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Just wonder about subject. It may be worth to keep Readme file in the same directory.
I'm also interesting, why new images appear so bigger, then previous?
The .img file is an image to be used with a USB stick or similar mediums. The iso is a CD image.
Ok... How do I use the img file?
Thanks for the info. I was wondering about the same thing.
Anyway, I cannot get dd to work. If I do 'if=/pathtoimage/arch-ftp-install-2008.04-rc-x86_64.img of=/dev/sdb1' I got a 'permission denied'. If I do it with sudo, I can go on with the operation, yet upon boot I am left with a 'grub _' and a forever blinking cursor. I wish to check the flash disk to see if anything has gone wrong, but I could not mount it under linux, and the only thing I can do is to format it under Windows.
That's a /dev/sdb not a /dev/sdb1. I had the same problem and couldn't risk to destroy all my data, so I had to use the cd image instead.
Thanks! Works perfectly this time.