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Debian GNU/Linux - the new "Number One" distribution
Ubuntu, formerly the most widely-used Linux distribution among the visitors of DistroWatch, has lost its number one position to no other than its parent - Debian GNU/Linux. is Debian GNU/Linux that is now the most frequently used Linux distribution to access this web site.
Last edited by meandean (2008-07-08 06:19:05)
Even a chicken can install Debian, when you put enough grain on the enter key.
Yeah, based on number of visits. All because Ubuntu does not use a custom user agent in the browser. Ubuntu is still #1 on the H.P.D. stats.
Yeah, based on number of visits. All because Ubuntu does not use a custom user agent in the browser. Ubuntu is still #1 on the H.P.D. stats.
OMG Arch isn't on the charts?
Arch is first, easy :
Unknown/Unspecified 54.2%
That's so obvious, I don't know why you asked toofishes...
Is that good or bad or what?
Pages: 1