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#1 2008-04-21 18:45:06

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 63

Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

I'm using Awesome (from the awesome-git) package)
Also have amazing-git installed.

Current .awesomerc

# awesome-git 
# config by Blu3ness 10/04/2008
# Thanks go to Gigamo for his sample config.
# man awesomerc

screen 0
        border = 1
        snap = 8
        resize_hints = false
        new_get_focus = true
        new_become_master = false
        floating_placement = smart
    titlebar {
      position = "top" 
        text_align = "right" 
        styles { normal { shadow = "#e3e3e3" shadow_offset = "1" bg = '#262729' fg = '#262729' } focus { shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" bg = '#262729' fg = '#ffffff' } }
        height = "11" 


      normal { font = "Segoe 7" fg = "#000000" bg = "#D0DAEB" border = "#242527" shadow = "#cccccc" shadow_offset = "1" }
      focus { fg = "#ffffff" bg = "#242527" border = "#242527" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
      urgent {fg = "#ffffff" bg = "#3562BC" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1"}

        tag 1:web { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.70 }
        tag 2:music { layout = "float" }
        tag 3:tv { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.70 nmaster = 1 }
        tag 4:edit { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.85 nmaster = 1 }
        tag 5:terminal { layout = "tile"  nmaster = 2}
        tag 6:files { layout = "tile" }
        tag 7:float { layout = "floating" }

        layout tile { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tileleftb.png" }
        #layout tileleft { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tileleftb.png" }
        layout tilebottom { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tilebottomb.png" }
        #layout tiletop { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tiletopb.png" }
        layout max { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tabb.png" }
        #layout spiral { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/spiralb.png" }
        #layout dwindle { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/dwindle.png" }
        layout floating { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/floatingb.png" }

    statusbar top
        position = "top"
        height = "14"
        taglist tl
            mouse { button = "1" command = "tag_view" }
            mouse { button = "1" modkey = {"Mod4"}  command = "client_tag" }
            mouse { button = "3" command = "tag_toggleview" }
            mouse { button = "3" modkey = {"Mod4"} command = "client_toggletag" }
            mouse { button = "5" command = "tag_viewnext" }
            mouse { button = "4" command = "tag_viewprev" }


    statusbar bottom
      position = "bottom"
      height = "14"

      tasklist taskbottom
        show_icons = true
        show = tags
        text_align = center
        mouse { button = "2" command = "client_kill" }
        mouse { button = "4" command = "client_focusnext" } 
        mouse { button = "5" command = "client_focusprev" } 
        mouse { modkey = {"Mod1"} button = "4" command = "client_swapnext" } 
        mouse { modkey = {"Mod1"} button = "5" command = "client_swapprev" } 
      textbox sep01 {text = "                                  " align="right"}


        rule { name = "Gimp" tags = "4:edit" }
        rule { name = "emesene" tags = "1:web" titlebar { position = off }}
        rule { name = "Pidgin" tags = "1:web" float = "false" }
        rule { name = "Abiword" tags = "7:float"}
        rule { name = "Deluge" tags = "7:float" }
        rule { name = "Mirage" float = "true" }
        rule { name = "xfrun4" float = "true" }
        rule { name = "VLC" tags = "3:tv" titlebar { position = off } float = "true" }
        rule { name = "gvim" tags = "4:edit" float = "false" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "Firefox" tags = "1:web" titlebar { position = off } master = "true"}
        rule { name = "Minefield" tags = "1:web" titlebar { position = off } master = "true"}
        rule { name = "trayer" titlebar { position = off }}
        rule { name = "urxvt" tags = "5:terminal" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "rxvt" tags = "5:terminal" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "gedit" tags = "4:edit" }
        rule { name = "Nexuiz" titlebar { position = off } }

