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I've been on Archlinux for 2 days, and I have a strange problem with gnome-terminal and xterm. When I write a too long command on a line, the text continues from the beginning of this line erasing the text, instead of going to a new line. Do you have any idea of how to fix that?
Thanks a lot!
Last edited by crotte (2008-04-13 21:59:34)
By the way... I have that problem, too. (Arch64 and Bash)
Last edited by Misery (2008-04-13 19:14:51)
By the way... I have that problem, too. (Arch64 and Bash)
Arch i686 and bash for me.
Check stuff like TERM variable, /etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile and such... This is more likely to be configuration issue than something wrong with bash and/or xterm (works fine here).
It was my fault. I tried to change colors in .bashrc files, and I made mistakes. With a simple:
PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
everything is ok. Thanks again.
Well.... but I can't find an error in my color. It works on other machines if I remember correctly:
PS1='\[\033[1;32m\]\u\[\033[0m\]@\[\033[1;33m\]\h\[\033[0m\]:\[\033[1;31m\]\w\[\033[0m\]\$ \[\033[0m\]'
@Misery: so you did try it with crotte's basic PS1 above, and the problem is still present?
EDIT: I tried your PS1 and everything works as it should. Maybe check some other environment variables?
Last edited by bender02 (2008-04-14 00:09:48)
I don't have any other big variables in my bash settings. It must be PS1 ... the problem is that I can't reproduce it everytime. Seems to be a strange error.
I removed the colored ":" in my PS1 and I will test it some days now. ;-)
Seems to be in a fresh install, too. I didn't change any setting of bash and no PS1.
I still can't reproduce it... I hate those errors. :-(
Fixed by using zsh now.
Last edited by Misery (2008-05-16 08:48:44)