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Any way to like make a group so that i dont have to do sudo pacman option blah blah blah?
I don't see how you could do it. Pacman installs to root owned places such as /usr, a normal user doesn't have permission to write there.
So it's not that pacman can't run as a user (it can, searching for example), it's that only root has system wide write, which is needed for a package manager.
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O ok.. Wasnt sure if there was a file or script that could detect if the user is a regular user then if it is then it would add sudo to the beginning of the command or something along that lines...
if its just the typing, you could add something like
alias pacman='sudo pacman'
to your .bash_profile, but if you have some other reason to not want to run pacman as root, you might be out of luck.
Unless you ran it as group root, maybe, and changed all the permissions to group writable, but... big hassle
thanks.. Its nice to see developers help people.. Im used to cause i used slackware and well no help from the owner.
Pages: 1