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I need the 'strings' command, which displays alphanumeric strings in a given file. I am unable to find an arch package for it.
I've tried searching for it with
pacman -Ss strings
(not there).
I've searched the AUR packages for 'strings' … _Search=Go (not there).
I've also googled this to no avail.
Anyone know the answer? Thanks in advance.
You're looking for binutils.
I need the 'strings' command, which displays alphanumeric strings in a given file. I am unable to find an arch package for it.
I've tried searching for it with
pacman -Ss strings
(not there).
I've searched the AUR packages for 'strings' … _Search=Go (not there).
I've also googled this to no avail.Anyone know the answer? Thanks in advance.
It's part of binutils, which is in the core -- so you should have it.
You can always check this yourself:
pacman -Qo /usr/bin/strings
-- Thomas Adam
ThomasAdam: beat you by 1 second!?
which strings
which: no strings in (/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/opt/bin:/usr/bin/perlbin/site:/usr/bin/perlbin/vendor:/usr/bin/perlbin/core)
pacman -Ql binutils
error: package "binutils" not found
I quickly installed it with
pacman -Sy binutils
I installed this system a week ago, selecting all packages from core. Upon install, I updated with
pacman -Syu
Any idea why binutils was not installed?
By the way, thanks for the quick responses! I'm just curious why it wasn't loaded, and if anything else I may need is not loaded.
Thanks again.
I assume that you'll notice it if you need something you haven't got, if you don't, what would you need it for
And if you're worried, check whether the whole base group is installed (pacman -S base).
I assume that you'll notice it if you need something you haven't got, if you don't, what would you need it for
Good point. Thanks for the help.
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