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After a reinstall of Arch, Mutt now highlights incorrectly. Normally, there is a solid menu bar across the top and bottom, and also the currently selected message is highlighted. Now, the bar across the top and the bottom, as well as the highlighted message is not a solid bar. Wherever there is a space, the background coloring is lost. So the background is correct when there is text, but the background is lost where there is just empty space. It is still usable, but I find it quite annoying.
I couldn't find anything searching Google. Of course, it's sort of a hard problem to search for; not even sure I described it right.
Does anyone else have this problem, or have any idea what would cause it? I tried it from a fresh install. From my normal user (with a muttrc config file), and from a new user with no muttrc. I wonder if this was caused from some recent update (either to Mutt, or a dependency).
Thanks for any help.
Last edited by kstevens (2008-06-01 02:12:58)
That is strange, I wonder how I lot my color scheme. I used the same config file. But I guess it doesn't matter now.
Thank you very much for that. It looks much, much better now. It was driving me insane!
Sorry, somehow I must have accidentally deleted the post from the person that solved the problem! Below is the solution they had posted (add it to .muttrc):
# Colour
color normal white black
color attachment brightyellow black
color hdrdefault cyan black
color indicator black cyan
color markers brightred black
color quoted green black
color signature cyan black
color status brightgreen blue
color tilde blue black
color tree red black
color index red black ~D
color index magenta black ~T
# #color header brightgreen black ^From:
# #color header brightcyan black ^To:
# #color header brightcyan black ^Reply-To:
# #color header brightcyan black ^Cc:
# #color header brightblue black ^Subject:
color body brightred black [\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+
# # identifies email addresses
color body brightblue black (https?|ftp)://[\-\.,/%~_:?&=\#a-zA-Z0-9]+
# # identifies URLs
Last edited by kstevens (2008-06-01 02:15:46)
Heh, sorry, mate! *I* deleted it myself when I really wanted to edit it, instead (it was late, I had had some to drink and all... )
I mentioned that you must've had the old Debian colour scheme for Mutt, and that it had reverted back to the default scheme for Mutt (black and white).
Glad it worked for you
Last edited by Onyros (2008-06-01 12:59:06)
Oh, so you deleted it? See, I had just edited my original post (to put "solved" in the subject line), when yours disappeared. I therefore figured that it caused yours to be deleted. Thanks again.
Pages: 1