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#1 2008-07-07 11:50:20

Registered: 2007-08-24
Posts: 25

please scrutinize - flashcard bash script

Hello fellow Arch users.  Today I put the finishing touches on my first attempt at a real, practical program/bash-script for myself.  It seems to work perfectly fine, but I would still be obliged if you would share your wisdom, critique my code, or just plain copy it and use it for yourselves.  It is essentially a bare bones flashcard program, intended to help me review my Japanese vocabulary more efficiently, drawing from a hand made dictionary file.  Below is the script.


# flashcard program

# openning message
echo "This is Matt's flashcard program."
echo "It is copyright under the GNU/GPL."
echo "Press any key to continue."
echo -n ""
read NULL


# identify the number of words in the deck
WORDCOUNT=$(cat $DECK | wc -l)

# start of the loop
while true ; do

# view the word
    NUMBER=$[ ( $RANDOM % $WORDCOUNT )  + 1 ]
    LINE=$(cat $DECK | head -n $NUMBER | tail -n 1)
    WORD=$(echo $LINE | cut -f 1 -d " ")
    echo "word: $WORD"

# identify how well the word is known
    READING=$(echo $LINE | cut -f 2 -d " " | cut -f 1 -d " ")
    MEANING0=$(echo $LINE | cut -f 3 -d " ")

# identify the correct answer to the multiple choice question
    OPTION=$[ ( $RANDOM % 5 )  + 1 ]
# check if the word is known
    echo -n "enter reading: "
    read YOMIKATA
    for X in $(seq 1 5) ; do
        if [ $X == $OPTION ] ; then
            echo "$X) $MEANING0"
            NUMBERX=$[ ( $RANDOM % $WORDCOUNT )  + 1 ]
            LINEX=$(cat $DECK | head -n $NUMBERX | tail -n 1)
            MEANINGX=$(echo $LINEX | cut -f 3 -d " ")
            if [ -z "$MEANINGX" -o "$MEANINGX" == "$WORD" -o "$MEANINGX" == "$MEANING0" ] ; then
                MEANINGX="Line $NUMBER says - chicken butt!"
            echo "$X) $MEANINGX"
    echo -n "select reading: "
    read ANSWER
        if [ $ANSWER == $OPTION -a $YOMIKATA == $READING ] ; then
            echo "you got it right ... RIGHT ON!!!"
            echo -n $LINE
            read NULL
            echo "you got it wrong ... oh well"
            echo -n $LINE
            read NULL
            echo $LINE >> better_study.txt
            UNKNOWN=$(wc -l better_study.txt | cut -f 1 -d " ")
            if [ $UNKNOWN -gt 6 ] ; then
                mv better_study.txt better_study_$(date +%Y.%m.%d~%H.%M.%S).txt

# end of the loop

and here is a sample deck


寂しい さびしい Sad
円滑 えんかつ Smoothness
安楽死 あんらくし Mercy death by request of family
尊厳死 そんげんし Mercy death by request of patient
引き起こす ひきおこす To cause
仮に かりに Temporary
解 かい Solution
橙色 だいだいいろ Bitter orange
矢印 やじるし Arrow
縮める ちぢめる To shorten
座標 ざひょう Coordinates
摩擦 まさつ Friction
固定する こていする To fix
机 つくえ Desk
滑らかな なめらかな Smooth
任意 にんい Arbitrary
強制振動 きょうせいしんどう Forced vibration
強制 きょうせい Coercion
減衰 げんすい Damping
単振り子 たんふりこ Simple pendulum
振り子 ふりこ Pendulum
微分 びぶん Integration
代入 だいにゅう Substitution
振動数 しんどうすう Frequency
現象 げんしょう Phenomenon
発条 ばね Spring
比例する ひれいする To be proportional
振動する しんどうする To oscillate
単振動 たんしんどう Simple harmonic motion
基盤 きばん Foundation
明確 めいかく Clarification
対策 たいさく Counter-measure
演習 えんしゅう Practice
講義 こうぎ Lecture
計算 けいさん Calculation
定期 ていき Regular
参考 さんこう Reference
所属 しょぞく Member
担当 たんとう To be in charge
詳細 しょうさい Detailed
提出 ていしゅつ To hand in
適用 てきよう Applying
補聴器 ほちょうき Hearing aid
濃度 のうど Concentration
熱力学 ねつりきがく Thermodynamics
平衡 へいこう Equilibrium
記号 きごう Symbol
媒 ばい Mediator
塩橋 えんきょう Salt Bridge
媒質 ようしつ Intermedium

So that is what I have.  Any and all comments are much appreciated.


Last edited by kiloecho7 (2008-07-07 11:51:25)


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