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I'm using vim, and I get these special characters:
it didn<92>t
there was<85>it
I can manually delete the characters one by one, but I would rather search and replace.
I figure that <92> stands for '
not sure what <85> stands for
:%s/<92>/'/gc should work (% is for all the file, g is for global and the c will make him ask confirmation for every replacement to do).
try ":help encoding-table".
Another possible culprit is your terminal emulator. Issue "cat /your/file" and see if the characters are displayed properly (but then again, it may be cat's fault, but I wouldn't expect that). Alternatively, try opening the file in gvim and see if the characters are displayed properly there. Make sure it uses a similar vimrc file!
Last edited by peets (2008-05-02 18:15:35)
Just to clarify, the <92> is a single character. It probably has to do with the encoding.
In "it didn<92>t ", the <92> character gets replace with a '.
Thank you for the recommendation of using gvim, I was able to select and do a search and replace.
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