1 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x0000e000 - 0x0000efff (0x1000) IX[b]
(II) Bus 1 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xefd00000 - 0xefefffff (0x200000) MX[b]
(II) Bus 1 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 11: bridge is at (0:28:0), (0,11,11), BCTRL: 0x0002 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 11 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xefc00000 - 0xefcfffff (0x100000) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 12: bridge is at (0:28:3), (0,12,13), BCTRL: 0x0002 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 12 I/O range:
[0] -1 0 0x0000d000 - 0x0000dfff (0x1000) IX[b]
(II) Bus 12 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xefa00000 - 0xefbfffff (0x200000) MX[b]
(II) Bus 12 prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xe0000000 - 0xe01fffff (0x200000) MX[b]
(II) Subtractive PCI-to-PCI bridge:
(II) Bus 3: bridge is at (0:30:0), (0,3,3), BCTRL: 0x0002 (VGA_EN is cleared)
(II) Bus 3 non-prefetchable memory range:
[0] -1 0 0xef900000 - 0xef9fffff (0x100000) MX[b]
(II) PCI-to-ISA bridge:
(II) Bus -1: bridge is at (0:31:0), (0,-1,-1), BCTRL: 0x0008 (VGA_EN is set)
(--) PCI:*(1:0:0) ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 rev 0, Mem @ 0xd0000000/28, 0xefdf0000/16, I/O @ 0xee00/8
(II) Addressable bus resource ranges are
[0] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0xffffffff (0x0) MX[b]
[1] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0000ffff (0x10000) IX[b]
(II) OS-reported resource ranges:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) Active PCI resource ranges:
[0] -1 0 0xefcff000 - 0xefcfffff (0x1000) MX[b]
[1] -1 0 0xef9fd700 - 0xef9fd7ff (0x100) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0xef9fd600 - 0xef9fd6ff (0x100) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0xef9fd500 - 0xef9fd5ff (0x100) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xef9fd800 - 0xef9fdfff (0x800) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xef9fe000 - 0xef9fffff (0x2000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xffa80000 - 0xffa803ff (0x400) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xefffc000 - 0xefffffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b](B)
[9] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
[10] -1 0 0x000010c0 - 0x000010df (0x20) IX[b]
[11] -1 0 0x0000bfa0 - 0x0000bfaf (0x10) IX[b]
[12] -1 0 0x00000374 - 0x00000374 (0x1) IX[b]
[13] -1 0 0x00000170 - 0x00000177 (0x8) IX[b]
[14] -1 0 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f4 (0x1) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x000001f0 - 0x000001f7 (0x8) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x0000bf20 - 0x0000bf3f (0x20) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000bf40 - 0x0000bf5f (0x20) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x0000bf60 - 0x0000bf7f (0x20) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x0000bf80 - 0x0000bf9f (0x20) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b](B)
(II) Active PCI resource ranges after removing overlaps:
[0] -1 0 0xefcff000 - 0xefcfffff (0x1000) MX[b]
[1] -1 0 0xef9fd700 - 0xef9fd7ff (0x100) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0xef9fd600 - 0xef9fd6ff (0x100) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0xef9fd500 - 0xef9fd5ff (0x100) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xef9fd800 - 0xef9fdfff (0x800) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xef9fe000 - 0xef9fffff (0x2000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xffa80000 - 0xffa803ff (0x400) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xefffc000 - 0xefffffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b](B)
[9] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
[10] -1 0 0x000010c0 - 0x000010df (0x20) IX[b]
[11] -1 0 0x0000bfa0 - 0x0000bfaf (0x10) IX[b]
[12] -1 0 0x00000374 - 0x00000374 (0x1) IX[b]
[13] -1 0 0x00000170 - 0x00000177 (0x8) IX[b]
[14] -1 0 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f4 (0x1) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x000001f0 - 0x000001f7 (0x8) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x0000bf20 - 0x0000bf3f (0x20) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000bf40 - 0x0000bf5f (0x20) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x0000bf60 - 0x0000bf7f (0x20) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x0000bf80 - 0x0000bf9f (0x20) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b](B)
(II) OS-reported resource ranges after removing overlaps with PCI:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
(II) All system resource ranges:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xefcff000 - 0xefcfffff (0x1000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xef9fd700 - 0xef9fd7ff (0x100) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xef9fd600 - 0xef9fd6ff (0x100) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xef9fd500 - 0xef9fd5ff (0x100) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xef9fd800 - 0xef9fdfff (0x800) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xef9fe000 - 0xef9fffff (0x2000) MX[b]
[10] -1 0 0xffa80000 - 0xffa803ff (0x400) MX[b]
[11] -1 0 0xefffc000 - 0xefffffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[12] -1 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b](B)
[13] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
[14] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x000010c0 - 0x000010df (0x20) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000bfa0 - 0x0000bfaf (0x10) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x00000374 - 0x00000374 (0x1) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x00000170 - 0x00000177 (0x8) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f4 (0x1) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x000001f0 - 0x000001f7 (0x8) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x0000bf20 - 0x0000bf3f (0x20) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x0000bf40 - 0x0000bf5f (0x20) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x0000bf60 - 0x0000bf7f (0x20) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x0000bf80 - 0x0000bf9f (0x20) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b](B)
(II) "extmod" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "dbe" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "glx" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "freetype" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "record" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "dri" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"(II) Module "ddc" already built-in
(II) LoadModule: "dbe"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) LoadModule: "dri"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module dri: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) Loading extension SHAPE
