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After trying and failing to get suspend under acpi to work properly, I decided to get rid of the acpid daemon I installed and setup apm and apmd instead. I was able to disable acpi, enable apm, and install the apmd daemon. I also uninstalled acpid and removed it from the "DAEMON" section of the rc.conf file. However, when calling a reboot or a shut down, the system continues to notify me that it can't find acpid and shut it down.
It turns out the rc.shutdown script, inaddition to shutting down the daemons listed in the rc.conf, searches through /var/run/daemons/ and attempts to shut down any daemon listed there. For some reason, /var/run/daemons/acpid keeps on appearing (even after being deleted, it returns on reboot). Is there a way to prevent this?
There is a bug in one of the rc scripts. It's registering itself as acpi. I thought I'd submitted a bug report about it. Feel free to do so if I haven't.
I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal
I didn't see a mention of it in the bug tracker, so perhaps I will place a msg there. For now I guess I can add a line to the rc.local file to delete /var/run/daemons/acpid on startup.
Pages: 1