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Hey all, I'm running off an Inspiron 1420 notebook, and recently it's begun making an odd noise that seems to be coming from the fan of the computer. I would attribute it to overheating, but after a night of being shut down, the noise started up not long after the computer booted. LibGL replaced my nvidia-utils, disallowing me from booting into a GUI because of an error parsing the Nvidia section of my xorg.conf file. Long story short, I didn't realize my wireless wouldn't auto-connect and I assumed it would even from the shell, so I attempted to simply redownload nvidia-utils. Didn't work, but I eventually figured it out, reinstalled, and just remade my xorg.conf file using nvidia-xconfig. Now the fan will emit what sounds like a fizzing noise (I thought I had spilled a drink the first time I heard it), which stops randomly it seems. I'm not worried about it as much as annoyed. I sprayed the fan with compressed air to see if it was something lodged in there, but to no avail. Any ideas?
Thanks for the help.
which fan? the CPU fan, graphics card fan or the box fan?
Software download isnt going to affect the fan.
More likely, if it is the GPU fan or CPU fan, then extra load could make the unit run faster and harder, thus generating more heat, thus increasing the speed of the fan. Your BIOS should have an option to disable fan throttling.
Thats all I can think it could be.
See, I'm not entirely sure it's the fan. I can just hear it more easily the closer I get to the fan, which leads me to believe it's somewhere around there. As in, not the HDD on the other side of the computer, though I suppose it could feasibly be it. I also think I could have described the noise a bit better. It seems to sound like the CPU when it's under strain, but...not the same, I can't quite explain it. The computer will heat up and spin the fan independently of this. If it is the CPU or GPU, then I don't see what's generating this extra load separate from the nvidia-utils, which I already had earlier.
rather difficult to diagnose if you are unable to provide specific source of the noise. open the system case and investigate.
Pages: 1