(II) Loading extension BIG-REQUESTS
(II) Loading extension SYNC
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XC-MISC
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-Misc
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension TOG-CUP
(II) Loading extension Extended-Visual-Information
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Loading extension X-Resource
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module glx: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(==) AIGLX enabled
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "type1"
(WW) Warning, couldn't open module type1
(II) UnloadModule: "type1"
(EE) Failed to load module "type1" (module does not exist, 0)
(II) LoadModule: "freetype"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/fonts//
(II) Module freetype: vendor="X.Org Foundation & the After X-TT Project"
compiled for, module version = 2.1.0
Module class: X.Org Font Renderer
ABI class: X.Org Font Renderer, version 0.5
(II) Loading font FreeType
(II) LoadModule: "record"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//
(II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.13.0
Module class: X.Org Server Extension
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) Loading extension RECORD
(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//
(II) Module synaptics: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 2.0
(II) LoadModule: "fglrx"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) Module fglrx: vendor="FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc."
compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 8.47.3
Module class: X.Org Video Driver
(II) LoadModule: "kbd"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//
(II) Module kbd: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.4.0, module version = 1.2.2
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 2.0
(II) LoadModule: "mouse"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//
(II) Module mouse: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for 1.4.0, module version = 1.2.3
Module class: X.Org XInput Driver
ABI class: X.Org XInput driver, version 2.0
(II) LoadModule: "synaptics"
(II) Reloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input//
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 01:00:0
(II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version Identifier:8.47.3
(II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Release Identifier: UNSUPPORTED-8.471
(II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Build Date: Feb 25 2008 21:22:09
(--) Assigning device section with no busID to primary device
(--) Chipset Supported AMD Graphics Processor (0x7145) found
(II) AMD Video driver is running on a device belonging to a group targeted for this release
(II) AMD Video driver is signed
(II) resource ranges after xf86ClaimFixedResources() call:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xefcff000 - 0xefcfffff (0x1000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xef9fd700 - 0xef9fd7ff (0x100) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xef9fd600 - 0xef9fd6ff (0x100) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xef9fd500 - 0xef9fd5ff (0x100) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xef9fd800 - 0xef9fdfff (0x800) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xef9fe000 - 0xef9fffff (0x2000) MX[b]
[10] -1 0 0xffa80000 - 0xffa803ff (0x400) MX[b]
[11] -1 0 0xefffc000 - 0xefffffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[12] -1 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b](B)
[13] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
[14] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[15] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[16] -1 0 0x000010c0 - 0x000010df (0x20) IX[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000bfa0 - 0x0000bfaf (0x10) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x00000374 - 0x00000374 (0x1) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x00000170 - 0x00000177 (0x8) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f4 (0x1) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x000001f0 - 0x000001f7 (0x8) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x0000bf20 - 0x0000bf3f (0x20) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x0000bf40 - 0x0000bf5f (0x20) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x0000bf60 - 0x0000bf7f (0x20) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x0000bf80 - 0x0000bf9f (0x20) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b](B)
(II) fglrx(0): pEnt->device->identifier=0x82087e8
(II) resource ranges after probing:
[0] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[1] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[3] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0xefcff000 - 0xefcfffff (0x1000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0xef9fd700 - 0xef9fd7ff (0x100) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xef9fd600 - 0xef9fd6ff (0x100) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xef9fd500 - 0xef9fd5ff (0x100) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xef9fd800 - 0xef9fdfff (0x800) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xef9fe000 - 0xef9fffff (0x2000) MX[b]
[10] -1 0 0xffa80000 - 0xffa803ff (0x400) MX[b]
[11] -1 0 0xefffc000 - 0xefffffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[12] -1 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b](B)
[13] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
[14] 0 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[b]
[15] 0 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[b]
[16] 0 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[b]
[17] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[18] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[19] -1 0 0x000010c0 - 0x000010df (0x20) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000bfa0 - 0x0000bfaf (0x10) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x00000374 - 0x00000374 (0x1) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x00000170 - 0x00000177 (0x8) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f4 (0x1) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x000001f0 - 0x000001f7 (0x8) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x0000bf20 - 0x0000bf3f (0x20) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x0000bf40 - 0x0000bf5f (0x20) IX[b]
[27] -1 0 0x0000bf60 - 0x0000bf7f (0x20) IX[b]
[28] -1 0 0x0000bf80 - 0x0000bf9f (0x20) IX[b]
[29] -1 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b](B)
[30] 0 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[b]
[31] 0 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[b]
(II) Setting vga for screen 0.
