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Pages: 1
guess some of you experienced the same problem. You're taking a seat in the lecture room, putting the notebook on the folding table before you and then suddenly a student in the same row needs to go to the toilette, causing you to collapse the folding table and swing the notebook through the air.
Tough the harddisk did not get damaged till now I'd prefer typing in a simple command that suspends the hard disk for let's say half a minute.
Any chances to getting that work?
Thanks in advance,
I really don't think that powering down the hdd is necessary if you're halfway careful. If you're really desperate just power it off or suspend to disk. There is also hdparm -Y, but I don't think it'll last for 30 seconds (at least without lots of fiddling, "the Linux IDE driver will automatically handle issuing a reset if/when needed").
yep, hdparm -Y doesn't last long. The hard disk immediately starts after it has been sent to sleep. Shipdisk seems to be a dos application. Looking up "shipdisk linux" in the web did not give me any useful results.
Putting the notebook to suspend mode might be a bit slow.
Maybe I'm overcautious, though a solution salve my conscience.
Yes, shipdisk was a joke.
It might be easier as I thought. Have a look at [url=][/url]. It's in the extra repo.
Pages: 1