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I'm trying to upgrade frostwire from the repo and downloaded the tar.gz from the frostwire site.
Being a bit new I dunno if there is anything I can do to compensate for missing metadata.
I googled metadata and have an inkling of an understanding of what it is, but no understanding of what, if anything I can do to compensate for it.
I've redownloaded the package twice to insure it wasn't a bad download and also searched the frostwire forums for similar complaints.
Suggestions would be appreciated.
[root@Arch bob]# pacman -U /home/bob/Desktop/frostwire-4.13.5.noarch.tar.gz
loading package data...
error: missing package metadata in /home/bob/Desktop/frostwire-4.13.5.noarch.tar.gz
error: '/home/bob/Desktop/frostwire-4.13.5.noarch.tar.gz': invalid or corrupted package
Archlinux packages handled by pacman doent get downloaded from application sites. Read the wiki documentation on the subject
Last edited by dolby (2008-03-25 13:32:24)
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
I did read the Wiki.....
pacman -U /home/bob/Desktop/frostwire-4.13.5.noarch.tar.gz
otherwise I wouldn't have thought to try -U.
The Wiki is better than a lot of others I've seen, but still leaves a bit to be desired, therefore, rtfm doesn't help my problem.
And before the comment is made I should contribute to it, I would if I knew what i was doing.
In any event, I've figured out a work around to fix things until the update is in the repo's and I gain more experience.
Last edited by windtalker (2008-03-25 16:08:38)
I believe this is the wiki you need to see: … ild_System
What you've downloaded is just a tarball of a package that needs to be compiled on its own or you need to make an arch package out of it.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
A quick tip, if you're using -U, check to make sure what you have is an arch package. You downloaded the source packaging, suitable for any distro of linux. You can install it by source (Unrecommended) or you can create a PKGBUILD and use pacman to install it.
As BGC1954 said, read up on ABS.
Also, what's wrong with the package in the Repository? I installed frostwire from the repo without a problem.
4.13.1 is in [Unstable] and the one on the website is only 4.13.5...which is probably minor bug fixes anyway.
[aaron@MyRoom ~]$ sudo pacman -Ss frostwire
an absolutely free Gnutella P2P application, with added bittorrent support
Last edited by Aaron (2008-03-25 16:24:41)
Aaron wrote:
Also, what's wrong with the package in the Repository? I installed frostwire from the repo without a problem.
4.13.1 is in [Unstable] and the one on the website is only 4.13.5...which is probably minor bug fixes anyway.
I also have used frostwire from the unstable repo--just uncomment the unstable lines in /etc/pacman.conf. The only problem I have is that after a few minutes a window pops up stating that there is a newer version available which I just close but it is rather annoying. It works fine though.
Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils ... - Louis Hector Berlioz
BGC,,,, I tied ABS last week and didn't get past chown root:abs /var/abs/local.
Kept getting the error /var/abs/local didn't exist.
I liked Arch well enough though to make it my primary and reinstalled it on hd1 and 2,, so I havn't tried it again.
What.s wrong with Frostwire the one from the repo is out of date.
In the past when I get an out of date error, it's not long after that the package stops functioning.
I'd also like to learn to do this stuff without depending entirely on the repo's, which was my main point in moving to Arch as my primary, while dual booting with another that is always there for back up.
Aaron, what Frostwire has are two rpm's for other distro's, red hat and I think the 'buntu's and the tarball.
The tarbal won't install from source as it isn't a source file.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local gives an error, I don't recall what it said, something about the file was the wrong type of file for installing in that manner,,, which I already figured but tried anyway.
I f4'd inside the folder so i know the terminal was in the folder.
Also, if installing from source with the --prefix=/usr/local, you're fairly safe.
There are no typical source files or help docs either for a clue as to what to do.
What the entire folder looks like is a file that has already been installed to /usr/local.
There are a couple of .sh files, but can't install with sh either.
The .sh files though are executables and will start the newest frostwire version.
I worked around the mess by uninstalling the older frostwire, leaving the depends installed, placing the newer folder version in home and linking to the executable through the kmenu.
It's a minor hack, but it works.
What's sad is I asked for help in the Frostwire forum and was ignored for two days, so I just deleted the post.
Last edited by windtalker (2008-03-25 17:46:46)
Pages: 1