(II) fglrx(0): === [atiddxPreInit] === begin
(II) Loading sub module "vgahw"
(II) LoadModule: "vgahw"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module vgahw: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 0.1.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 2.0
(II) fglrx(0): PCI bus 1 card 0 func 0
(**) fglrx(0): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
(II) fglrx(0): Pixel depth = 24 bits stored in 4 bytes (32 bpp pixmaps)
(==) fglrx(0): Default visual is TrueColor
(**) fglrx(0): Option "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
(**) fglrx(0): Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
(**) fglrx(0): Option "UseInternalAGPGART" "no"
(**) fglrx(0): Option "DPMS" "true"
(II) fglrx(0): Loading PCS database from /etc/ati/amdpcsdb
(==) fglrx(0): RGB weight 888
(II) fglrx(0): Using 8 bits per RGB (8 bit DAC)
(==) fglrx(0): Gamma Correction for I is 0x06419064
(==) fglrx(0): Gamma Correction for II is 0x06419064
(==) fglrx(0): Buffer Tiling is ON
(--) fglrx(0): Chipset: "ATI Mobility Radeon X1400" (Chipset = 0x7145)
(--) fglrx(0): (PciSubVendor = 0x1028, PciSubDevice = 0x2003)
(--) fglrx(0): board vendor info: third party graphics adapter - NOT original ATI
(--) fglrx(0): Linear framebuffer (phys) at 0xd0000000
(--) fglrx(0): MMIO registers at 0xefdf0000
(==) fglrx(0): ROM-BIOS at 0x000c0000
(II) Loading sub module "int10"
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 2.0
(II) fglrx(0): Primary V_BIOS segment is: 0xc000
(II) Loading sub module "vbe"
(II) LoadModule: "vbe"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module vbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.1.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 2.0
(II) fglrx(0): VESA BIOS detected
(II) fglrx(0): VESA VBE Version 3.0
(II) fglrx(0): VESA VBE Total Mem: 16384 kB
(II) fglrx(0): VESA VBE OEM Software Rev: 9.12
(II) fglrx(0): VESA VBE OEM Vendor: (C) 1988-2005, ATI Technologies Inc.
(II) fglrx(0): VESA VBE OEM Product: M54P
(II) fglrx(0): VESA VBE OEM Product Rev: 01.00
(II) fglrx(0): ATI Video BIOS revision 9 or later detected
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmGetBusid returned ''
(II) Loading sub module "fglrxdrm"
(II) LoadModule: "fglrxdrm"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/linux//
(II) Module fglrxdrm: vendor="FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc."
compiled for 7.1.0, module version = 8.47.3
ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 0.3
(II) fglrx(0): Using adapter: 1:0.0.
