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Hello I need some help in manipulating some data i have. I think the best way to do this is using awk. im not to familiar with python or other langauges.
example of some data i have
01 01 01 01
02 02 02 02
03 03 03 03
04 04 04 04
05 05 05
06 06 06
07 07 07
08 08 08 08 09
09 09 09 09 09
10 10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12
i need that data to look like the following
01 01 01 01 05 05 05 08 08 08 08 08
02 02 02 02 06 06 06 09 09 09 09 09
03 03 03 03 07 07 07 10 10 10 10 10
04 04 04 04 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12
In other words i need to append "sideways" not downwards. I found this post but im not 100% sure if that will work in my case. i can not get it to work. any ideas? is what im looking in doing called "transposition"?
heh. I started writing up a little perl script for you, because I like to do those things. I need to know some more stuff though:
1. do all columns in the same file have the same width (number of characters)?
2. do all columns across all files have the same width?
I have no idea how this could be done in awk. If you're willing to spend the effort to learn awk, you might as well learn perl:
You're going to have difficulty keeping the alignment with awk, try this perl program
$num_files = scalar @ARGV;
$filenum=0; $maxlines=0;
# read each file and count lines in each
foreach $file ( @ARGV ){
open F,$file;
$n=0; $maxlength[$filenum] =0;
while (<F>){
$maxlength[$filenum] = ($maxlength[$filenum] < length($_) ) ? length($_) : $maxlength[$filenum];
$maxlines = ( $n>$maxlines ) ? $n : $maxlines;
close F;
# write out lines sequentially, adding blank space when no more lines
for ( $line=1;$line<=$maxlines;$line++ ) {
for ( $i=1;$i<=$num_files;$i++) {
if ( defined($filedata[$i][$line]) ) { print "$filedata[$i][$line] " }
else { print " "x$maxlength[$i] }
print "\n";
This takes the filenames you supply it and outputs to stdout. e.g:
./ database_01.txt database_02.txt database_03.txt
01 01 01 01 05 05 05 08 08 08 08 09
02 02 02 02 06 06 06 09 09 09 09 09
03 03 03 03 07 07 07 10 10 10 10 10
04 04 04 04 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12
1. do all columns in the same file have the same width (number of characters)?
2. do all columns across all files have the same width?
question 1 ---> yes
question 2 ----> no
thanks for the help. i will take a look at learning some perl
EDIT: ghostHack: Just tried your script works very well!!!! thanks
Last edited by delacruz (2008-06-27 22:54:46)
Glad you liked it If you know what the output filename is you could extend it so that it prints the output directly to the file rather than stdout. Perl is a really useful langauge for stuff like this.
Heh, wanted to implement that in ruby.
well done ghostHack! Hooray for perl!
If you can get how many spaces you need from the file, e.g. with $(cat file1 | wc -L), and convert that into actual spaces (I can't figure out how to do that), you could do it like this. But you'll have to make it bigger for more files (will get complicated FAST) and there are probably unforeseen bugs. So just for fun.
--> paste -d'|' file1 file2 file3 | sed -e 's/^|/ |/;s/||/| |/g;s/|/ /g'
01 01 01 01 05 05 05 08 08 08 08 09
02 02 02 02 06 06 06 09 09 09 09 09
03 03 03 03 07 07 07 10 10 10 10 10
04 04 04 04 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12
Last edited by Procyon (2008-06-28 01:12:01)
im really new to perl and i am having a hard time understanding/reading ghostHack code.
$num_files = scalar @ARGV;
what does "scalar @ARGV" mean?
open F,$file;
what is this F and $file ?
while (<F>){
$maxlength[$filenum] = ($maxlength[$filenum] < length($_) ) ? length($_) : $maxlength[$filenum];
what does "?" mean what does ":" mean and what does "$_" mean.
I think understanding what is above I can understand the rest of the code. I have been looking at tutorials on perl but they are all mostly basic basic perl stuff.
My perl is rusty, but I'll give it a go.
scalar @ARGV returns a number of arguments passed on the command line.
F is a file descriptor, used to describe a file, $file holds a name of a file (taken from a command line).
"expression ? a : b" is a so called ternary operator (if expression is true then a, if not then b)
$_ is a "default variable", it's used when you pass some value without explicitly specyfing a named variable.
$file is set to each argument through the foreach loop. F is the filehandle. The ?: construction is sortof a shortcut for if/else. test ? do_this_if_true : do_this_if_false. $_ is the "default" variable. In this case, it contains the line read from the file, inside the while loop.
Last edited by Daenyth (2008-06-30 20:04:12)
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lucke ur perl isnt at all bad! i understood everything. thanks
EDIT: Daenyth thanks for info all makes sense now
Last edited by delacruz (2008-06-30 20:11:07)
else { print " "x$maxlength[$i] }
i understand everything expect this line. what does the line mean? I know it puts empty spaces but i do not understand why.
"x" repeats the string n times.
Last edited by lucke (2008-06-30 21:47:39)
Pages: 1