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How can I checkout a package's PKGBUILD directly from svn, vs using abs?
As an example I'm trying:
svn+ssh:// kernel26
But it's asking me for a username and password. Is it not possible to do this anonymously?
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
AFAIK it's not possible to anonymously access our svn repos
Even for read-only access???!!!???
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
yaourt -G $pkgname
You can use the git-version from yaourt. It can download that PKGBUILDs.
Looks like yaourt gets it from abs:
[guest@myfaun ~]$ yaourt -G kernel26
kernel26 was not found on abs
I'm just looking for read-only access to the arch SVN repos.
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
[guest@myfaun ~]$ yaourt -G kernel26
kernel26 was not found on abs
That's why I wrote "git version". :-)
git clone yaourt
cd yaourt/test
makepkg -i
Last edited by Misery (2008-05-24 18:56:50)
Thanks. Sorry. I miss understood.
Looks like the yaourt git version gets the package files from the viewvc front-end to SVN which seems a very strange way of interacting with an SVN repo.
But I'm really interested to know why read-only access to arch SVN repos is prohibited? I could understand if it's for limiting bandwidth usage to the arch linux servers. Any other reason?
FaunOS: Live USB/DVD Linux Distro:
I would also like to know why anonymous SVN access is not allowed. It seems a step backwards to me, with the old CVS repos I could download the two or three directories for the packages I build myself. Now it seems I have to download buildscripts for entire repositories for the sake of a fistful of packages.
There wasn't any discussion about not allowing anonymous SVN access, AFAIK. Probably, it was not setup yet. I'll submit a feature request on the dev's internal bug tracker.
Thanks, I was just about to submit a feature request to the public bug tracker, but I'll leave it for now.
My comment on the internal bug:
Well, I'm just worried about the additional load that full checkouts will cause on gerolde.
Thomas and I discussed this and decided it may be a better idea to just add an optional "trunk" section to ABS, so that the trunk PKGBUILDs can additionally be checked out.
Considering we only have one server that manages our repos, web site, forums, wiki, etc etc I really don't want to tax it with people checking out the ENTIRE svn repo for pretty much no reason. Right now you can get the PKGBUILDs from abs, which uses rsync and is FAR less taxing. The comment above would add some additional PKGBUILDs to that for users that want up-to-the-minute PKGBUILDs that may not be in the repos yet.
Can I ask why it's important to get at the svn repo as opposed to using ABS?
I can see your point, but I don't want to download 2 entire repositories for the sake of 2 packages. Surely updating 2 packages by SVN is cheaper than rsyncing core and extra?
When I manually rsync to the server the abs module isn't listed which threw me off till I looked at the abs source, so I can now manually rsync my 2 packages. The only thing missing now is the merging done by SVN/CVS that doesn't happen with rsync, but that is only a minor issue.
But for every user that pulls a handful of packages, there will be 2 or 3 users pulling the entire repo. That's the problem. As cactus said: people will begin using svn instead of abs and abs will become a second-class app.
Perhaps, was there a big problem when anon CVS was available?
I don't recall a big fuss on the forums when anon CVS was stopped suggesting that not many people were using CVS, I don' see why everyone will start using SVN instead of abs when they used abs even though anon CVS was available in the past.
Just for the record, I always used CVS to get kernel26 and nvidia, the new version of kernel26 is the first I haven't been able to get via CVS.
Is it possible to provide svn via http just like git? (I don't mean the apache web_dav module)
I think svnserve can do that. I dunno what kind of load it produces though.
Perhaps anonymous access can be trialled first to see whether it will cause a problem. I don't think the actual protocol used is an issue aslong as I can use the svn client on this end.
Has a final decision been made on this yet, or has it been swept under the rug?
Due to the lack of participation in this thread from non developers, I wouldn't be worried about overloading, more is it worth the effort to provide and maintain another service for so few users.