(--) fglrx(0): VideoRAM: 131072 kByte, Type: DDR2
(II) fglrx(0): PCIE card detected
(WW) fglrx(0): board is an unknown third party board, chipset is supported
(II) Loading sub module "ddc"
(II) LoadModule: "ddc"(II) Module "ddc" already built-in
(II) fglrx(0): Connected Display1: LCD on internal LVDS [lvds]
(II) fglrx(0): Display1 EDID data ---------------------------
(II) fglrx(0): Manufacturer: SEC Model: 3250 Serial#: 0
(II) fglrx(0): Year: 2006 Week: 0
(II) fglrx(0): EDID Version: 1.3
(II) fglrx(0): Digital Display Input
(II) fglrx(0): Max H-Image Size [cm]: horiz.: 33 vert.: 21
(II) fglrx(0): Gamma: 2.20
(II) fglrx(0): No DPMS capabilities specified; RGB/Color Display
(II) fglrx(0): First detailed timing is preferred mode
(II) fglrx(0): redX: 0.580 redY: 0.340 greenX: 0.310 greenY: 0.550
(II) fglrx(0): blueX: 0.155 blueY: 0.155 whiteX: 0.313 whiteY: 0.329
(II) fglrx(0): Manufacturer's mask: 0
(II) fglrx(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
(II) fglrx(0): clock: 119.2 MHz Image Size: 331 x 207 mm
(II) fglrx(0): h_active: 1680 h_sync: 1728 h_sync_end 1760 h_blank_end 1840 h_border: 0
(II) fglrx(0): v_active: 1050 v_sync: 1052 v_sync_end 1058 v_blanking: 1080 v_border: 0
(II) fglrx(0): CF264154P2
(II) fglrx(0): (?HT}£Óÿ
(II) fglrx(0): EDID (in hex):
(II) fglrx(0): 00ffffffffffff004ca3503200000000
(II) fglrx(0): 00100103802115780a87f594574f8c27
(II) fglrx(0): 27505400000001010101010101010101
(II) fglrx(0): 010101010101932e90a0601a1e403020
(II) fglrx(0): 26004bcf100000190000000f00000000
(II) fglrx(0): 00000000003cd2026400000000fe0043
(II) fglrx(0): 463236340231353450320a20000000fe
(II) fglrx(0): 00283f48547da3d3ff02010a20200055
(II) fglrx(0): End of Display1 EDID data --------------------
(WW) fglrx(0): Only one display is connnected,so single mode is enabled
(II) fglrx(0): Primary Controller - LCD on internal LVDS
(II) fglrx(0): Internal Desktop Setting: 0x00000001
(II) fglrx(0): POWERplay version 3. 5 power states available:
(II) fglrx(0): 1. 432/396MHz @ 60Hz [enable load balancing]
(II) fglrx(0): 2. 324/135MHz @ 60Hz [low voltage, enable sleep, thermal diode mode]
(II) fglrx(0): 3. 209/135MHz @ 60Hz [low voltage, enable sleep]
(II) fglrx(0): 4. 392/252MHz @ 60Hz [enable sleep, thermal diode mode]
(II) fglrx(0): 5. 392/252MHz @ 60Hz [enable sleep]
(==) fglrx(0): Qbs is not supported in this release. Disabled.
(==) fglrx(0): FAST_SWAP disabled
(==) fglrx(0): PseudoColor visuals disabled
(==) fglrx(0): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
(==) fglrx(0): Center Mode is disabled
(==) fglrx(0): TMDS coherent mode is enabled
(II) fglrx(0): Total of 18 modes found for primary display.
(--) fglrx(0): Virtual size is 1680x1050 (pitch 0)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1680x1050": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x60.0 119.23 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1440x900": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1440x900"x60.0 119.23 1440 1728 1760 1840 900 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1400x1050": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x60.0 119.23 1400 1728 1760 1840 1050 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x1024": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 1024 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x960": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x960"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 960 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x768": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x768"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 768 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x720": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x720"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 720 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1152x864": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1152x864"x60.0 119.23 1152 1728 1760 1840 864 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1024x768": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0 119.23 1024 1728 1760 1840 768 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "800x600": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.0 119.23 800 1728 1760 1840 600 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "720x480": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "720x480"x60.0 119.23 720 1728 1760 1840 480 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "640x480": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0 119.23 640 1728 1760 1840 480 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "640x432": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "640x432"x60.0 119.23 640 1728 1760 1840 432 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "640x400": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "640x400"x60.0 119.23 640 1728 1760 1840 400 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "512x384": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "512x384"x60.0 119.23 512 1728 1760 1840 384 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "400x300": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "400x300"x60.0 119.23 400 1728 1760 1840 300 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "320x240": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "320x240"x60.0 119.23 320 1728 1760 1840 240 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "320x200": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "320x200"x60.0 119.23 320 1728 1760 1840 200 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Display dimensions: (444, 278) mm
