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When I build stuff from AUR, I like to use my directory /var/abs/local/builds because I have /var as a reiserfs partition.
Can I tell yaourt to use this directory somehow?
Last edited by pogeymanz (2008-06-18 21:03:54)
yaourt usually builds packages under /tmp, with the name of the folder containing the build depending upon which user you invoked yaourt as in the first place.
Hope this helps.
The water never asked for a channel, and the channel never asked for water.
Can I tell yaourt to use this directory somehow?
I am a gated community.
I checked out the man page on yaourtrc and I see the option for exporting the package, but does it export before or after it's built?
Or should I make the temp directory my build directory.
I just don't know what to do with yaourtrc!
-I also use reiserfs for /var for speed with pacman cuz I use jfs for my other partitions, except for my /boot.
If you don't do anything with yaourtrc, yaourt will do the building in "/tmp/yaourt-tmp-username/packagename", when its done installing the package it will remove the "packagename" build directory completely.
If you want to change that directory, edit the yaourtrc file.
eg: as root
remove the comment -->"#" at the beginning of the option's line and edit accordingly
# TmpDirectory /where/you/want
TmpDirectory /var/abs/local/builds
# ExportToLocalRepository /where/you/want
ExportToLocalRepository /var/abs/local/yaourtbuild
# PkgbuildEditor gvim
PkgbuildEditor nano
and save your changes and chown local "# chown -hRv pogeymanz: /var/abs/local"
Last edited by RabidWolf (2008-06-18 08:50:36)