            button = "5"
            command = "tag_viewnext"
            button = "4"
            command = "tag_viewprev"
            modkey = {"Mod1"}
            button = "1"
            command = "client_movemouse"
            modkey = {"Mod1"}
            button = "2"
            command = "client_zoom"
            modkey = {"Mod1"}
            button = "3"
            command = "client_resizemouse"
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "b"     command = "statusbar_toggle" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "j" command = "client_focusnext" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "k" command = "client_focusprev" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "Tab" command = "focus_history" arg = "-1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "h"     command = "tag_setmwfact" arg = "-0.05" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "l" command = "tag_setmwfact" arg = "+0.05" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} key = "h" command = "tag_setnmaster" arg = "+1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} key = "l" command = "tag_setnmaster" arg = "-1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "h" command = "tag_setncol" arg = "+1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "l" command = "tag_setncol" arg = "-1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "Escape" command = "tag_prev_selected" } 
    key { modkey = {"Control"} key = "Left" command = "tag_viewprev" } 
    key { modkey = {"Control"} key = "Right" command = "tag_viewnext" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "m" command = "client_togglemax" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "Return" command = "client_zoom" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "space" command = "client_togglefloating" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "s" command = "client_togglescratch" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"} key = "s" command = "client_setscratch" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "F4" command = "client_kill" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "w" command = "quit" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "r"    command = "exec" arg = "awesome" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "0"     command = "tag_view" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "f" command = "spawn" arg = "exec firefox3" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "t" command = "spawn" arg = "exec thunar" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "F2" command = "spawn" arg = "exec gmrun" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "v" command = "spawn" arg = "exec vlc" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "e" command = "spawn" arg = "exec emesene" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "v" command = "spawn" arg = "exec gvim" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "z" command = "spawn" arg = "exec urxvt" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "n" command = "spawn" arg = "exec /multimedia/Apps/Nexuiz24/" }
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1"} command = "tag_view" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "0" command = "tag_toggleview" } 
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} command = "tag_toggleview" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} key = "0" command = "client_tag" } 
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} command = "client_tag" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift", "Control"} key = "0" command = "client_toggletag" } 
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift", "Control"} command = "client_toggletag" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 

# vim: filetype=conf

What ever I try never seems to work.
I'd like a status bar that shows my CPU usage, CPU speed, Memory Usage, Net speed (down), CPU Temp, GPU Temp & Time.
Can anyone help me get my statusbar sorted out?


#2 2008-04-21 20:46:52

From: Mountain View, CA
Registered: 2007-10-17
Posts: 182

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

'amazing' currently have two branches, 'origin' and 'config'
Here is my understanding:
1. If you use awesome-git (i.e =awesome 2.3), you'd better use amazing 'config' branch;
2. amazing-git AUR only provides 'origin' branch which is only for awesome 2.2 ( you can install awesome 2.2 from Community reop)

I only had trouble to get amazing-git working with awesome-git, so I uninstalled it and directly cloned the git tree.
and follow the "beyond awesome 2.2" directions
Now, it seems to work.

Just my theory, amazing-git AUR may work for awesome 2.3 as well. You'd better double check with the author.


#3 2008-04-22 07:44:35

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 63

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

Thanks for your help, what commands would I use to install amazing once I've download the files through git? what install directory?


#4 2008-04-22 08:53:37

Registered: 2008-04-09
Posts: 11

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

Hi, I'm the author of amazing.

The command to get the config branch is now included in the amazing-git PKGBUILD on AUR, but commented out so you need to uncomment it manually. You should check PKGBUILDs from AUR before install anyway smile and most tools like yaourt allows you to edit them pre-build.

By the way, origin is a remote and not a branch. The main branch is called "master". The master branch works with awesome-git but is not built for it and the configuration needs some "hacks" if you wish, to work with awesome-git and the awesome 2.3 release candidates, as it introduces some changes to its socket protocol. Version 10 of the wiki article linked above explains how this is done, but i really recommend the config branch for these versions of awesome.

Good luck!


#5 2008-04-22 16:11:58

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 63

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help


 # Contributor: Dag Odenhall <>
pkgdesc="An amazing widget manager for an awesome window manager"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('custom:Academic Free License v. 3.0')
optdepends=("mpd: for use with MPD widget"
            "moc: for use with MOC widget"
            "raggle: for use with Raggle widget"
            "alsa-utils: for use with ALSA widget")


build() {
  cd $startdir/src
  msg "Connecting to GIT server...."

  if [ -d $startdir/src/$_gitname ] ; then
    cd $_gitname && git-pull origin
    msg "The local files are updated."
    git clone $_gitroot

  #git-checkout -b config origin/config

  msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
  msg "Starting make..."

  rm -r $startdir/src/$_gitname-build
  cp -r $startdir/src/$_gitname $startdir/src/$_gitname-build
  cd $startdir/src/$_gitname-build

  ruby setup.rb config
  ruby setup.rb install --prefix=$startdir/pkg

  install -m644 -D LICENSE $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE

How do I edit this pkgbuild to install the newer version of amazing?
Not sure if the simple comment out 'git-checkout....' would work.