(WW) fglrx(0): Probed monitor is 330x210 mm, using Displaysize 444x278 mm
(**) fglrx(0): DPI set to (96, 95)
(--) fglrx(0): Virtual size is 1680x1050 (pitch 1728)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1680x1050": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1680x1050"x60.0 119.23 1680 1728 1760 1840 1050 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1440x900": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1440x900"x60.0 119.23 1440 1728 1760 1840 900 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1400x1050": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1400x1050"x60.0 119.23 1400 1728 1760 1840 1050 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x1024": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x1024"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 1024 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x960": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x960"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 960 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x768": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x768"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 768 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1280x720": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1280x720"x60.0 119.23 1280 1728 1760 1840 720 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1152x864": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1152x864"x60.0 119.23 1152 1728 1760 1840 864 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "1024x768": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "1024x768"x60.0 119.23 1024 1728 1760 1840 768 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "800x600": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "800x600"x60.0 119.23 800 1728 1760 1840 600 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "720x480": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "720x480"x60.0 119.23 720 1728 1760 1840 480 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): *Mode "640x480": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "640x480"x60.0 119.23 640 1728 1760 1840 480 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "640x432": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "640x432"x60.0 119.23 640 1728 1760 1840 432 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "640x400": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "640x400"x60.0 119.23 640 1728 1760 1840 400 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "512x384": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "512x384"x60.0 119.23 512 1728 1760 1840 384 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "400x300": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "400x300"x60.0 119.23 400 1728 1760 1840 300 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "320x240": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "320x240"x60.0 119.23 320 1728 1760 1840 240 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(**) fglrx(0): Default mode "320x200": 119.2 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 64.8 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) fglrx(0): Modeline "320x200"x60.0 119.23 320 1728 1760 1840 200 1052 1058 1080 +hsync +vsync (64.8 kHz)
(II) Loading sub module "fb"
(II) LoadModule: "fb"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module fb: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.0.0
ABI class: X.Org ANSI C Emulation, version 0.3
(II) Loading sub module "ramdac"
(II) LoadModule: "ramdac"(II) Module "ramdac" already built-in
(==) fglrx(0): NoAccel = NO
(II) Loading sub module "xaa"
(II) LoadModule: "xaa"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules//
(II) Module xaa: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
compiled for, module version = 1.2.0
ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 2.0
(==) fglrx(0): NoDRI = NO
(II) Loading sub module "fglrxdrm"
(II) LoadModule: "fglrxdrm"
(II) Reloading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/linux//
(II) fglrx(0): Depth moves disabled by default
(==) fglrx(0): Capabilities: 0x00000000
(==) fglrx(0): CapabilitiesEx: 0x00000000
(==) fglrx(0): cpuFlags: 0x8000001d
(==) fglrx(0): OpenGL ClientDriverName: ""
(**) fglrx(0): ATI GART size: 256 MB
(II) fglrx(0): [pcie] 258048 kB allocated
(II) fglrx(0): [drm] DRM buffer queue setup: nbufs = 100 bufsize = 65536
(==) fglrx(0): UseFastTLS=0
(==) fglrx(0): BlockSignalsOnLock=1
