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I had to do a PKGBUILD on Ubuntu hardy to get my Xonar soundcard to work and now I have to do it for Arch. I have to say that I am pretty new to this and that I had allot of help from people especially cesium at the 4Front Technologies forums. I ask there about doing this and well I was told that they cannot really help me much on the Arch OS but I have the PKGBUILD and the Patch I need but I have know real clue of what I am supposed to do this is a quote from cesium at the 4front tech forums
I think that could work (and possibly take less work. You may prefer compiling from source yourself).
The PKGBUILD is here: … e/PKGBUILD
You'll have to use the patched file instead of the source, and update the MD5sum but it's almost identical otherwise.I'm not sure how to tell Pacman to build via instructions, but I know it's possible.
how do I do this? do I do it the same as I did for Ubuntu I am guess not because the commands are different lol.