#6 2008-04-22 17:07:34

Registered: 2008-01-19
Posts: 394

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

cawill wrote:


 # Contributor: Dag Odenhall <>
pkgdesc="An amazing widget manager for an awesome window manager"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
license=('custom:Academic Free License v. 3.0')
optdepends=("mpd: for use with MPD widget"
            "moc: for use with MOC widget"
            "raggle: for use with Raggle widget"
            "alsa-utils: for use with ALSA widget")


build() {
  cd $startdir/src
  msg "Connecting to GIT server...."

  if [ -d $startdir/src/$_gitname ] ; then
    cd $_gitname && git-pull origin
    msg "The local files are updated."
    git clone $_gitroot

  #git-checkout -b config origin/config

  msg "GIT checkout done or server timeout"
  msg "Starting make..."

  rm -r $startdir/src/$_gitname-build
  cp -r $startdir/src/$_gitname $startdir/src/$_gitname-build
  cd $startdir/src/$_gitname-build

  ruby setup.rb config
  ruby setup.rb install --prefix=$startdir/pkg

  install -m644 -D LICENSE $startdir/pkg/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE

How do I edit this pkgbuild to install the newer version of amazing?
Not sure if the simple comment out 'git-checkout....' would work.

That is exactly what you have to do - uncomment the git-checkout line tongue


#7 2008-04-22 17:38:08

Registered: 2008-04-09
Posts: 11

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

Oops, that won't work if you don't already have a $srcdir. Temporary fix: run makepkg twice. I'll fix it now.

Update: Fixed, now if you want the config branch, edit _gitbranch. If you want to go back to the master branch, make sure to delete src/ first.

Last edited by donri (2008-04-22 18:50:46)


#8 2008-04-25 16:19:01

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 63

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

Thanks for all of your help, I now have amazing working.

Last edited by cawill (2008-04-25 16:19:16)


#9 2008-04-25 19:13:17

From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2007-12-12
Posts: 63

Re: Awesome WM - Statusbar Help

Now that it works I'm finding it hard to get everything to work

Current Configs:

# awesome-git 
# config by Blu3ness 10/04/2008
# Thanks go to Gigamo for his sample config.
# man awesomerc

screen 0
        border = 1
        snap = 8
        resize_hints = false
        new_get_focus = true
        new_become_master = false
        floating_placement = smart
    titlebar {
      position = "top" 
        text_align = "right" 
        styles { normal { shadow = "#e3e3e3" shadow_offset = "1" bg = '#262729' fg = '#262729' } focus { shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" bg = '#262729' fg = '#ffffff' } }
        height = "11" 


      normal { font = "Segoe 7" fg = "#000000" bg = "#D0DAEB" border = "#242527" shadow = "#cccccc" shadow_offset = "1" }
      focus { fg = "#ffffff" bg = "#242527" border = "#242527" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
      urgent {fg = "#ffffff" bg = "#3562BC" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1"}

        tag 1:web { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.70 }
        tag 2:music { layout = "float" }
        tag 3:tv { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.70 nmaster = 1 }
        tag 4:edit { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.85 nmaster = 1 }
        tag 5:terminal { layout = "tile"  nmaster = 2}
        tag 6:files { layout = "tile" }
        tag 7:float { layout = "floating" }

        layout tile { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tileleftb.png" }
        #layout tileleft { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tileleftb.png" }
        layout tilebottom { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tilebottomb.png" }
        #layout tiletop { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tiletopb.png" }
        layout max { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/tabb.png" }
        #layout spiral { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/spiralb.png" }
        #layout dwindle { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/dwindle.png" }
        layout floating { image = "/home/chris/.awesome/layouts/floatingb.png" }

    statusbar top
        position = "top"
        height = "14"
        taglist tl
            mouse { button = "1" command = "tag_view" }
            mouse { button = "1" modkey = {"Mod4"}  command = "client_tag" }
            mouse { button = "3" command = "tag_toggleview" }
            mouse { button = "3" modkey = {"Mod4"} command = "client_toggletag" }
            mouse { button = "5" command = "tag_viewnext" }
            mouse { button = "4" command = "tag_viewprev" }
        layoutinfo li
            mouse { button = "1" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "+1" }
            mouse { button = "4" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "+1" }
            mouse { button = "3" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "-1" }
            mouse { button = "5" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "-1" }
        textbox cpu_usage
            align = "right"
            style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
            mouse { button = "1" command = "spawn" arg = "urxvtc -e htop" }
        textbox gmail 
            style { fg = "#ffffff" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
            mouse { button = "1" command = "spawn" arg = "amazing -u gmail/top/0" } 
            align = "right" 
    textbox clock
            align = "right"
            style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
    textbox tb_space10 
         align = "right"         
        text = "                           " 

        rule { name = "Gimp" tags = "4:edit" }
        rule { name = "emesene" tags = "1:web" titlebar { position = off }}
        rule { name = "Pidgin" tags = "1:web" float = "false" }
        rule { name = "Abiword" tags = "7:float"}
        rule { name = "Deluge" tags = "7:float" }
        rule { name = "Mirage" float = "true" }
        rule { name = "xfrun4" float = "true" }
        rule { name = "VLC" tags = "3:tv" titlebar { position = off } float = "true" }
        rule { name = "gvim" tags = "4:edit" float = "false" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "Firefox" tags = "1:web" titlebar { position = off } master = "true"}
        rule { name = "Minefield" tags = "1:web" titlebar { position = off } master = "true"}
        rule { name = "trayer" titlebar { position = off }}
        rule { name = "urxvt" tags = "5:terminal" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "rxvt" tags = "5:terminal" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "gedit" tags = "4:edit" }
        rule { name = "Nexuiz" titlebar { position = off } }
        rule { name = "Set" float = "true" }