(--) Depth 24 pixmap format is 32 bpp
(II) do I need RAC? No, I don't.
(II) resource ranges after preInit:
[0] 0 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[1] 0 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b]
[2] -1 0 0x00100000 - 0x3fffffff (0x3ff00000) MX[b]E(B)
[3] -1 0 0x000f0000 - 0x000fffff (0x10000) MX[b]
[4] -1 0 0x000c0000 - 0x000effff (0x30000) MX[b]
[5] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x0009ffff (0xa0000) MX[b]
[6] -1 0 0xefcff000 - 0xefcfffff (0x1000) MX[b]
[7] -1 0 0xef9fd700 - 0xef9fd7ff (0x100) MX[b]
[8] -1 0 0xef9fd600 - 0xef9fd6ff (0x100) MX[b]
[9] -1 0 0xef9fd500 - 0xef9fd5ff (0x100) MX[b]
[10] -1 0 0xef9fd800 - 0xef9fdfff (0x800) MX[b]
[11] -1 0 0xef9fe000 - 0xef9fffff (0x2000) MX[b]
[12] -1 0 0xffa80000 - 0xffa803ff (0x400) MX[b]
[13] -1 0 0xefffc000 - 0xefffffff (0x4000) MX[b]
[14] -1 0 0xefdf0000 - 0xefdfffff (0x10000) MX[b](B)
[15] -1 0 0xd0000000 - 0xdfffffff (0x10000000) MX[b](B)
[16] 0 0 0x000a0000 - 0x000affff (0x10000) MS[b](OprU)
[17] 0 0 0x000b0000 - 0x000b7fff (0x8000) MS[b](OprU)
[18] 0 0 0x000b8000 - 0x000bffff (0x8000) MS[b](OprU)
[19] 0 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b]
[20] -1 0 0x0000ffff - 0x0000ffff (0x1) IX[b]
[21] -1 0 0x00000000 - 0x000000ff (0x100) IX[b]
[22] -1 0 0x000010c0 - 0x000010df (0x20) IX[b]
[23] -1 0 0x0000bfa0 - 0x0000bfaf (0x10) IX[b]
[24] -1 0 0x00000374 - 0x00000374 (0x1) IX[b]
[25] -1 0 0x00000170 - 0x00000177 (0x8) IX[b]
[26] -1 0 0x000003f4 - 0x000003f4 (0x1) IX[b]
[27] -1 0 0x000001f0 - 0x000001f7 (0x8) IX[b]
[28] -1 0 0x0000bf20 - 0x0000bf3f (0x20) IX[b]
[29] -1 0 0x0000bf40 - 0x0000bf5f (0x20) IX[b]
[30] -1 0 0x0000bf60 - 0x0000bf7f (0x20) IX[b]
[31] -1 0 0x0000bf80 - 0x0000bf9f (0x20) IX[b]
[32] -1 0 0x0000ee00 - 0x0000eeff (0x100) IX[b](B)
[33] 0 0 0x000003b0 - 0x000003bb (0xc) IS[b](OprU)
[34] 0 0 0x000003c0 - 0x000003df (0x20) IS[b](OprU)
(II) fglrx(0): driver needs 7.1.x.y with x.y >= 0.0
(WW) fglrx(0): could not detect X server version (query_status=-3)
(II) Loading extension ATIFGLRXDRI
(II) fglrx(0): doing DRIScreenInit
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID PCI:1:0:0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns 7
drmOpenByBusid: drmGetBusid reports
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card1
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card2
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card3
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card4
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card5
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card6
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card7
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card8
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card9
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card10
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card11
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card12
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card13
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card14
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: open result is -1, (No such device)
drmOpenDevice: Open failed
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns -19
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 7, (OK)
drmGetBusid returned ''
(II) [drm] DRM interface version 1.0
(II) [drm] DRM open master succeeded.
(II) fglrx(0): [drm] Using the DRM lock SAREA also for drawables.
(II) fglrx(0): [drm] framebuffer handle = 0x3000
(II) fglrx(0): [drm] added 1 reserved context for kernel
(II) fglrx(0): X context handle = 0x1
(II) fglrx(0): [drm] installed DRM signal handler
(II) fglrx(0): DRIScreenInit done
(II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module Version Information:
(II) fglrx(0): Name: fglrx
(II) fglrx(0): Version: 8.47.3
(II) fglrx(0): Date: Feb 25 2008
(II) fglrx(0): Desc: ATI FireGL DRM kernel module
(II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module version matches driver.
(II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module Build Time Information:
(II) fglrx(0): Build-Kernel UTS_RELEASE: 2.6.24-ARCH
(II) fglrx(0): Build-Kernel MODVERSIONS: no
(II) fglrx(0): Build-Kernel __SMP__: no
(II) fglrx(0): Build-Kernel PAGE_SIZE: 0x1000
(II) fglrx(0): [drm] register handle = 0x00005000
(II) fglrx(0): Interrupt handler installed at IRQ 16.
(II) fglrx(0): Exposed events to the /proc interface
(II) fglrx(0): DRI initialization successfull!
(II) fglrx(0): FBADPhys: 0xc0000000 FBMappedSize: 0x01008000
(II) fglrx(0): FBMM initialized for area (0,0)-(1728,2432)
(II) fglrx(0): FBMM auto alloc for area (0,0)-(1728,1050) (front color buffer - assumption)
(II) fglrx(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1728 x 1382
(**) fglrx(0): Option "BackingStore" "true"
(**) fglrx(0): Backing store enabled
(II) Loading extension FGLRXEXTENSION
(II) Loading extension ATITVOUT
(**) fglrx(0): DPMS enabled
(WW) fglrx(0): Video Overlay not supported on AVIVO based graphics cards. For XVideo support use Option "TexturedVideo".
