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I've used 'genkipseudo's PKGBUILD of Mplayer to enable CoreAVC support, but it seems I'm lacking some of the codecs I used to have when I used the normal install of Mplayer. I can no longer play quicktime files in firefox (only sound). For normal playback (not using firefox) WMV doesn't work and some avi's won't play either. I tried to install the win32codecs from aur, but that didn't fix the problem.
Can anyone see what codecs I'm missing by looking at the PKGBUILD? I'm still kinda noob so I don't understand compiling completely yet. This is the build I used:
# Mplayer-svn-coreavc
# mplayer-svn patched with support for coreavc
# Modified : me
# Original PKGBUILD by below-----
# Maintainer: Tom Killian <>
# Contributor: lucke <lucke at o2 dot pl>
pkgdesc="A movie player for linux"
depends=('libmad' 'libungif' 'cdparanoia' 'gtk2' 'sdl' 'xvidcore'
'lame' 'libtheora' 'faac' 'libxxf86dga' 'libxv' 'libgl'
'smbclient' 'aalib' 'lirc-utils' 'x264>=20071202-1'
makedepends=('subversion' 'pkgconfig' 'libcaca' 'unzip' 'live-media' 'libdts')
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
build() {
cd $startdir/src
svn co $_svntrunk $_svnmod --config-dir ./ -r $pkgver
cp -r $_svnmod $_svnmod-build
cd $_svnmod-build
unset CFLAGS
./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --with-extraincdir=/usr/lib/live-media \
--enable-gui --enable-runtime-cpudetection --enable-largefiles --enable-menu \
--enable-x11 --enable-gl --language=all \
--disable-libdv --disable-liblzo --disable-speex --disable-fribidi --disable-arts \
--disable-dvdnav --disable-openal --disable-musepack --disable-esd --disable-mga
[ "$CARCH" = "i686" ] && sed 's|-march=i486|-march=i686|g' -i config.mak
# Lines for coreavc-for-linux
cd $startdir/src
svn co $_coreavctrunk $_coremod
cp -r $_coremod $_coremod-copy
cd $_coremod-copy
make -C dshowserver
mkdir -p $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
cp dshowserver/dshowserver $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
cp loader/registercodec $startdir/pkg/usr/local/bin
cd $startdir/src/$_svnmod-build
patch -p0 < $startdir/src/$_coremod-copy/mplayer/dshowserver.patch
# End of lines for coreavc-for-linux
make || return 1
make DESTDIR=$startdir/pkg install || return 1
cp etc/{codecs.conf,input.conf,example.conf} $startdir/pkg/etc/mplayer
ln -s /usr/share/fonts/TTF/Vera.ttf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/subfont.ttf
rm -rf $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/font
mv $startdir/src/Blue $startdir/pkg/usr/share/mplayer/skins/default
rm -rf ../$_svnmod-build
What codecs do I need?
(And is a lack of the correct codecs my actual problem?)
Last edited by Perre (2008-05-27 20:58:05)
You need to set the codec directory: ./configure ..... --win32codecsdir=/usr/lib/codecs ......
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
You need to set the codec directory: ./configure ..... --win32codecsdir=/usr/lib/codecs ......
Ah, I'll try that when I get home from work.
Thanks for the answer.
Btw, that's a very "norwegian sounding" nick you've got.
You need to set the codec directory: ./configure ..... --win32codecsdir=/usr/lib/codecs ......
Is it possible to do that without having to reinstall?
Edit: Seems I need to add all the important codecs in the PKGBUILD like Mr. Elendig said with the win32codecs. How do I do this? *help*
Last edited by Perre (2008-05-27 18:27:38)
weird... i never had trouble playing other files with this package
Yes, it's strange. I've recompiled the package with the option Mr. Elendig suggested and I'll try to reinstall now. Hope it works...
Nope, didn't work. Get this message:
"Cannot find codec matching selected -vo and video format 0x44495658"
Edit: Nvm... I commented out some "tweaks" in my mplayer config file and now everything works as it's supposed to, even quicktime in firefox.
I guess my capabilities are somewhat lower than my eagerness to try new things out.
genkipseudo, thanks for all the help, both here and on mail. Your willingness to help out a noob really exemplifies the spirit of linux and open source.
Last edited by Perre (2008-05-27 20:08:51)
no prob. I've been helped so much by other people it's nice to give something back. glad everything worked out