            button = "5"
            command = "tag_viewnext"
            button = "4"
            command = "tag_viewprev"
            modkey = {"Mod1"}
            button = "1"
            command = "client_movemouse"
            modkey = {"Mod1"}
            button = "2"
            command = "client_zoom"
            modkey = {"Mod1"}
            button = "3"
            command = "client_resizemouse"
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "b"     command = "statusbar_toggle" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "j" command = "client_focusnext" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "k" command = "client_focusprev" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "Tab" command = "focus_history" arg = "-1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "h"     command = "tag_setmwfact" arg = "-0.05" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "l" command = "tag_setmwfact" arg = "+0.05" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} key = "h" command = "tag_setnmaster" arg = "+1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} key = "l" command = "tag_setnmaster" arg = "-1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "h" command = "tag_setncol" arg = "+1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "l" command = "tag_setncol" arg = "-1" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "Escape" command = "tag_prev_selected" } 
    key { modkey = {"Control"} key = "Left" command = "tag_viewprev" } 
    key { modkey = {"Control"} key = "Right" command = "tag_viewnext" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "m" command = "client_togglemax" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "Return" command = "client_zoom" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "space" command = "client_togglefloating" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "s" command = "client_togglescratch" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"} key = "s" command = "client_setscratch" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "F4" command = "client_kill" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "w" command = "quit" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "r"    command = "exec" arg = "awesome" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "0"     command = "tag_view" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "f" command = "spawn" arg = "exec firefox3" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "t" command = "spawn" arg = "exec thunar" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1"} key = "F2" command = "spawn" arg = "exec gmrun" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "v" command = "spawn" arg = "exec vlc" } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "e" command = "spawn" arg = "exec emesene" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "v" command = "spawn" arg = "exec gvim" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "z" command = "spawn" arg = "exec urxvt" }
    key { modkey = {"Mod4"} key = "n" command = "spawn" arg = "exec /multimedia/Apps/Nexuiz24/" }
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1"} command = "tag_view" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} key = "0" command = "tag_toggleview" } 
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"} command = "tag_toggleview" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} key = "0" command = "client_tag" } 
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift"} command = "client_tag" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 
    key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift", "Control"} key = "0" command = "client_toggletag" } 
    keylist { modkey = {"Mod1", "Shift", "Control"} command = "client_toggletag" keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } } 

# vim: filetype=conf

amazing config:

awesome {
  set :statusbar => "top"
  widget("gmail") {
    set :interval => 5.minutes
    set :username => "c.awill"
    set :password => "my password went here"
    property("text") {
      # Make the widget blink upon new mail!
      BLINK[@identifier] ||= []
      if @count > 0
        if BLINK[@identifier].empty?
          BLINK[@identifier] << IO.popen("#{ENV["HOME"]}/bin/blink.rb 1.0 0 top #@identifier fg #{COLOR[:urgent]} #{COLOR[:normal]}")
        BLINK[@identifier].each do |blinker|
      # The actual string that's displayed
      " #@count"
      #%{<span fgcolor="<%= COLOR[:normal] %>"> <%=h @count %></span>}
  widget("pacman") {
    set :interval => 1.hours
    property("text") { " #@count " }
    property("fg") {
      if @count > 0 : COLOR[:urgent]
      else COLOR[:normal]
  widget("clock") {
    set :interval => 1
    set :format => " %T %d.%m.%Y "
  widget("cpu_usage") {
    set :interval => 2
    property("text") { " #{@usage[1].to_i}%/#{@usage[2].to_i}% " }
    property("fg") {
      if @usage[0].to_i >= 50 : COLOR[:urgent]
      else "#ffffff"
  widget("cpu_freq") {
    set :module => :cpu_info
    set :interval => 3
    property ("text") {
      if @speed[0] >= 1000
        ghz = @speed[0] / 1000
        "@ %3.2fGHz " % ghz
        "@ #{@speed[0].to_i}MHz "
    property("fg") {
      if @speed[0] >= 1000 : COLOR[:urgent]
      else COLOR[:normal]

Right now only the CPU usage and the clock are displayed right now.
How could I get my CPU Temp displayed on the statusbar? (using amazing or not)
I can use this bash command to get it:

sensors | grep "CPU Temp" | cut -c15-18

Can anyone help?

Thanks again, Chris.


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