(II) fglrx(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)
Screen to screen bit blits
Solid filled rectangles
8x8 mono pattern filled rectangles
Solid Lines
Dashed Lines
Offscreen Pixmaps
Setting up tile and stipple cache:
32 128x128 slots
8 256x256 slots
4 512x512 slots
(II) fglrx(0): Acceleration enabled
(WW) fglrx(0): Option "VendorName" is not used
(WW) fglrx(0): Option "ModelName" is not used
(II) fglrx(0): [DRI] installation complete
(II) fglrx(0): Direct rendering enabled
[atiddx] ASYNCIO init succeed!
(==) fglrx(0): Silken mouse enabled
(==) fglrx(0): Using hardware cursor
(==) RandR enabled
(II) Initializing built-in extension MIT-SHM
(II) Initializing built-in extension XInputExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension XTEST
(II) Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD
(II) Initializing built-in extension XC-APPGROUP
(II) Initializing built-in extension XAccessControlExtension
(II) Initializing built-in extension SECURITY
(II) Initializing built-in extension XINERAMA
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFIXES
(II) Initializing built-in extension XFree86-Bigfont
(II) Initializing built-in extension RENDER
(II) Initializing built-in extension RANDR
(II) Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE
(II) Initializing built-in extension DAMAGE
(II) Initializing built-in extension XEVIE
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 8, (OK)
drmOpenByBusid: Searching for BusID PCI:1:0:0
drmOpenDevice: node name is /dev/dri/card0
drmOpenDevice: open result is 8, (OK)
drmOpenByBusid: drmOpenMinor returns 8
drmOpenByBusid: drmGetBusid reports PCI:1:0:0
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x23
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x24
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x25
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x26
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x27
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x28
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x29
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2a
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2b
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2c
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2d
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2e
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x2f
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x30
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x31
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x32
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x33
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x34
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x35
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x36
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x37
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x38
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x39
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x3a
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x3b
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x3c
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x3d
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x3e
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x3f
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x40
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x41
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x42
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x43
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x44
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x45
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x46
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x47
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x48
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x49
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4a
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4b
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4c
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4d
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4e
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x4f
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x50
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x51
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x52
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x53
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x54
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x55
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x56
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x57
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x58
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x59
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5a
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5b
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5c
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5d
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5e
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x5f
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x60
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x61
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x62
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x63
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x64
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x65
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x66
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x67
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x68
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x69
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6a
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6b
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6c
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6d
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6e
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6f
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x70
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x71
(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x72
(II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/
(II) GLX: Initialized DRI GL provider for screen 0
(**) Option "CoreKeyboard"
(**) Dell Keyboard: always reports core events
(**) Option "Protocol" "standard"
(**) Dell Keyboard: Protocol: standard
(**) Option "AutoRepeat" "400 40"
(**) Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
(**) Dell Keyboard: XkbRules: "xorg"
(**) Option "XkbModel" "dell101"
(**) Dell Keyboard: XkbModel: "dell101"
(**) Option "XkbLayout" "us"
(**) Dell Keyboard: XkbLayout: "us"
(**) Option "CustomKeycodes" "off"
(**) Dell Keyboard: CustomKeycodes disabled
(**) Option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
(**) Logitech MX518: Device: "/dev/input/mice"
(**) Logitech MX518: Protocol: "ExplorerPS/2"
(**) Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
(**) Option "CorePointer"
(**) Logitech MX518: always reports core events
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
(**) Option "Buttons" "5"
(==) Logitech MX518: Emulate3Buttons, Emulate3Timeout: 50
(**) Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
(**) Logitech MX518: ZAxisMapping: buttons 4 and 5
(**) Option "ButtonMapping" "1 2 3 6 7"
(**) Logitech MX518: Buttons: 11
(**) Logitech MX518: Sensitivity: 1
(II) Synaptics touchpad driver version 0.14.6 (1406)
(--) Synaptics Touchpad auto-dev sets device to /dev/input/event11
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event11"
(**) Option "SHMConfig" "true"
(**) Option "LeftEdge" "1700"
(**) Option "RightEdge" "5300"
(**) Option "TopEdge" "1700"
(**) Option "BottomEdge" "4200"
(**) Option "VertScrollDelta" "100"
(**) Option "FingerLow" "25"
(**) Option "FingerHigh" "30"
(**) Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
(**) Option "MaxTapMove" "220"
(**) Option "VertTwoFingerScroll" "True"
(**) Option "HorizTwoFingerScroll" "True"
(--) Synaptics Touchpad touchpad found
(**) Option "SendCoreEvents"
(**) Synaptics Touchpad: always reports core events
(II) evaluating device (Synaptics Touchpad)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Synaptics Touchpad" (type: MOUSE)
(II) evaluating device (Logitech MX518)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Logitech MX518" (type: MOUSE)
(II) evaluating device (Dell Keyboard)
(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "Dell Keyboard" (type: KEYBOARD)
(--) Synaptics Touchpad auto-dev sets device to /dev/input/event11
(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/event11"
(--) Synaptics Touchpad touchpad found
(II) Logitech MX518: ps2EnableDataReporting: succeeded
SetClientVersion: 0 9
(II) 3rd Button detected: disabling emulate3Button
Last edited by thayer (2008-03-21 18:38:05)
thayer williams ~
Show your xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log
Im using openbox and fglrx too, your commands shwo the desired effects properly (shadows, transparency).
