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Hi All.... Well.... I COULD figure this out... and I have been thru the wiki a fair bit...
I am DEFINITELY staying with ARCH.... very relieved I've found Arch actually having played with countless distro.. I actually DO know how fabulous the Arch Way is...
I'm real good at staying with on the learning curve though would love a little help here as today's nutty busy.
I did the full ISO install of all files... all 4 categories... that's all good.
Now I did NOT alter any config files I just installed GRUB figuring it would get me logged in with my new root password...
OK, I'm logged in as Root.... now what? I'd like some kind of GUI....
and even though my network is always found with Ubuntu...duh... I don't appear to be getting pacman to update etc...
DO I HAVE to alter config files???
I can bring up nano etc....
Sorry for the dumb post... I'm running around here like crazy yet still so arch'ed up! hehehehe
what DE/WM do you want? For example, if you want gnome, run:
pacman -S xorg gnome gnome-extra hwd gdm
also grab any video drivers you need for your graphics card.
then run 'hwd -xa' to generate your xorg.conf, add 'gdm' to your startup daemons in rc.conf, reboot, and all should be well.
[home page] -- [code / configs]
"Once you go Arch, you must remain there for life or else Allan will track you down and break you."
-- Bregol
More wiki ! You've been "thru THE wiki a fair bit...", which wiki? … cessary.29 <-- Beginners guide <-- search for network
Have fun
WOW...that is SO nice... yeah, when I'm not so crazy busy... like this evening I do what I'd like to do now and get SERIOUS! Serious fun!
um, basically I don't cre what happens on this first install though I have a lot of old command line experience I'm not all I wanna be at all yet with nix....
get back to you soon.... SO happy to be here... arch really does it for me after all my basic experience...
it's like I KNOW that this time/distro I'm gonna get there and be a decent linux user.
nano /etc/rc.conf
Comment out the line starting with 'eth0="'
Add the line
Reboot and you should have a working network connection.
Then you can
pacman -Ss pkgname
to find what official packages are available.
Openbox, PekWM, Fluxbox, KDE, GNOME, XFCE plus many others are already available for window managers and desktop environments.
NICE...! and yes, got the dhcp tip..
installing basic gnome now.... And REALLY REALLY happy to be here...
buntu just felt too easy and heavy.... though I'd be with it as it really is good though I like the arch lightness and well, you get it!!!!!