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#1 2008-05-21 10:49:19

From: Dresden
Registered: 2007-08-28
Posts: 49

Can't make Brother DCP-115c printing[solved]

I am trying to set up my printer on Arch64.
What i have done so far:

  -installed package "brother-mfc210c" (which should support DCP-115C also)
  -on … 2.html#115 is said:
    "I'm using an AMD64 bit version of Linux. Can I use the Brother Linux printer drivers?

     Yes. Our drivers are created and optimized for 32 bit version of Linux,
     but those can be used for 64 bit Linux also. Some additional steps are required.

     For rpm users:
     1. After the driver installation, and if there is "/usr/lib64/filter/", copy the file which name starts with "brlpdwrapper" ( in the "/usr/lib/cups/filter/" ) to "/usr/lib64/cups/filter/".
     Or confirm there are symbolic links between "/usr/lib/" and "/usr/lib64/"."
     but this directory does not exist, there for i made a symbolic link from /usr/lib64 to /usr/lib

The printer is listed in cups web fronted but if printing a test page the printer say 'getting data' and stays there.

Edit: Problem solved by manually deleting the printer using the webfrontend and adding the printer by hand (this Problem was not x86_64 specific)

Last edited by kendosperling (2008-05-22 13:59:03)


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