Last edited by Hohoho (2008-03-21 18:18:48)
Show your xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log
Updated original post... also, would you mind sharing your .xinitrc and/or configs? I'm experiencing strange behavior with xcompmgr and my startup utilities depending on their order and sleep times--some of this I'm used to with Openbox, but its acting up more so than usual...which I'll follow up in a different thread.
thayer williams ~
Can't help with xinitrc, im using openbox-gnome-session.
At first glance xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log look ok, nothing suspicious.
Are you using latest stable, no testing/unstable ?
No worries... The logs are always the first place I look and I didn't see anything unusual there either (except I should really clean up my font paths.)
Nothing installed from testing/unstable. Actually just about everything is vanilla. I've even tried removing my .Xdefaults, disabling all the extra settings in xorg.conf, etc, etc, but nothing seems to do the trick.
thayer williams ~
Im out of ideas, are the shadows rendered for xterm? And perhaps the shadow isnt rendered just for the terminal the command was typed in?
Yeah, I'm fresh out of ideas as well... xterm renders fine (with shadows) and it doesn't matter how many urxvt terms I open, none have shadows.
I'm going to move on to a couple of other issues I'm having... thanks for your help though.
thayer williams ~
I'm having the same problem too with the exactly same behavior and same config...
What videocard do you have?
thayer's X1400 has the problem, my 9800 Pro doesnt.
Perhaps it has something to do with newer cards having not all bugs sorted out in fglrx?
The most problematic card: XPRESS 200M ....
But I too think that is something in fglrx, my card is not new but have a lot of bugs...
I have the same problem.
I just swithed to openbox from fluxbox.
I have mobility Radeon X300 graphics card.
I have the same problem.
I just swithed to openbox from fluxbox.
I have mobility Radeon X300 graphics card.
Stoffi, you had shadows in fluxbox?
no, I didn't get proper transparency in urxvt in fluxbox either.
part of my change to openbox was a hope for getting this to work.
luckily, now, the shaddows work on every other window than urxvt, and I can live with that,
allthough I don't want to.
Using nvidia here. No shadows for urxvt using xcompmgr as well.
I didnt really care so far.
Well, I'm sort of glad to know I'm not the only one. So, that rules out fglrx as the culprit. I wonder if urxvt is to the blame. I'll check out some older versions later and see if they work.
thayer williams ~
No the culprit is not urxvt, I think. I tried today 'terminal' from xfce4 and it too don't have shadows...
Someone can reproduce this with any other terminal?
Uhh, one more question of the people having or not the problem what is set the color depth of X, I think that fglrx only support >16 but I can't make it work with 32 (using 24) someone can run at 32 and see with you get or not shadows?
Ok, I think I found the culprit: ARGB visual (or RGBA visuals...) if a program use it shadows don't work. Try emesene it have a config to use or not rgba visuals, If you set it (in .config/emesene*/*****) you don't get shadows if don't set you get shadows.
I think this explain the dual transparency/shadow... When I gonna investigate it more but now I have a homework of QFT to do...
Last edited by kazuo (2008-03-22 20:48:30)
Having the same issue, rxvt and terminal both have no drop shadow?
Nvidia card here
Certified Android Junkie
Arch 64
Kazuo's right: Xcompmgr's shadowing fails on 32-bit windows. I noticed it ages ago on vte-based terminals (except Sakura, which didn't do real transparency... until the latest release), and couldn't figure it out either until I noticed it also occurs when using the GTK ARGB module.
I think it may actually be deliberate, since XCompmgr places a "real" shadow behind the window, rather than simply "fringing" the edges like Metacity and Compiz. There may be technical reasons why this isn't implemented for windows with transparency. I haven't looked into it in detail, but I do have a vague recollection of reading something along those lines. But transset-df works, so...
0 Ok, 0:1