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Pages: 1
Hey, i have recently shifted to Arch Linux, and now i'm playing around with Openbox, which I really like.
I have a problem installing the "" openbox theme from … tent=74000
The theme is a .tar.bz2 file and I have to make it a .obt file, how to do that? (this is the newbie corner, guys )
When I had to install some other Openbox themes I could just rename the file from .tar.gz to .obt and I could install the theme with Obconf.
Hope you have time to assist me in this matter, thank you
You don't need to make it into an .obt, you can just move it to ~/.themes, and then run 'tar -xjf' on it.
Thank you, SamC, that worked. Just what I needed, i will read on the tar commands.
Cheers, Fleet.
Pages: 1