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#1 2008-05-27 19:45:32

From: Niagara
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 11

2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

I'm having an issue where I cannot start to install from the 2008.04-RC disc. Instead of getting sent straight to the fancy grub menu, I get dumped at the grub prompt. It needs a kernel argument passed to it in order to start anything. I don't want to spend another 6 hours downloading a different ISO, so what command should I toss at the grub> screen?


The above is all that I see aside from the little blurb telling you what to do to see what all available commands are. I've never had to work with grub from a LiveCD/Installation CD before. So I'm sure that the commands I have dealt with in a limited capacity before are a bit different in this situation. Also, I have no clue as to where the kernel is held on the CD or how to direct grub to look for it there.

Last edited by zeifertstc (2008-05-29 05:34:42)

Shoot me --> . <--


#2 2008-05-27 21:07:58

Registered: 2008-05-13
Posts: 41

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

Looks to me that the cd was not burn correctly or you had a bad ISO image . you get many options at boot from the cd including space invaders.


#3 2008-05-27 21:17:45

From: Niagara
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 11

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

Installation was attempted using a CD that was successfully used to setup 2008.04-RC on my brother's computer. He let me use his disc and it had the same result at the one I downloaded fresh. I am quite positive that if I were to give this disc to my brother, he'll be able to load it up and install just fine.

My system is:

3.33 GHz Intel Celeron D Core 2 Duo
Sound Blaster Audigy 24-bit Surround Card
Netgear WG311v3 Wireless
ATI X1650 256MB Video
CD/DVD+/-RW Drive x2
160Gb HD (Windows)
20Gb HD (intended for Arch)
250Gb HD External (for stuff)

Need any more info, ask me and I'll provide it as soon as possible.

Shoot me --> . <--


#4 2008-05-27 21:54:49

From: Annapolis, MD USA
Registered: 2007-04-15
Posts: 1,233

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

devs don't always read every forum post.  you may consider filing a bug report or write to one of the mailing lists.  a bug report would probably be most suitable.  also search known bugs before posting one, just in case someone else has had the same issue.

archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |


#5 2008-05-28 04:23:00

From: Niagara
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 11

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

Can you get me the instructions on how to file a bug report with Arch Linux? I've been a user of Ubuntu for so long that I've forgotten everything procedural with Arch. I have a launchpad account for Ubuntu but I doubt it would work for Arch. LOL

I would have figured, though, that somebody in the community would have had this issue. It is rather surprising that I'd be the only one person in a few thousand that actually use Arch to experience this problem. Granted the number of people installing from the 2008.04-RC disc would be drastically smaller than the number of users out there, but still. I do find it hard to believe that nobody would bring it to somebody else's attention. This is supposed to be the community for Arch Linux, is it not?

Well, anyways, how do I go about filing that bug report?

Shoot me --> . <--


#6 2008-05-28 06:24:29

Registered: 2007-09-10
Posts: 238

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

What's a possible dev?


#7 2008-05-29 03:13:32

From: Florida, US
Registered: 2007-12-11
Posts: 794

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

zeifertstc wrote:

Can you get me the instructions on how to file a bug report with Arch Linux? … 05#p333505  and … Guidelines


#8 2008-05-29 05:23:55

From: Niagara
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 11

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

Thank you tigrmesh, I have been so busy with things lately that I probably would never have noticed that up there.

Thank you for giving me an answer and not flaming me for being rather ignorant of the top of this page. I really appreciate it. People like you are part of the reason I'm so adamant about getting Arch to work.

Shoot me --> . <--


#9 2008-05-29 05:33:55

From: Niagara
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 11

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

Okay, now the question differs greatly. This bug has nothing to do with anything presently installed. It has nothing to do with packages in any of the repositories. Nor does it have anything to do with the Arch User Repository and there is no way to check for which area this belongs. The product is not installed and there is no package to check the URL of/for/with. This affects the installer CD of 2008.04-RC and nothing installed.

The question becomes, does this pertain to upstream or Arch directly? I have already determined the severity of the bug but it doesn't do much good unless I know where to file the bug.

Does that make sense?

Shoot me --> . <--


#10 2008-05-29 05:55:52

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,510

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

File the bug in the "Arch Linux" section as it pertains to the Arch installer and thus there is no upstream.   There is an "Installation" category to select there.


#11 2008-05-29 06:39:00

From: Niagara
Registered: 2007-06-04
Posts: 11

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

Ok, I've gone there and tried to find the right information to enter but the version numbers are frozen at 2007.08-2 so I cannot select 2008.04-RC. Does this mean that they are not taking any more bug reports for this release or could it be because of something else?

This seems rather troublesome to report something of this nature. Everything else fits, but I don't want my post on the bugs list to be "bothersome" or considered as encumbering to the devs. I mean, it seems like I am the only person affected by this particular hang up (nobody else has mentioned it). Also, interestingly enough, my older discs of Arch fail to install at the "Select Packages" portion of the installation process. Any clue as to why that is?

The two older discs I have tried are:

x86_64 "Duke"
i686     "Don't Panic"

Both of them load fine in my tower (as long as I turn acpi=off) and even DHCP reports that the network is setup but it fails to "select packages" every single time. I used to have "Don't Panic" installed from this very disc, so I don't know what is up with it. I think I'll give it one more try (if, by chance, it fails again I can do as I did before and reinstall fluxbuntu [it's small and installs quickly plus it repairs the missing menu.lst which allows me to boot into windows]) If it wasn't for having Windows right now, I'd be up a creek. (Trust me, this is something I loathe saying)

Shoot me --> . <--


#12 2008-05-29 06:44:32

From: Brisbane, AU
Registered: 2007-06-09
Posts: 11,510

Re: 2008.04-RC Installation Prevented (Filing Bug But... to where?)

You don't need to pick everything from the drop down boxes.  Just make it clear in the bug report what version of the installer you are using. 

For a quick fix, you may want to use the 2008.03 isos available in the iso directory of any mirror. e.g.


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