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First off, I've fallen in love with Arch.
I want it to bear my offspring.:D
This is the third time I've installed it over the past two weeks. [ Don't ask, just think someone was trying to install Gentoo and has had no success over 14 tries.]
I've used kdemod for all three installs;
This time however I have an annoying pop up in the upper left hand corner every time I open or close anything.
When I try and turn it off in the control center, it turns the sound off as well no matter what I try.
Anyone else have this problem and was able to solve it?
I'm going to sneak another question in:
Where would I go to make a suggestion for the Beginners Guide on installing Arch?
There are some things out of order on it and unless someone is willing to experiment or show patience, they'll have problems getting Arch installed.
What is out of order in the Beginner's Guide?
For dhcp I had to do this:
eth0="eth0 netmask broadcast"
#gateway="default gw"
The guide has eth0=eth0 commented for dhcp and when I left it commented, I couldn't connect.
lo has to be commented as well as removed from INTERFACES as it appears on the installation but not in the guide.
At the stage for downloading python for ranking the mirrors, I dunno why, but for the 3 installs I've done, pacman would not find python until I Syu'd again.
At the section:
su yourusername
$ vim ~/.xinitrc
and add:
exec xterm
There is nothing in ~/.xinitrc to add exec xterm to unless you:
cp /etc/skel/.xinitrc ~/
first. Then there is text in ~/xinitrc to add exec xterm to.
Other problems are of my own doing and had zero to do with the Guide.
I have to give a thumbs up on this guide, it's probably the best one I've seen yet.
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